Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by StevenLambion

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Packages published by StevenLambion

StevenLambion/SwiftDux v2.0.1
Predictable state management for SwiftUI applications.
⭐️ 153
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
# Fixes - The `View.onAppear(dispatch:)` method caused duplicate views. #54 - RunnableActions were incorrectly dispatched to the store's reducer.
3 years ago
# Deprecated - `MappedDispatch` should be replaced with `@Environment(.\actionDisaptcher)` to be consistent with Apple's usage. #50 - `MappedState` should be replaced with `ConnectableView` or `Connector`. #50 - `StateType` and `IdentifiableState` are deprecated in favor of having applications define their own protocol to adhere to. Instead of requiring an opinionated state type, the library uses conditional protocol adherences when necessary. #50 - `onAction(perform:)` view modifier is deprecated in favor of using middleware. #50 # Changes - macOS 11.0 is now required. #50 - Removed ActionType from the Store<_>'s didChange publisher. #48 - `Connector`'s internal publishing logic has been moved to `StateStorable`, so it may be reused elsewhere. #50 - All actions may now be chained instead of just ActionPlans. #51 - `RunnableAction` now returns an AnyPublisher<Action, Never> type instead of an `AnyCancellable`. #51 - `ActionPlan` now requires a publisher to return from async blocks instead of providing a completion closure. #52 - `Middleware` now return an optional `Action` instead of calling `next(_:)` on the `StoreProxy<_>`. #52 # Added - Added concrete `StorePublisher` in place of using AnyPublisher for store changes. #48 - Added `StateStorable` protocol so that there's a shared way to extend the Store<_> and StoreProxy<_> types. #50 - Added `StateStorable.publish(_:)` method as a single place to receive an updatable state object. #50 # Removed - StateBinder is removed. #48 - Removed `next(_:)` from `StoreProxy<_>`. #52 - Removed the completion closure from `ActionSubscriber`. #52 # Fixed - Fixed type inference with `onAppear(dispatch:)`. #50 - Fixed a circular dependency in the `StoreProxy<_>` given to middleware. #52 - Fixed a bug introduced with iOS 14 that may cause a crash related to the onReceive view modifier. #52
3 years ago
# Fixed - Fixed broken type inference in Swift 5.3. #47
3 years ago
# Changed - Replaced the requirement for StateType and IdentifiableState by using conditional, granular constraints where needed. #46 - NoopAnyStore is now a struct. #44 - Views can now use protocols that the AppState adheres to to retrieve specific parts of the app state. #44
3 years ago
# Added - `View.provideStore(_:as:)` To inject a store with a specific type of state. #42
3 years ago
# Changed - ActionBinder can now bind actions to callable functions. #40, #38 - Replaced the old internal state connection API with a faster and simpler implementation. #39 # Removed - Removed `Connectable` API in favor of ConnectableView due to incompatibilities with the new internal, reference-free implementation. #39
4 years ago
# Changed - Loosened the adherence to StateType at the Store level. #36 - Simplified ActionDispatcher API by moving the proxy functionality to OnActionViewModifier. #32 - Provided a more consistent Store API between reducers and middleware. #33 - `ActionDispatcher` can now be called as a function. #32 - `MappedDispatch` injects an ActionDispatcher instead of a function. #32 - Modified the implementation of action plans to make it easier to include 3rd party ones. #36 # Added - Added ActionBinding<> to replace the Equatable extension on Binding<>. #30 # Removed - onAppearAsync and onDisappearAsync. #36
4 years ago
# Added - `ConnectableView` as a convenient wrapper over `Connectable` #27
4 years ago
This marks the 1.0.0 release of the library. The API will be stabilized moving forward. # Fixed - `PersistStateMiddleware` would save the state when the `StoreAction<_>.reset` was dispatched. #24 - It no longer saves the state when the store is reset. - `Connectable.updateWhen` would stop a view from updating from its own dispatched actions. #24 - If the method is implemented, both it and any dispatched actions will cause an update. - `Connectable.updateWhen` would fail to work in some cases when the first call returned true. #24 - Returning true using any possible implementation will now work. # Changed - `State` is now required to be equatable. #26 - `Middleware` is now a protocol type. #25 - `StoreProxy.state` is now a non-optional type. #24 - `Store`, `ActionDispatcher`, and `StatePersistor` no longer adhere to `Subscriber`. #24 - `Store.didChange` is now an `AnyPublisher<Action, Never>`. #24 - `PersistStateMiddleware` now debounces for 1 second by default. #24 - `PrintActionMiddleware` now accepts a new filter block. #24 - `onAppearAsync` and `onDisappearAsync` are deprecated. #24 - These were need to workaround a bug in a pervious beta of iOS 13. #24 # Added - `ActionPlan` has a new init block that accepts an AnyCancellable to support `ActionSubsriber`, #24 - `ActionSubscriber` to dispatch actions from a publisher. #24 - `PersistSubscriber` to persist state from a publisher. #24 - `StoreProxy.done` for use in action plans to tell the proxy that it has completed. #24 - `TypedMiddleware` and `HandleActionMiddleware`. #25
4 years ago
# Fixed - Inconsistency with `onMove(_:_:)` method of `OrderedState<_>` #21 # Added - StateBinder API to create 2-way bindings between a state value and an action. #22
iOS macOS watchOS
StevenLambion/GraphQLRouteCollection v0.0.1
A GraphQL based RouteCollection for Vapor
⭐️ 18
🕓 4 years ago
linux macOS iOS
StevenLambion/SwiftDuxNavigation v2.0.0-beta1
SwiftDux based application routing.
⭐️ 13
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Initial Release
iOS macOS

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