Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by SomeRandomiOSDev

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Packages published by SomeRandomiOSDev

SomeRandomiOSDev/CBORCoding 1.4.0
Easy CBOR encoding and decoding for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS.
⭐️ 46
🕓 23 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
23 weeks ago
- Updated project to support Xcode 15 - Dropped support for Swift versions earlier than 5 - Cleaned up scripts and split 'workflowtests.sh' into individual scripts for easier modular testing in development - Removed Codacy support - Updated workflows to use latest macOS image and Xcode 15 - Resolved SwiftLint issues - Restructured project to pull in 'Half' via submodules
2 years ago
- Regenerated project using the latest from [ProjectTemplate](https://github.com/SomeRandomiOSDev/ProjectTemplate). - Added DocC documentation and fixed up/added code documentation where needed. - Added pull request and issue form templates. Added code of conduct, contributing, and contributors documents. - Updated all workflows to run using macOS-11 and added filters to avoid unnecessary workflow runs. - Added log artifacts to relevant workflows. - Added and updated scripts. - Fixed up Codacy issues.
2 years ago
- Updated `CBORParser` to work with `Data` slices by using relative indices in lieu of absolute integers (Credit to @joskuijpers)
2 years ago
- Modernized the project - Regenerated the project using [Project Template](https://github.com/SomeRandomiOSDev/ProjectTemplate) - Added support for watchOS unit tests - Added various Github Actions - Migrated to XCTestPlans - Dropped Travis support
4 years ago
* Added support for Linux * Light project restructuring * Dropped Carthage requirement for development
4 years ago
* Added support to encoding and decoding native half-precision floating point numbers
4 years ago
* Added `TopLevelEncoder` conformance to `CBOREncoder` * Added `TopLevelDecoder` conformance to `CBORDecoder`
4 years ago
* Updated visibility of `CBOREncoded` fields
4 years ago
* Made `CBOREncoded` structure public * Added unit testing to cover the case of `CBOREncoded` being encoded with a non-CBOR encoder
4 years ago
* Added support for Travis-CI and Codecov * Added support for Swift Package Manager
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
SomeRandomiOSDev/Complex 1.2.1
Swift Complex Numbers
⭐️ 11
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
- Modernized the project - Regenerated the project using [Project Template](https://github.com/SomeRandomiOSDev/ProjectTemplate) - Added support for watchOS unit tests - Added various Github Actions - Fixed up a few issues present in later versions of Xcode - Added Swift's `Float16` type as part of the unit tests
2 years ago
- Removed Carthage dependency for development - Added support for Linux
4 years ago
* Hotfix for a build error due to unavailability of `Float80` type
4 years ago
* Reduced scalar type requirements on Complex from BinaryFloatingPoint to Numeric * Added additional primitive mathematical functions for Complex numbers (sin, cos, etc.) * Added component-wise arithmetic operators * Added arithmetic operators for ignoring overflow when working with FixedWidthInteger types * Added functions for multiplication and division that report their result using additional bit width and also those that report overflow.
4 years ago
Initial release
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
SomeRandomiOSDev/Half 1.4.2
Swift Half-Precision Floating Point
⭐️ 11
🕓 23 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
23 weeks ago
- Added strict concurrency checking
23 weeks ago
- Fixed up negation issue - Updated copyrights - Fixed SwiftLint issues and build warnings
23 weeks ago
- Added Xcode 15 support - Updated minimum OS versions and supported architectures - Cleanup and updates to resolve build issues and warnings
1 year ago
- Added Xcode 14 support - Updated minimum OS versions and supported architectures - Updated copyrights
2 years ago
- Updated documentation catalog for compatibility with Swift Packages
2 years ago
- Regenerated project using the latest from [ProjectTemplate](https://github.com/SomeRandomiOSDev/ProjectTemplate). - Added support for `Float16`. - Added pull request and issue form templates. - Added code of conduct, contributing, and contributors documents. - Updated all workflows to run using `macOS-11` and added filters to avoid unnecessary workflow runs. - Added log artifacts to all relevant workflows. - Added and updated scripts. - Fixed up Codacy issues.
2 years ago
- Added `publish-cocoapods.yml` workflow for automatically publishing CocoaPods
2 years ago
- Regenerated the project using the latest [Project Template](https://github.com/SomeRandomiOSDev/ProjectTemplate) - Migrated to using [gyb](https://github.com/SomeRandomiOSDev/gyb) package - Fixed up new SwiftLint warnings
2 years ago
- Modernized the project - Regenerated the project using [Project Template](https://github.com/SomeRandomiOSDev/ProjectTemplate) - Added support for watchOS unit tests - Added various Github Actions - Migrated to XCTestPlans - Dropped Travis support
4 years ago
* Added back support for Swift 4 & Swift 4.2 * Added a `test_spec` to the podspec file
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
SomeRandomiOSDev/JNGradientLabel 1.0.3
UILabel text gradient coloring
⭐️ 9
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
- Fixed encoding issue for Radial Gradients - Modernized the project - Regenerated the project using [Project Template](https://github.com/SomeRandomiOSDev/ProjectTemplate) - Added support for tvOS & macCatalyst - Added various Github Actions - Migrated to XCTestPlans - Dropped Travis support
2 years ago
- Updated project structure - Added Carthage support - Added Travis-CI support
2 years ago
- Updated README
2 years ago
Initial Release
iOS tvOS
SomeRandomiOSDev/ReadWriteLock 1.0.3
A Swifty Read/Write lock for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS
⭐️ 6
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
- Modernized the project - Regenerated the project using [Project Template](https://github.com/SomeRandomiOSDev/ProjectTemplate) - Added support for watchOS unit tests - Added various Github Actions - Migrated to XCTestPlans - Dropped Travis support
2 years ago
- Added `ReadWriteAtomic` property wrapper
2 years ago
- Added Swift Package Manager support
2 years ago
Initial Release
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
SomeRandomiOSDev/ProtocolProxy 0.1.2
Flexible proxy for overriding and observing protocol method/property messages
⭐️ 2
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
- Regenerated project using the latest from [ProjectTemplate](https://github.com/SomeRandomiOSDev/ProjectTemplate). - Added pull request and issue form templates. - Added code of conduct, contributing, and contributors documents. - Updated all workflows to run using macOS-11 and added filters to avoid unnecessary workflow runs. - Added log artifacts to all relevant workflows. - Added and updated scripts. - Fixed up Codacy issues.
2 years ago
- Modernized the project - Regenerated the project using [Project Template](https://github.com/SomeRandomiOSDev/ProjectTemplate) - Added support for watchOS unit tests - Added/Updated various Github Actions - Migrated to XCTestPlans - Cleaned up modules/imports
3 years ago
Initial release
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
SomeRandomiOSDev/MethodNotificationCenter 0.1.2
Easy Objective-C Runtime Injection
⭐️ 2
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
- Regenerated the project using the latest [Project Template](https://github.com/SomeRandomiOSDev/ProjectTemplate) - Added SwiftLint Github Action - Updated CodeCov upload step - Updated podspec for better CocoaPods interoperability
2 years ago
- Modernized the project - Regenerated the project using [Project Template](https://github.com/SomeRandomiOSDev/ProjectTemplate) - Added support for watchOS - Added various Github Actions - Migrated to XCTestPlans - Added support for armv7* architectures
2 years ago
Initial release
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
SomeRandomiOSDev/SwiftyCast 1.0.3
Easy Object to UnsafeRawPointer Casting in Swift
⭐️ 1
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
- Modernized the project - Regenerated the project using [Project Template](https://github.com/SomeRandomiOSDev/ProjectTemplate) - Added support for watchOS unit tests - Added various Github Actions - Migrated to XCTestPlans - Dropped Travis support
2 years ago
- Restructured project for better SPM Interoperability - Added support for Swift 4.0 and Swift 4.2 - Added Linux support
2 years ago
- Updated README and headings
2 years ago
Initial Release
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
SomeRandomiOSDev/Stylizer 0.1.0
Extendable class library for parsing string attributes
⭐️ 1
🕓 3 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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