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Packages published by Shannon-Yang

Shannon-Yang/SYMoyaNetwork 2.0.0
Network abstraction layer based on Moya encapsulation
⭐️ 4
🕓 1 week ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
1.add SYMoyaProviderTargetResponseStatePlugin 2.SYMoyaProvider add 'responseState' 3.override super func 4.SYMoyaProviderDelegate add target parameter 5. some fix
1 year ago
1.Add providerResponseState to get network provider request status 2.Delete SYEndpoint, use Endpoint 3.bug fix
1 year ago
1. Inherit Moya.Endpoint, add the endpointResponseState property, and change the response state according to the network request 2. SYMoyaProviderDelegate adds the requestSuccessFilter method, which calls back when the network request is successfully completed and successful 3. SYMoyaProvider adds endpointResponseState method to obtain SYEndpointResponseState state according to target
1 year ago
Network abstraction layer based on Moya extension, Keep the same usage as Moya, extend Moya's TargetType, add data support for HandyJSON, ObjectMapper, Codable, SwiftyJSON, MJExtension, etc., do the default data conversion for Moya's Response, just care about what kind of data you want to get , to implement network data caching of different strategies, no need to spend a lot of time doing such work, and obtaining network data will become so simple.
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