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Packages published by SchweizerischeBundesbahnen

SchweizerischeBundesbahnen/mobile-ios-design-swiftui 1.1.3
Design System Mobile for iOS & SwiftUI
⭐️ 56
🕓 11 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
SBBNotifications: hidden icon
11 weeks ago
## Improvements - SBBNotifications: the icon can be hidden
SBBNotifications: retry button
11 weeks ago
## Improvements - SBBNotifications: a retry button is added
Typographie renaming + SBBNotification update
15 weeks ago
## Improvements - SBBNotification: can also stay open (close button not present). ## Deprecations - Renaming of the typographie names according to the revised DSM (e.g. xlarge instead of SBBHeader). Old typographie names are deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
New components + Improvements
29 weeks ago
## Features - New components: - SBBUpDnCounterView to display an up and down counter - SBBMessage to display a message with an illustration - SBBPromotionBox to display a promotion box - SBBDatePicker to display a date picker - SBBStatus to display a status (alert, warning, success or info) - SBBNotification to display a status notification (alert, warning, success or info) - SBBTabView: a badge can be added to the tab bar icon - New color .redDark is added ## Improvements - SBBTabView: accessibility area for a tab is bigger - SBBOnboardingView: accessibility is improved (e.g. text completely visible with all font sizes) - SBBMessage: accessibility label for 'retry' button is added - SBBIcons updated ## Deprecations - Initializing an SBB List Item with `init(label: String, image: Image)` or `init(label: String, type: SBBListItemType)` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. `image` is replaced with `leftImage` and the right image (decided by SBBListItemType) can now be customized using `rightImage`.
SBBTabBar bugfix
1 year ago
SBBTabbar now keeps the Navigation persistence when switching Tab. Before it always jumped back to Root View.
SBBSegmentedPicker update
1 year ago
Updated the SBBSegmentedPicker according to the new design template
SBB Icons Enum
1 year ago
Improvements re-import the newest SBB Icons / SBB Pictos All SBB Icons / SBB Pictos are now present inside the "SBBIconName.swift" enum. You can create an SBB Image with the init(sbbIcon: SBBIcon) initializer Deprecations Initializing an SBB Image with init(sbbName: String) or init(sbbName: String, size: SBBIconSize) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version Breaking changes Attention: certain icons have been renamed. Please check your code whether the used icon-string exists. Better: migrate to the new init(sbbIcon: SBBIcon) initializer
SBBTextField improvements
1 year ago
Some SBBTextfields improvements: - Boxed available. - Clear button can be disabled. - Bottom line optional even in edit mode.
SchweizerischeBundesbahnen/SwissPassSDK-iOS 4.2.0
SwissPass SDK for iOS
⭐️ 10
🕓 9 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
9 weeks ago
### Added - Added the method `requestSSOLink(withURL:, completionHandler:)` and the `.ssoUnavailable` error to the `SwissPassLoginClient` ### Changed - Updated all SSO endpoints. ### Fixed
34 weeks ago
### Added - Added the SwissPass Mobile card number to the `SwissPassMobileCardViewController`. - Added an optional boolean property `isContactMobilePhoneNumberVerified` to the `UserInfo` struct - Added the method `cancelLogin()` to the `SwissPassLoginClient` ### Changed - Removed support for bitcode. - Changed the SwissPass card number handling. - Changed the access token expiration date logic to match the Android implementation. - Changed the SwissPass Mobile QR-Code payload encoding to match the Android implementation. - Refactored raw byte handling. ### Fixed - Fixed a memory leak in the `SwissPassMobileClient`. - Fixed a memory leak in the `SwissPassMobileCardViewController`. - Fixed a memory leak in the `SwissPassMobileViewController`. - Fixed a time zone handling in `UserInfo`. - Fixed a rare crash that occured when the user closed the browser before the login completed
1 year ago
### Fixed - The `SwissPassMobileClient` uses the correct hostname when setting up SCNetworkReachability.
1 year ago
### Fixed - The `SwissPassMobileClient` now maps all error types correctly while updating the security element.
1 year ago
### Added - Added support for OpenId Connect Discovery to load the OpenID provider configuration information. If this fails, a `.providerConfigurationUnavailable` error is returned. - Added the global function `swissPassClientVersion()` that returns the version of the framework. - Added support for an identity assurance level on the `SwissPassLoginUser` and on `UserInfo` based on the new enum type `IAL`. Note that currently only IAL1 and IAL2 are supported. - Added a 2nd view to the `SwissPassMobileCardViewController`. - Added a new `SwissPassMobileCardViewControllerDelegate` method which is called when the page view controller did finish a transition. ### Changed - Changed the deployment target to iOS 12 - Removed the previously deprecated parameter `forceRefresh` in `requestToken()`. - Removed both the `TokenProvider`and `OAuthServer`. - Removed the typealias `TokenHandler` - Changed the `ClientFactory` to take a `SwissPassLoginClient` when creating the `SwissPassMobileClient`. - Changed the app2web SSO mechanism to use the new SSO ticket endpoint. - Removed support for the `tokenManagement` page. - Changed the result of `requestRegistration()` to a `.success` only if the registration process was completed successfully, otherwise `SwissPassLoginError.webSessionClosed` is returned. - Extended `SwissPassLoginError.webSessionClosed` with an optional associated `WebSessionDetail` that provides more information about modifications to the user account. - Marked `SwissPassMobileViewController` as deprecated. - Changed the `UserInfo` property `userID` to use the key `sub` instead of `SPIdPUID` - Changed the `ClientFactory` create methods to throw a `ClientError` if initialization failed. - Removed the computed property `accountIsLinkedWithCard` on UserInfo. ### Fixed - The status bar appearance is handled correctly when showing the login window.
2 years ago
### Fixed - The fare information navigation bar background is set correctly on iOS 15.
2 years ago
### Fixed - All properties of `SwissPassLoginClient` are now public. ### Changed - Built using Xcode 13.
2 years ago
### Added - Token revocation is performed while performing `requestLogout` whenever possible. - The `SwissPassLoginClient` now provides information about the authenticated user using the optional `SwissPassLoginUser` property, based on the validated ID Token. ### Changed - If the SwissPass OpenId Provider does not return a new refresh token as part of the Token Response then we do not reuse the previously issued refresh token anymore. - The parameter `forceRefresh` in `requestToken()` of the `TokenProvider` is now deprecated and should not be used anymore. - The `SFSafariViewController` is now presented using the `pageSheet` presentation style to improve the user experience.
3 years ago
### Fixed - A preconditionFailure related to an unexpected callback caused by opening SwissPass pages multiple times in parallel, for example.
3 years ago
### Added - Support for the Swift Package Manager. ### Fixed - Minor UI glitch related to the `SwissPassMobileCardViewController`. - Minor Darkmode UI glitch related to the `SwissPassMobileViewController`.

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