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Packages published by Samasaur1

Samasaur1/DiceKit v0.26.0
A Swift module for simulating dice both real and unreal
⭐️ 4
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Version 0.26.0: Fix Automatic Deployment
1 year ago
### Changed - Removed draft marker from automatic releases ### Fixed - Various required cleanup tasks due to the deploy scripts not working imemdiately [See changelog](https://github.com/Samasaur1/DiceKit/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#0260--2022-06-26) [See docs](https://samasaur1.github.io/DiceKit/docs/v0.26.0)
Version 0.25.0: Rework CI and Contributions
1 year ago
### Added - Releases are now auto-deployed from GitHub Actions - Extra checks in Danger ### Changed - Improve PR template and guidelines - Danger now runs in GitHub Actions, not Travis CI - Documentation is now auto-deployed from GitHub Actions, not Travis CI ### Fixed - We now test on Swift 4.2–5.6, and use the current allowed versions of macOS and Ubuntu ### Removed - Extra now-obsolete GitHub Actions - All uses of Travis CI are now gone [See changelog](https://github.com/Samasaur1/DiceKit/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#0250--2022-06-04) [See docs](https://samasaur1.github.io/DiceKit/docs/v0.25.0)
Version 0.24.1: Update Dangerfile to report tasks in correct order
3 years ago
### Fixed - Danger now reports tasks in the correct order [See changelog](https://github.com/Samasaur1/DiceKit/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) [See docs](https://samasaur1.github.io/DiceKit/docs/v0.24.1)
Version 0.24.0: Completely overhaul dice probability calculations
3 years ago
### Added - `Chance` objects can now be multiplied together (which, mathematically, represents the chance of both occurring) - More test cases for `Chance` ### Changed - `Dice` probabilities computation is now up to 1000x faster (in my tests). From the user's perspective, nothing else about this should have changed. - The release script now links to the docs for the specific version (on the releases page), not just the main website. ### Fixed - GitHub Actions can now deploy docs through the use of the GitHub token - Typos [See changelog](https://github.com/Samasaur1/DiceKit/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) [See docs](https://samasaur1.github.io/DiceKit/docs/v0.24.0)
Version 0.23.0: Explicitly support versions and platforms
3 years ago
### Added - A `[email protected]` file in order to be able to specify supported platforms - Supported versions of Swift are listed in the package manifest file ### Changed - Migrate from `Array.index(of:)` to `Array.firstIndex(of:)` - Continue to define our own implementation of `count(where:)` until at least Swift 6, because (as I found out) the implementation in the standard library was removed because of its impact on type-checker performance. - Makes the GitHub Actions workflow output nicer. ### Fixed - Uses the correct Swift version in GitHub Actions tests (closes [#80](https://github.com/Samasaur1/DiceKit/issues/80)) [See changelog](https://github.com/Samasaur1/DiceKit/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) [See docs](https://samasaur1.github.io/DiceKit/docs/v0.23.0)
Version 0.22.0: Caching probabilities calculation across objects
3 years ago
### Added - More documentation on the `chances` property introduced in v0.21.0 - `Dice` caches the result of its computations for `probabilities` between objects (closes [#78](https://github.com/Samasaur1/DiceKit/issues/78)). See the issue (linked) or the pull request [here](https://github.com/Samasaur1/DiceKit/pull/79) for more information on caching. - `Dice` now conforms to `Hashable` (adding for caching, but handy in general) [See changelog](https://github.com/Samasaur1/DiceKit/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) [See docs](https://samasaur1.github.io/DiceKit/docs/v0.22.0)
Version 0.21.0: Public Chances dictionary and internal changes
3 years ago
### Added - The internal `Chances` property formerly named `dict` (of type `[Roll: Chance]`) is now public and named `chances`. - Adds GitHub Actions for testing ### Changed - The GitHub pull request template now uses the `updateVersion.sh` and `release.sh` scripts that were added in PR #66 ([Version 0.18.0](https://github.com/Samasaur1/DiceKit/pull/66)) - The Travis CI configuration has had significant changes (none of which will impact users of the library): - Now runs on Ubuntu 16.04 "Xenial" instead of 14.04 "Trusty" (matching the Travis default, and allowing for Swift 5.2.x) - Tests on Swift 4.2.4, 5.0.3, 5.1.5, and 5.2.4 (Linux) and 4.2, 5.0.1, 5.1.3, and 5.2.4 (macOS). Previously, it tested on 4.2.4, 5.0.3, and 5.1.3 on both. I would have preferred to use versions tested on Linux on macOS as well, but the current versions are bundled with Xcode, noticeably speeding up builds - Prints the Swift version (mostly to help because of the above point) - Updates the Dangerfile - The behavior around adding tests has become more lenient (warnings instead of errors, so that there is less need to change spacing on files to get past Danger) - Danger now checks the body of the PR for empty checkboxes, which should allow me to replace `task-list-completed`. It should also present better (failing the check instead of making it say "in progress") - Updates the README to show the latest Swift versions ### Fixed - Fixes the `remove_dev_dependencies` script. It turns out that this script had never worked (I don't think), but the place that it was running in CI meant that it didn't matter. It will now work when running on a local machine, though. _Note: this may be becoming irrelevant, as I believe some related feature is coming to a new version of Swift. However, as we currently support as old as 4.2.4, it'll probably be a while before we can drop these scripts completely._ [See changelog](https://github.com/Samasaur1/DiceKit/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) [See docs](https://samasaur1.github.io/DiceKit/docs/v0.21.0)
Version 0.20.2: Don't crash for dice probabilities with no dice (fixes #75)
3 years ago
### Fixed - Dice objects with no dice in them (i.e., modifiers only or empty objects) no longer crash when accessing their probabilities property (closes #75) [See changelog](https://github.com/Samasaur1/DiceKit/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) [See docs](https://samasaur1.github.io/DiceKit/docs/v0.20.2)
Version 0.20.1: Catchable errors for zero-sided dice
3 years ago
### Added - `DKError`/`Error`'s `localizedDescription` field now has a useful value (based off of the documentation for those fields). ### Changed - \[internal\] Complies with best practices (not naming an untyped error in catch clauses; no effect for users). ### Fixed - Documentation deployment is fixed. - Errors thrown by `Die(sides:)` do *not* crash `Dice(_:String)`; instead, they are propagated up the call stack. [See changelog](https://github.com/Samasaur1/DiceKit/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) [See docs](https://samasaur1.github.io/DiceKit/docs/v0.20.1)
Version 0.20.0: Multiple Documentation Versions
4 years ago
### Changed - The structure of the GitHub Pages site has changed. There is now a `docs` directory, with subdirectories for each version. The auto-deployment of documentation has been updated to support this. [See changelog](https://github.com/Samasaur1/DiceKit/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) [See docs](https://samasaur1.github.io/DiceKit/docs/v0.20.0)
Samasaur1/SimpleSwiftServer v4.3.1
A Swift executable equivalent to Python's SimpleHTTPServer — plus more!
⭐️ 3
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Version 4.3.1: URL-decode file paths before attempting to open them
2 years ago
This allows webserver mode to correctly open files with space characters in them, along with other characters. ## What's Changed * URL-decode file paths before attempting to open them by @Samasaur1 in https://github.com/Samasaur1/SimpleSwiftServer/pull/11 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Samasaur1/SimpleSwiftServer/compare/v4.3.0...v4.3.1
3 years ago
linux macOS iOS
Samasaur1/REPL v2.2.0
A simple CLT to prefix any command with a given one
⭐️ 2
🕓 1 year ago
Samasaur1/SwiftIP v2.2.2
A library to help with getting IP addresses in Swift.
⭐️ 1
🕓 12 weeks ago
Samasaur1/TorrentKit writeup-version
Download torrents
⭐️ 1
🕓 1 year ago
Samasaur1/Typer v1.7.0
A Swift package that types the given text using AppleScript
⭐️ 0
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Version 1.2.0
5 years ago
You can now have Typer print out what it is typing!
Version 1.1.3
5 years ago
Version 1.1.3 - Allows picking between typing rates - Makes natural typing more, well, natural
Version 1.0.0
5 years ago
Version 1 of Typer released!

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