Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by SDGGiesbrecht

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Packages published by SDGGiesbrecht

SDGGiesbrecht/Workspace experimental‐swift‐5.4
Automated Management of Swift Projects
⭐️ 89
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
39 weeks ago
## 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇨🇦EN ### Breaking Changes - Documentation uses DocC. Some configuration options have changed as a result. ### Bug Fixes - Swift 5.7 is supported everywhere again. ## 🇩🇪DE ### Brechende Änderungen - Dokumentation verwendet DocC. Einige Konfigurationseinstellungen wurden deswegen geändert. ### Fehlerbehebungen - Swift 5.7 wird wieder überall unterstützt.
48 weeks ago
## 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇨🇦EN ### Bug Fixes - Warning detection has been improved. ## 🇩🇪DE Fehlerbehebungen - Erkennung von Warnungen wurde verbessert.
49 weeks ago
## 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇨🇦EN ### Breaking Changes - Swift 5.8 (macOS is still supported with Swift 5.7) ### Bug Fixes - Missing search anchors have been repaired. - Dependencies have been updated. ## 🇩🇪DE ### Brechende Änderungen - Swift 5.8 (macOS wird noch mit Swift 5.7 unterstützt) ### Fehlerbehebungen - Fehlende Suchanker wurden wiederhergestellt. - Abhängigkeiten wurden aktualisiert.
1 year ago
## 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇨🇦EN ### Bug Fixes - Crashes in the documentation scan have been resolved. ## 🇩🇪DE ### Fehlerbehebungen - Abstürze beim Dokumentationseinlesung wurden gelöst.
1 year ago
## 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇨🇦EN ### Bug Fixes - Documentation coverage is more precise. ## 🇩🇪DE ### Fehlerbehebungen - Dokumentationsabdeckung ist präziser.
Version 0.42.0
1 year ago
## 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇨🇦EN ### Breaking Changes - Documentation is now loaded using `SymbolKit`. - New proofreading rules have been added: - `explicitTypes` ### Bug Fixes - Dependencies have been updated. ## 🇩🇪DE ### Brechende Änderungen - Dokumentation wird jetzt von `SymbolKit` geladen. - Neue korrekturregeln wurden hinzugefügt: - `ausdrücklicheTypen` ### Fehlerbehebungen - Abhängigkeiten wurden aktualisiert.
Version 0.41.3
1 year ago
## 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇨🇦EN ### Bug Fixes - Changes to the `generateResourceAccessors` option are obeyed. ## 🇩🇪DE ### Fehlerbehebungen - Änderungen zu der `ressourcenzugriffErstellen` Option werden gehorcht.
Version 0.41.2
1 year ago
## 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇨🇦EN ### New Features - Resource accessor generation is optional. ## 🇩🇪DE ### Neue Merkmale - Erstellung von Ressourcenzugriff kann deaktiviert werden.
Version 0.41.1
1 year ago
## 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇨🇦EN ### Bug Fixes - Dependencies have been updated. ## 🇩🇪DE ### Fehlerbehebungen - Abhängigkeiten wurden aktualisiert.
Version 0.41.0
1 year ago
## 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇨🇦EN ### Breaking Changes - Swift 5.7 ## 🇩🇪DE ### Brechende Änderungen - Swift 5.7
linux windows android wasi
SDGGiesbrecht/SDGSwift 14.0.0
The Swift Compiler As a Package
⭐️ 68
🕓 40 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Version 14.0.0
41 weeks ago
### Breaking Changes - `SDGSwiftSource` has been completely rewritten to be more consistent with modern versions of `SwiftSyntax` and `Markdown`. - Features handled by DocC are no longer duplicated in `SDGSwiftSource`. - Testing and loading coverage is now a single method call, conforming to the new behaviour of the Swift 5.8 toolchain. (The method still supports with older toolchains, where it invokes multiple commands in a row to achieve the same effect.) ### New Features - DocC commands are supported. ### Bug Fixes - Swift 5.8 is fully supported on all platforms and new compiler warnings have been dealt with. - Features dependent on `SwiftSyntax` are available on more platforms.
Version 13.0.1
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - Test coverage loading works with Swift 5.8.
Version 13.0.0
1 year ago
### Breaking Changes - Changes to the API of SwiftSyntax affect the arrangement of extensions provided by SDGSwiftSource, most notably in a shift from `SyntaxFactory` to plain initializers. ### Bug Fixes - Dependencies have been updated.
Version 12.0.0
1 year ago
## Breaking Changes - Documentation features are now built on `SymbolKit` instead of `SwiftSyntax`, and have been moved to a new product, `SDGSwiftDocumentation`. ## New Features - `DocumentationSyntax` nodes can be parsed independently of any Swift context. ## Bug Fixes - Compatibility with Xcode 14.1 has been improved.
Version 11.1.0
1 year ago
### New Features - A new parameter allows custom commands to ignore standard error. ### Bug Fixes - Swift 5.7 is required (but older toolchains will not resolve to this version).
Version 11.0.1
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - Dependencies have been updated.
Version 11.0.0
1 year ago
### Breaking Changes - `SDGSwiftPackageManager` can load Swift 5.7 manifests, but as a result some methods have newer platform availability requirements.
Version 10.0.2
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - `SDGSwift` can be used with the Swift 5.7 toolchain and Xcode 14. (It still expects any code it processes to be written for Swift 5.6, so new language features may not be understood.)
Version 10.0.1
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - Simulator selection avoids bugs in new Xcode releases.
Version 10.0.0
1 year ago
### Breaking Changes - Requires Swift 5.6. - `SwiftCompiler.PackageLoadingError.swiftLocationError` has been removed. SwiftPM itself has taken over responsibility for finding the compiler. ### New Features - Symbol graphs (for DocC) can be generated with `PackageRepository.exportSymbolGraph(_:)`. - Features based on the `SwiftSyntax` module (but not `SwiftSyntaxParser`) are available on Windows. - Some types conform to `Sendable`.
macOS linux windows android wasi
SDGGiesbrecht/SDGCornerstone 10.1.3
The Foundation of the SDG Module Family
⭐️ 31
🕓 47 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Version 10.1.3
47 weeks ago
### Bug Fixes - Swift 5.8 is fully supported on all platforms and new build warnings have been resolved.
Version 10.1.2
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - Carton 0.18 no longer crashes attempting to link `SDGCollections` for web.
Version 10.1.1
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - The Swift 5.8 compiler no longer crashes attempting to reason about the protocol hierarchy of `SDGMathematics`. Under 5.8, some constraints are relaxed, which may require client’s to compensate. However, the constraints are still applied under 5.7, and since 5.8 never compiled in the first place, no working client code should be affected.
Version 10.1.0
1 year ago
### New Features - New Plug‐Ins: - `SDGCopySources` - `SDGEmbedResources`
Version 10.0.2
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - Swift 5.7 is required (but older toolchains will not resolve to this version).
Version 10.0.1
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - `CalendarDate`’s conversion cache is cleared properly.
Version 10.0.0
1 year ago
### Breaking Changes - The `Pattern` protocol has been overhauled so that patterns can return custom match types capable of carrying additional information. The standard patterns now return details of their composition and not just the overall match. - As a consequence of the type system, differing `SearchableCollection` types can no longer be used as patterns in each other directly, and must now be wrapped in a `LiteralPattern` first. For the most part, this simply means adjusting call sites from `x.matches(for: y)` to `x.matches(for: y.literal())`. - Many types now conform to `Sendable`, in a few cases this restricts closures accepted by initializers to those that are `@Sendable`. - Collation tailoring now uses a result builder, allowing the compiler to catch some developer errors at compile time instead of at runtime. The changes are mostly source‐compatible, but a few call signatures have been altered slightly. ### New Features - `ExternalProcess` can filter out standard error. - `testFileConvertible` can undo line ending changes caused by source control. ### Bug Fixes - Requires Swift 5.6 (but older toolchains will not resolve to this version). - The DUCET used by the root collation has been updated.
Version 9.0.1
2 years ago
### Bug Fixes - The Swift 5.6 compiler’s release configuration no longer crashes when attempting to compile `SDGCollections`.
Version 9.0.0
2 years ago
### Breaking Changes - Swift 5.5 - CentOS is no longer supported. - Some protocols have had inheritances removed on Windows to evade compiler bugs. Conforming types may now need to declare the dropped inheritances explicitly (which dodges said bugs, since the protocols themselves work fine as long as they are not inherited). The temporarily dropped inheritances may be restored in any patch release (once a fixed compiler is available). As long as client types maintain all the conformances the other platforms require of them, no source breakage should occur. ### Bug Fixes - Features dependent on `FoundationXML` are now available on Windows.
Version 8.0.1
2 years ago
### Bug Fixes - Adjustments have been made for experimental platforms.
windows android wasi
SDGGiesbrecht/SDGInterface 0.15.3
Tools for Implementing a Graphical User Interface
⭐️ 6
🕓 47 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Version 0.15.3
47 weeks ago
### Bug Fixes - Swift 5.8 is fully supported.
Version 0.15.2
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - Swift 5.7 is required (but older toolchains will not resolve to this version).
Version 0.15.1
1 year ago
### New Features - Several types conform to `Sendable`. ### Bug Fixes - The Unicode properties used by rich text normalization have been updated. - Dependencies have been updated.
Version 0.15.0
1 year ago
### Breaking Changes - Swift 5.6 is required. - Labels are implemented in SwiftUI 3 and no longer conform to `CocoaViewImplementation`. ### Bug Fixes - Bundle validation detects more issues.
Version 0.14.0
2 years ago
### Breaking Changes - CentOS is no longer supported. ### Bug Fixes - Requires Swift 5.5 (but older toolchains will not resolve to this version).
Version 0.13.1
2 years ago
Dependencies have been updated.
Version 0.13.0
2 years ago
### Breaking Changes - Swift 5.4 or higher is required. - The `@objc` protocols are now restricted to `#if canImport(ObjectiveC)`, because the Swift 5.4 compiler no longer accepts them elsewhere. ### New Features - Relevant types have become result builders.
Version 0.12.0
2 years ago
### Breaking Changes - Part of `CocoaViewImplementation` has been extracted to `LegacyCocoaViewImplementation` so that the Swift 5.4 compiler will permit its inheritance.
Version 0.11.2
3 years ago
### New Features - `Application` has been split into two levels. The functionality still in `Application` pertains only to applications which present a user interface at all times. The inherited `Service` protocol can be used on its own for services which remain hidden unless they need to prompt the user for some reason.
Version 0.11.1
3 years ago
### New Features - The application identifier can be inferred from the main bundle’s information property list. - `Alert` - `DerivedLog` ### Bug Fixes - Suppressed SwiftUI menu bar commands relating to windows which do not work properly.
linux windows android wasi
SDGGiesbrecht/SDGKeyboardDesign 2.1.3
Tools for Generating Keyboard Layouts
⭐️ 4
🕓 47 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Version 2.1.3
47 weeks ago
### Bug Fixes - Swift 5.8 is fully supported and new compiler warnings have been resolved.
Version 2.1.2
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - More symbols have been added.
Version 2.1.1
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - Swift 5.7 is required (but older toolchains will not resolve to this version).
Version 2.1.0
1 year ago
### New Features - Some types conform to `Sendable`. ### Bug Fixes - Dependencies have been updated.
Version 2.0.3
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - More symbols have been added.
Version 2.0.2
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - Dependencies have been updated.
Version 2.0.1
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - Swift 5.6 is required (but older toolchains will not resolve to this version).
Version 2.0.0
2 years ago
### Breaking Changes - CentOS is no longer supported. ### Bug Fixes - Dependencies have been updated.
Version 1.4.7
2 years ago
### Bug Fixes - Requires Swift 5.5 (but older toolchains will not resolve to this version).
Version 1.4.6
2 years ago
Dependencies have been updated.
SDGGiesbrecht/SDGCommandLine 3.0.6
Tools for Implementing a Command Line Interface
⭐️ 4
🕓 40 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Version 3.0.6
40 weeks ago
### Bug Fixes - Dependencies have been updated.
Version 3.0.5
47 weeks ago
### Breaking Changes - Swift 5.8 is fully supported on all platforms and new compilation warnings have been resolved.
Version 3.0.4
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - Dependencies have been updated.
Version 3.0.3
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - Dependencies have been updated.
Version 3.0.2
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - Swift 5.7 is required (but older toolchains will not resolve to this version).
Version 3.0.1
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - Dependencies have been updated.
Version 3.0.0
1 year ago
### Breaking Changes - `Sendable` annotations have been added. It is now a requirement of some protocols and closure parameters.
Version 2.1.0
1 year ago
### New Features - Variadic arguments can be defined with `infiniteFinalArgument` and parsed with `arguments(from:as:)`. ### Bug Fixes - Requires Swift 5.6 (but older toolchains will not resolve to this version).
Version 2.0.0
2 years ago
### Breaking Changes - CentOS is no longer supported. ### Bug Fixes - Dependencies have been updated.
Version 1.7.8
2 years ago
### Bug Fixes - Requires Swift 5.5 (but older toolchains will not resolve to this version).
linux windows android wasi
SDGGiesbrecht/swift-package-manager swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2019-04-16-a
The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
⭐️ 3
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Swift 5.8
1 year ago
This release corresponds to Swift 5.8, which has no tagged semantic version upstream (yet). The following minor modifications have been made: - Dependency version requirements have been adjusted: - The swift‐tools‐support‐core dependency has been switched from a branch to 0.5.2. - The llbuild, swift‐crypto and swift‐driver dependencies have been redirected to forks with tagged semantic versions of their own, since they either also have no upstream version available, or the upstream versions constrain deployment targets. - Several other dependencies which were already pointing at semantic versions have had their requirements loosened from `.upToNextMinor(from: x)` to `from: x`. - Deployment targets have been converted into availability attributes. - `ObservabilitySystem` has been exported through the `Workspace` module. (It appears frequently in the public interface, but originates from an internal module that clients cannot import directly.)
Patched 5.7 2
1 year ago
This release contains the following patches on top of 0.50700.1: - swift‐driver has been updated to 0.50700.2.
Patched 5.7
1 year ago
This release contains the following patches on top of 0.50700.0: - Lower availability annotations have been added for compatibility with the 5.6 toolchain.
Swift 5.7
1 year ago
This release corresponds to Swift 5.7, which has no tagged semantic version upstream (yet). The following minor modifications have been made: - Dependency version requirements have been adjusted: - The llbuild dependency has been switched from a branch to 0.5.0. - The swift‐tools‐support‐core dependency has been switched from a branch to 0.2.7. - The swift‐crypto and swift‐driver dependencies have been redirected to forks with tagged semantic versions of their own, since they either also have no upstream version available, or the upstream versions constrain deployment targets. - Several other dependencies which were already pointing at semantic versions have had their requirements loosened from `.upToNextMinor(from: x)` to `from: x`. - Deployment targets have been converted into availability attributes. - Several compiler warnings have been resolved: - The internal, unused swiftpm‐xctest‐helper target has been removed. - Calls to deprecated symbols have been updated to call their newer replacements. - `ObservabilitySystem` has been exported through the `Workspace` module. (It appears frequently in the public interface, but originates from an internal module that clients cannot import directly.)
Patched 5.6 (3)
2 years ago
This release contains the following patches on top of 0.50600.2: - The swift-driver dependency has been updated to 0.50600.2.
Patched 5.6 (2)
2 years ago
This release contains the following patches on top of 0.50600.1: - The swift‐argument‐parser dependency has been widened from `.upToNextMinor(from: "1.0.3")` to `from: "1.0.3"`.
Patched 5.6
2 years ago
This release contains the following patches on top of 0.50600.0: - `ObservabilityScope` has been exported through the `Workspace` module. (It appears frequently in the public interface, but originates from an internal module that clients cannot import directly.)
Swift 5.6
2 years ago
This release corresponds to Swift 5.6, which has no tagged semantic version upstream (yet). The following minor modifications have been made: - Dependency version requirements have been adjusted: - The llbuild dependency has been switched from a branch to 0.5.0. - The swift‐crypto, swift-driver and swift‐tools‐support‐core dependencies have been redirected to forks with tagged semantic versions of their own, since they either also have no upstream version available, or the upstream versions constrain deployment targets. - Several compiler warnings have been resolved: - The internal, unused swiftpm‐xctest‐helper target has been removed. - Calls to deprecated symbols have been updated to call their newer replacements. - Deployment targets have been converted into availability attributes.
Swift 5.5.3
2 years ago
This release corresponds to Swift 5.5.3, which has no tagged semantic version upstream (yet). The following minor modifications have been made: - Dependency version requirements have been adjusted: - The llbuild dependency has been switched from a branch to 0.5.0. - The swift‐crypto, swift-driver and swift‐tools‐support‐core dependencies have been redirected to forks with tagged semantic versions of their own, since they either also have no upstream version available, or the upstream versions constrain deployment targets. - The swift‐argument‐parser dependency has been updated to version 1.0.0. - Deployment targets have been converted into availability attributes.
Patched Swift 5.5 (2)
2 years ago
This release contains the following patches on top of 0.50500.1: - swift‐argument‐parser has been updated to 1.0.0. - swift‐driver has been updated to 0.50500.2.
iOS macOS linux windows android
SDGGiesbrecht/SDGWeb 6.1.2
Tools for Generating Websites
⭐️ 2
🕓 47 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Version 6.1.2
47 weeks ago
### Bug Fixes - Swift 5.8 is fully supported and new warnings have been resolved.
Version 6.1.1
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - Swift 5.7 is required (but older toolchains will not resolve to this version).
Version 6.1.0
1 year ago
### New Features - Many types conform to `Sendable`. ### Bug Fixes - Dependencies have been updated.
Version 6.0.1
1 year ago
### Bug Fixes - Swift 5.6 is required (but older toolchains will not resolve to this version).
Version 6.0.0
2 years ago
### Breaking Changes - CentOS is no longer supported. ### Bug Fixes - Dependencies have been updated.
Version 5.5.5
2 years ago
### Bug Fixes - Swift 5.5 is required (but older toolchains will not resolve to this version).
Version 5.5.4
2 years ago
Dependencies have been updated.
Version 5.5.3
2 years ago
### Bug Fixes - Requires Swift 5.4 (but older toolchains will not resolve to this version).
Version 5.5.2
3 years ago
### Bug Fixes - Dependencies have been updated.
Version 5.5.1
3 years ago
### Bug Fixes - Web builds of `SDGHTML` module no longer fail to load at runtime.
android wasi

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