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Packages published by Rivukis

Rivukis/Spry 4.0.0
A Swift Mocking and Stubbing framework
⭐️ 38
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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Swift Package Manager Support Added, Cocoapods dropped.
3 years ago
3.2.3 Release
5 years ago
Bug Fixes * (full-fix) Fixed an issue where stubs that specified arguments would not allow andReturn(nil)
3.2.2 Release
6 years ago
Bug Fixes: * Fixed an issue where changes to HaveReceivedMatcher.swift weren't taking affect * Fixed an issue where stubs that specified arguments would not allow andReturn(nil)
3.2.1 Release
6 years ago
Bug Fixes: * fixed an issue that prevent Swift 4.0 to compile
3.2 Release
6 years ago
New Features: * Added array of calls to all Spyable fakes. The calls in this array are in chronological order. Calls will be removed from this array when `resetCalls()` is called. * Added array of stubs to all Stubbable fakes. The stubs in this array are in chronological order. Stubs will be removed from this array when `resetStubs()` or `stubAgain()` is called. * Changed SpryEquatable to default to Equatable function when an object is a reference type and conforms to Equatable. This was changed to match how Swift and other frameworks handle this scenario. * Minor clean up to a few fatal error messages, including adding more information to a couple fatal error scenarios. * added Nimble matcher `haveRecordedCalls()` to Spyable. This checks to see if any calls have been recorded on a Spyable fake. This matcher uses the calls array and therefore will report out no recorded calls if `resetCalls()` regardless if calls have been made beforehand. * Added `SpryConfiguration` class. Added fatalErrorClosure to `SpryConfiguration` which defaults to printing out the fatal error message. This was added because current versions of Xcode don't always print out fatal error messages. Helpful Hints: * Spryable conforms to both Stubbable and Spyable. * Can put a breakpoint on `fatalError()` line in `FatalError.swift` to prevent Xcode from executing the fatal error. This can be helpful if Xcode sometimes crashes when executing `fatalError()`.
3.1.1 Release
6 years ago
New Features: * Added default value of `Void()` to `andReturn()` Bug Fixes: * Fixed an issue that prevented testing of the same function being called with different types. This was introduced as a new feature that fatal error'd when the wrong type was used as an argument. As such, this feature has been removed.
3.1 Release
6 years ago
New Features: * changed Argument.pass to Argument.validator * improved fatal error messaging when no function is found (can now go straight to offending line using provided route) Bug Fixes: * fixed issue where Argument.captor() was not public
3.0.1 Release
6 years ago
Bug Fixes: * fixed the issue where the default implementation for `StringRepresentable` was not `public` * fixed the README.md file to use `ClassFunction` instead of `StaticFunction`
3.0 Release
6 years ago
New Features: * `.stub()` for the same function with the same argument specification now `fatalError()`s. * can use `stubAgain()` when needing to stub the same function with the same arguments * associated type `StaticFunction` has been renamed to `ClassFunction`, since static functions can not be subclassed * passing in the incorrect number of arguments now `fatalError()`s instead of failing silently * rewrote all the fatal error messaging, should be easier to read * rewrote how stubs are held to improve performance * rewrote how recorded calls are held to improve performance Bug Fixes: * fixed an issue where certain stubs that were specified to return nil behaved as if it wasn't stubbed. * fixed an issue where some dictionaries were incorrectly equating to false
2.2.4 Release
6 years ago
Fixed issue where SpryEquatable would override NSObject's `isEqual` function

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