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Packages published by ReSwift

ReSwift/ReSwift v0.2.1
Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift - Inspired by Redux
⭐️ 7,513
🕓 3 days ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
**Other:** - Replaced `open func` with `public func` in extensions to `Store` because they cannot be overridden anyway (https://github.com/ReSwift/ReSwift/pull491) - @maksimgromov - Add tests to clarify initial state dispatch (https://github.com/ReSwift/ReSwift/pull/485) - @DivineDominion - Fix some typos (https://github.com/ReSwift/ReSwift/pull/477) - @lumiasaki - Migrate to Github Actions (https://github.com/ReSwift/ReSwift/pull/486) - @mjarvis ## New Contributors * @lumiasaki made their first contribution in https://github.com/ReSwift/ReSwift/pull/477 * @maksimvm made their first contribution in https://github.com/ReSwift/ReSwift/pull/491 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ReSwift/ReSwift/compare/6.1.0...6.1.1
2 years ago
**API Changes:** - Deprecate `StateType` protocol requirement (#462) - @mjarvis **Other:** - Fix bug where automaticallySkipsRepeats is ignored when subscribing on generic `S: StoreType` (#463) - @mjarvis - Fix typo in error messaging (#470) - @hkellaway
3 years ago
**Breaking API Changes:** - Drop support for Swift 3.2, 4.0, and 4.1. (#418) - @DivineDominion - Drop support for iOS 8 (#447) - @DominicSchiller-IBM-CIC **API Changes:** - Add capability to mutate `Middleware` after store creation. (#427) - @mjarvis **Other:** - Add key paths to subscription select (#415) - @djtech42 - Make isDispatching of Store atomic (#341, #446) - @zhongwuzw, @basememara
4 years ago
**Breaking API Changes:** - Remove `StandardAction` and `StandardActionConvertible` (#270) - @mjarvis - The existence of `StandardAction` and `StandardActionConvertible` is somewhat confusing to new users, and does not have a direct use case within the core ReSwift library. Therefore, it has been moved to [ReSwift-Recorder](https://github.com/ReSwift/ReSwift-Recorder) where it belongs. - If you're using `StandardAction` in your project without `ReSwift-Recorder`, you can copy the old implementation into your project as a middle ground while you migrate away from its usage. - Make Store's state setter private (#354) - @mokagio - Removes the ability to directly set `state` by making it `private(set)`. This prevents users from bypassing reducers and middleware. All mutation of the state must occur through the normal `Action` & `Reducer` methods. - This deprecates the usage of `ReSwift-Recorder`. Changes may be made to that library in the future in order to support this change. **Other:** - Resolve Xcode 10.2 warnings with Swift 4.2.2 and 5.0 (#397) - @mjarvis - Update Swift Package Manager support (#403, #411) - @Dschee, @hoemoon
5 years ago
- Fix 4.1.0 regression with `automaticallySkipsRepeats` when selecting Equatable state in Non-Equatable root state (#399) - @djtech42
5 years ago
**API Changes:** - Deprecate `StandardAction` and `StandardActionConvertible` - @mjarvis - These have been moved to https://github.com/ReSwift/ReSwift-Recorder since they are unnecessary for the base use of ReSwift - Deprecate `ActionCreator` and `AsyncActionCreator` (#391) - @mjarvis - These are deprecated in favor of https://github.com/ReSwift/ReSwift-Thunk **Other** - Add Subscription `skip(when:)` and `only(when:)` (#242) - @mjarvis - Add `automaticallySkipsRepeats` configuration option to Store initializer (#262) - @DivineDominion - Improve subscription & state update performance (#325) - @mjarvis - Enable build settings "Allow app extension API only" (#328) - @oradyvan - Open `Subscription<State>` to allow external extensions (#383) - @mjarvis - Update project to Swift 4.2 (#256, #335, #374) - @mjarvis, @DivineDominion
6 years ago
**Other:** - Fix retain cycle in SubscriptionBox (#278) - @mjarvis, @DivineDominion - Fix bug where using skipRepeats with optional substate would not notify when the substate became nil #55655 - @Ben-G - Add automatic skipRepeats for Equatable substate selection (#300) - @JoeCherry
7 years ago
**Breaking API Changes:** - Introduced a new Subscription API (#203) - @Ben-G, @mjarvis, @DivineDominion - The subscription API provides basic operators, such as `skipRepeats` (skip calls to `newState` unless state value changed) and `select` (sub-select a state). - This is a breaking API change that requires migrating existing subscriptions that sub-select a portion of a store's state: - Subselecting state in 3.0.0: ```swift store.subscribe(subscriber) { ($0.testValue, $0.otherState?.name) } ``` - Subselecting state in 4.0.0: ```swift store.subscribe(subscriber) { $0.select { ($0.testValue, $0.otherState?.name) } } ``` - For any store state that is `Equatable` or any sub-selected state that is `Equatable`, `skipRepeats` will be used by default. - For states/substates that are not `Equatable`, `skipRepeats` can be implemented via a closure: ```swift store.subscribe(subscriber) { $0.select { $0.testValue }.skipRepeats { return $0 == $1 } } ``` - Reducer type has been removed in favor of reducer function (#177) - Ben-G - Here's an example of a new app reducer, for details see the README: ```swift func counterReducer(action: Action, state: AppState?) -> AppState { var state = state ?? AppState() switch action { case _ as CounterActionIncrease: state.counter += 1 case _ as CounterActionDecrease: state.counter -= 1 default: break } return state } ``` - `dispatch` functions now return `Void` instead of `Any` (#187) - @Qata - The return type has been removed without any replacement, since the core team did not find any use cases of it. A common usage of the return type in redux is returning a promise that is fullfilled when a dispatched action is processed. While it's generally discouraged to disrupt the unidirectional data flow using this mechanism we do provide a `dispatch` overload that takes a `callback` argument and serves this purpose. - Make `dispatch` argument in middleware non-optional (#225) - @dimazen, @mjarvis, @Ben-G - `Middleware` now has a generic type parameter that is used for the `getState` method and matches the Store's `State` type. This allows accessing the state in middleware code without type casting (#226) - @mjarvis **Other:** - Extend `StoreType` with substate selector subscription (#192) - @mjarvis - Add `DispatchingStoreType` protocol for testing (#197) - @mjarvis - Installation guide for Swift Package Manager - @thomaspaulmann - Update documentation to reflect breaking API changes - @mjarvis - Clarify error message on concurrent usage of ReSwift - @langford
3.0.0 (Swift 3.0.1 Release)
7 years ago
_Released: 11/12/2016_ This release supports **Swift 3.0.1** **Breaking API Changes:** - Dropped support for Swift 2.2 and lower (#157) - @Ben-G **API Changes:** - Mark `Store` as `open`, this reverts a previously accidental breaking API Change (#157) - @Ben-G **Other**: - Update to Swift 3.0.1 - @Cristiam, @Ben-G - Documentation changes - @vkotovv
2.1.0 (Swift 3.0 Release)
7 years ago
_Released: 09/15/2016_ This version supports **Swift 3** for Swift 2.2 support use an earlier release. **Other**: - Swift 3 preview compatibility, maintaining Swift 2 naming - (#126) - @agentk - Xcode 8 GM Swift 3 Updates (#149) - @tkersey - Migrate Quick/Nimble testing to XCTest - (#127) - @agentk - Automatically build docs via Travis CI (#128) - @agentk - Documentation Updates & Fixes - @mikekavouras, @ColinEberhardt
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
ReSwift/ReSwift-Router v0.2.1
Declarative Routing in Swift, Extension for ReSwift
⭐️ 497
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4 years ago
Fixes outdated `Carthage.resolved`. Now all package managers are on par again.
4 years ago
**Breaking API Changes:** - Remove use of `StandardAction` and `StandardActionConvertible` (#82) - @hlineholm - Removes the compatibility of this with `ReSwift-Recorder`, which itself is being deprecated. - Ensures compatibility with latest versions of `ReSwift` which have removed these types. - Renamed argument labels for modern Swift conformance ([#116](<https://github.com/ReSwift/ReSwift-Router/pull/116>)) - @TaeJoongYoon - Renamed `routingActionsForTransitionFrom(_ oldRoute:,newRoute:)` method to `routingActionsForTransition(from oldRoute:,to newRoute:)` - Renamed `routableIndexForRouteSegment(_ segment:)` method to `routableIndex(for segment:)` **Other:** - Update to Swift 5 -- @djtech42 - Update to ReSwift 5.0.0 and fix project setup for SwiftPM & Carthage (#115, #124) - @djtech42, @DivineDominion
6 years ago
6 years ago
7 years ago
_Released: 11/24/2016_ **Other:** - Swift 3.0.1 / Xcode 8.1 updates - @DivineDominion, @frranck
0.4.0 (Swift 3.0 Release)
7 years ago
This version supports **Swift 3** for Swift 2.2 support use an earlier release. _Released: 09/21/2016_ - Swift 3 Migration - @Ben-G - Documentation Fix - @excitedhoney
7 years ago
_Released: 07/16/2016_ **Fixes:** Expose RouteHash initializer publicly - @Ben-G
7 years ago
_Released: 06/28/2016_ **Other**: - Update syntax to Swift 2.3 - @mjarvis - Update to ReSwift 2.0.0 - @Ben-G
0.2.7 Make Carthage Work Again
8 years ago
**Fixes:** Fix issue when checking out with Carthage (#20) - @Ben-G
8 years ago
**API Changes:** - Provide route action that allows chosing between animated and un-animated route changes - @Ben-G - Provide API for setting associated data for a certain route. This enables passing state information to subroutes - @Ben-G **Other:**: - Update ReSwift Dependency to 1.0 - @Ben-G - Use a symbolic breakpoint in place of an `assertionFailure` for handling a stuck router - @Ben-G - Documentation Fix - @jschmid
ReSwift/ReactiveReSwift 5.0
Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift via FRP - Inspired by Elm
⭐️ 136
🕓 4 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
5 years ago
**API Changes:** - Added a new variant of `concatReducers` to allow passing an array explicitly rather than an implicit variadic list.
5 years ago
**Breaking API Changes:** - `SubscriptionReferenceType` is no longer represented as `Optional` when returned from subscriptions. **API Changes:** - Added the `concatReducers` function to allow for easy concatenation of reducers. - Changed the `dispatch` functions on `Store` from public to open.
6 years ago
**API Changes:** - `dispatch(_ stream:)` now returns a subscription reference.
Swift 4 compatibility
6 years ago
This release is updated to work with Swift 4.
7 years ago
**Breaking API Changes:** - Remove `StateType` - @Qata
7 years ago
**Breaking API Changes:** - Change `Reducer` to a generic function type - @Qata **API Changes:** - Rename `Middleware.increase(_:)` to `Middleware.flatMap(_:)` - @Qata - Make `Middleware.sideEffect(_:)` supply an escaping dispatch function - @Qata
7 years ago
**API Changes:** - Change Reducer.transform to be publicly accessible - @Qata - Change Store.observable to be open with a private setter - @Qata
7 years ago
**Breaking API Changes:** - Change all of Store's instance variables to be immutable except `observable`, whose setter is now private - @Qata - Change all of Store's instance variables to not be implicitly unwrapped optionals because that was gross - @Qata
7 years ago
**Breaking API Changes:** - Remove StoreType - @Qata - Remove `stateType:` label from `Store.init` (this was required for StoreType to work) - @Qata - Change DispatchQueue handling location from Store to ObservableProperty - @Qata **API Changes:** - Add the `dispatchQueue:` argument to the initialiser. The queue is a DispatchQueue which is used as the execution context for - @Qata - Use default arguments in the main initialiser and remove the convenience initialiser (Swift autogenerates convenience initialisers when default arguments are used) - @Qata - Add `map(_:)`, `distinct(_:)` and `distinct()` to `ObservableProperty` - @Qata
7 years ago
**API Changes:** - Add the `increase` method to `Middleware`, allowing you to transform one action into many - @Qata **Bug Fixes:** - Move the setting of the store observable's value out of the locked area, preventing updates from triggering the "Reducers dispatching actions" exception - @Qata
ReSwift/ReSwift-Thunk 2.0.1
Thunk middleware for ReSwift.
⭐️ 106
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Fix Carthage Build Errors
3 years ago
**Fixes:** - Fix Carthage build error (#44) - @DivineDominion, @mjarvis
ReSwift 6.0
3 years ago
**Breaking API Changes:** - Drop support for Swift 3.2, 4.0, and 4.1. (#45) - @shawnkoh, @mjarvis - Drop support for iOS 8 (#45) - @shawnkoh, @mjarvis **Other:** - Rename SwiftPM library to `ReSwiftThunk`, this makes naming consistent across all package manager (Cocoapods, Carthage and SwiftPM) (#42) - @jookes - `ExpectThunk`'s methods `dispatches` and `getsState` no longer have `@discardableResult` return values (#40) - @xavierLowmiller
1.2.0 – ReSwift 5 and ExpectThunk
4 years ago
**API Changes:** - Renames `createThunksMiddleware` to `createThunkMiddleware` and adds deprecated forward for `createThunksMiddleware` (#20) - @fbernutz **Other:** - Adds `ExpectThunk` testing helper and corresponding CocoaPods subspec (#19, #37) - @jjgp, @okaverin - Adds SwiftPM support (#21) - @jayhickey - Require ReSwift 5.0 (#28) - @DivineDominion - Specify all officially supported Swift versions in podspec (#38) - @okaverin
5 years ago
**API Changes:** - Renames `ThunkAction` to `Thunk` - Renames `ThunkMiddleware()` to `createThunkMiddleware()` - Adds deprecated forwards for `ThunkAction` and `ThunkMiddleware()` **Other:** - This project has been migrated from https://github.com/mikecole20/ReSwiftThunk/ along with some backwards-compatible API changes documented above.
Pre-release version for tests with CocoaPods
5 years ago

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