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Packages published by OpenCombine

OpenCombine/OpenCombine 0.14.0
Open source implementation of Apple's Combine framework for processing values over time.
⭐️ 2,640
🕓 51 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


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51 weeks ago
This release is compatible with Xcode 14.2 and Swift 5.7 ### Additions - Primary associated type support for `Publisher`, `Subscriber`, `ConnectablePublisher`, `Subject` and `Scheduler` protocols (#239) ### Bugfixes - Fixed nullifying the reference to parent in `Future`'s conduit (#239)
2 years ago
This release is compatible with Xcode 13.2. ### Additions - Windows support (thank you @MaxDesiatov!) - `Publishers.Throttle` (#195, thank you @stuaustin) - `Publishers.PrefixUntilOutput` (#206) - `Publishers.Zip` (#222, thank you @MaxDesiatov and @ArthurChi) - `async`/`await` extensions: `Future.value` and `Publisher.values` (#219) ### Bugfixes - Fixed reentrancy bugs in `Subscribers.Sink` and `Subscribers.Assign` (#210) - Fixed lifecycle bugs in `Publishers.Concatenate` (#210)
3 years ago
This release adds a new `OpenCombineShim` product that will conditionally re-export either Combine on Apple platforms, or OpenCombine on other platforms. Additionally, `ObservableObject` protocol is now available and working on all platforms. A bug with `Timer(timeInterval:repeats:block:)` firing immediately not accounting for the passed `timeInterval` is fixed. **Merged pull requests:** - Fix `Timer(timeInterval:repeats:block:)` not accounting `timeInterval` ([#196](https://github.com/OpenCombine/OpenCombine/pull/196)) via [@grigorye](https://github.com/grigorye) - Add `OpenCombineShim` product for easier importing ([#197](https://github.com/OpenCombine/OpenCombine/pull/197)) via [@MaxDesiatov](https://github.com/MaxDesiatov) - Implementation for `ObservableObject` with `Mirror` ([#201](https://github.com/OpenCombine/OpenCombine/pull/201)) via [@kateinoigakukun](https://github.com/kateinoigakukun)
3 years ago
This release is compatible with Xcode 12.1. ### Additions - `Publisher.assigned(to:)` method that accepts a `Published.Publisher`. - New `Publisher.switchToLatest()` overloads. - New `Publisher.flatMap(maxPublishers:_:)` overloads. - `Optional.publisher` property. - New `_Introspection` protocol that allows to track and explore the subscription graph and data flow. ### Bugfixes - The project should now compile without warnings. - The following entities have been updated to match the behavior of the newest Combine version: - `Subscribers.Assign` - `Publishers.Breakpoint` - `Publishers.Buffer` - `CombineIdentifier` - `Publishers.CompactMap` - `Publishers.Concatenate` - `Publishers.Debounce` - `Publishers.Delay` - `DispatchQueue.SchedulerTimeType.Stride` - `Publishers.Drop` - `Publishers.Encode` - `Publishers.Decode` - `Publishers.Filter` - `Publishers.HandleEvents` - `Publishers.IgnoreOutput` - `Publishers.MeasureInterval` - `OperationQueue` scheduler - `Published` - `Publishers.ReceiveOn` - `Publishers.ReplaceError` - `RunLoop scheduler` - `Publishers.Sequence` - `Subscribers.Sink` - `Publishers.SubscribeOn` - `Publishers.Timeout` - `Timer` publisher ### Known issues - The default implementation of the `objectWillChange` requirement of the `ObservableObject` protocol is not available in Swift 5.1 and later.
3 years ago
### Bugfixes - Fixed a crash caused by recursive acquisition of a non-recursive lock in SubbjectSubscriber (#186, thanks @stuaustin for the bug report) ### Known issues - The default implementation of the `objectWillChange` requirement of the `ObservableObject` protocol is not available in Swift 5.1 and later.
3 years ago
### Bugfixes - Fixed build errors on Linux with Swift 5.0 and Swift 5.3 toolchains (thanks, @adamleonard and @devmaximilian) ### Known issues - The default implementation of the `objectWillChange` requirement of the `ObservableObject` protocol is not available in Swift 5.1 and later.
3 years ago
This release is compatible with Xcode 11.5. ### Additions - `Timer.publish(every:tolerance:on:in:options:)` (#156, thank you @MaxDesiatov) - `OperationQueue` scheduler (#165) - `Publishers.Timeout` (#164) - `Publishers.Debounce` (#133) ### Bugfixes - `PassthroughSubject`, `CurrentValueSubject` and `Future` have been rewritten from scratch. They are now faster, more correct and no longer leak subscriptions (#170). ### Known issues - The default implementation of the `objectWillChange` requirement of the `ObservableObject` protocol is not available in Swift 5.1 and later.
3 years ago
This release is compatible with Xcode 11.5. ### Additions - The `Subscribers.Demand` struct can be nicely formatted in LLDB (#146, thank you @mayoff). - `Publishers.SwitchToLatest` (#142). - The `RunLoop` scheduler in `OpenCombineFoundation` (#131). - `Publishers.Catch` and `Publishers.TryCatch` (#140). ### Bugfixes - Worked around a [bug in the Swift compiler](https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-11680) when building the `COpenCombineHelpers` target (#145, thank you @mayoff). - Improved documentation. ### Known issues - The default implementation of the `objectWillChange` requirement of the `ObservableObject` protocol is not available in Swift 5.1 and later.
4 years ago
This release is compatible with Xcode 11.3.1. ### Additions - `Publishers.ReplaceEmpty` (#122, thank you @spadafiva) - `NotificationCenter.Publisher` (#84) - `URLSession.DataTaskPublisher` (#127) - `Publishers.DropUntilOutput` (#136) - `Publishers.CollectByCount` (#137) - `Publishers.AssertNoFailure` (#138) - `Publishers.Buffer` (#143) ### Bugfixes - Fixed integer overflows in `DispatchQueue.SchedulerTimeType.Stride` (#126, #130) - Fixed the 'default will never be executed' warning on non-Darwin platforms (like Linux) (#129) ### Known issues - The default implementation of the `objectWillChange` requirement of the `ObservableObject` protocol is not available in Swift 5.1.
4 years ago
This release is compatible with Xcode 11.2.1. ### Additions - `Publishers.Delay` (#114) - `Publishers.ReceiveOn` (#115) - `Publishers.SubscribeOn` (#116) - `Publishers.MeasureInterval` (#117) - `Publishers.Breakpoint` (#118) - `Publishers.HandleEvents` (#118) - `Publishers.Concatenate` (#90) ### Known issues - The default implementation of the `objectWillChange` requirement of the `ObservableObject` protocol is not available in Swift 5.1.
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