Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by LowKostKustomz

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Packages published by LowKostKustomz

LowKostKustomz/StatusAlert 1.1.1
Display Apple system-like self-hiding status alerts. It is well suited for notifying user without interrupting user flow in iOS-like way.
⭐️ 844
🕓 33 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
5 years ago
Updated to Swift 5.0.
5 years ago
## Source-breaking changes > Old ```swift @objc public var defaultInitialScale: CGFloat @objc public var defaultCornerRadius: CGFloat @objc public var defaultTopOffset: CGFloat @objc public var defaultBottomOffset: CGFloat @objc public var defaultImageWidth: CGFloat @objc public var defaultAlertWidth: CGFloat @objc public var defaultImageBottomSpace: CGFloat @objc public var defaultTitleBottomSpace: CGFloat @objc public var defaultImageToMessageSpace: CGFloat ``` > New ```swift @objc public var initialScale: CGFloat @objc public var cornerRadius: CGFloat @objc public var topOffset: CGFloat @objc public var bottomOffset: CGFloat @objc public var imageWidth: CGFloat @objc public var alertWidth: CGFloat @objc public var imageBottomSpace: CGFloat @objc public var titleBottomSpace: CGFloat @objc public var imageToMessageSpace: CGFloat ``` ## Fixed - Issue #7 ## What's new - Added `blurStyle` property to appearance
5 years ago
5 years ago
Updated to Swift 4.2.
5 years ago
## Fixed - issue #4
5 years ago
## Source-breaking changes > Old ```swift let statusAlert = StatusAlert.instantiate( withImage: image, title: title, message: message, canBePickedOrDismissed: isPickable ) ``` > New ```swift let statusAlert = StatusAlert() statusAlert.image = image statusAlert.title = title statusAlert.message = message statusAlert.canBePickedOrDismissed = isPickable ``` ## Fixed * `multiplePresentationsBehavior` default value is `.ignoreIfAlreadyPresenting` now ## What's new * Added reusing some UI elements, such as `UIImageView`s, `UILabel`s and space `UIView`s
5 years ago
## Source-breaking changes `shouldShowMultipleAlertsSimultaneously ` is now deprecated, use `multiplePresentationsBehavior` instead. > Old ```swift StatusAlert.shouldShowMultipleAlertsSimultaneously = true ``` > New ```swift StatusAlert.multiplePresentationsBehavior = .showMultiple ``` ## Fixed * Memory leak (lost a `weak` reference to `self`)
6 years ago
* Fixed bug with appearance setup * Added VoiceOver to demo apps
6 years ago
## Source-breaking changes ### StatusAlert.Appearance structure now has `common` property, used by default by all alerts. > Old ```swift StatusAlert.Appearance.contentColor = UIColor.black ``` > New ```swift // contentColor was renamed to tintColor StatusAlert.Appearance.common.tintColor = UIColor.black ``` ### StatusAlert's appearance now can be set up with `appearance` property of type `StatusAlert.Appearance`. By default will be user `StatusAlert.Appearance.common`. > Old ```swift statusAlert.contentColor = UIColor.black ``` > New ```swift statusAlert.appearance.tintColor = UIColor.black ``` ### Vertical position offset no longer can be passed as associated value to enum case. Instead, offset can be passed as parameter to `show` method. > Old ```swift statusAlert.show(withVerticalPosition: .center(offset: 8) ``` > New ```swift statusAlert.show(withVerticalPosition: .center, offset: 8) ``` ## What's new * Added Objective-C support * Added Swift 3.2 support * Added VoiceOver support
6 years ago
Added **Swift Package Manager** support.

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