Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by Kommunicate-io

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Packages published by Kommunicate-io

Kommunicate-io/Kommunicate-iOS-SDK 7.1.7
Kommunicate iOS SDK for customer support
⭐️ 43
🕓 5 days ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
6 days ago
## What's Changed - Iframe Support for HTML Content - Added prefix to the files to avoid build issue in case of same name is used by other libraries - Added support for conversation deletion sync. ## Note - If encountering any build issues, remove the pod and reinstall it. - Please update the data type of events from `CustomEvent` to `KMCustomEvent` if using [Events](https://docs.kommunicate.io/docs/ios-configuration#events). ``` /// For Reference let event: [KMCustomEvent] = [.richMessageClick, .faqClick, .messageSend, .messageReceive] ``` - To utilise Iframe, please check the [documentation](https://docs.kommunicate.io/docs/message-types#html-content). Additionally, below is a shared payload for reference. ``` { "message": "<iframe width='250' height='200' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/mfeTyNgOc7I?si=65PkVAsy_p0bGdGu' title='YouTube video player' frameborder='0' allow='accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share' referrerpolicy='strict-origin-when-cross-origin' allowfullscreen></iframe>", "platform": "kommunicate", "messageType": "html" } ```
4 weeks ago
## What's Changed - Fixed name getting cut issue in Navigation Bar. - Improved the Flow of Showing Rating Bar. - Improved read receipt label for messages.
5 weeks ago
## What's Changed - Added Dynamic online/offline status Feature - Added the last Message icon in Conversation List Screen. - Fixed Link preview issue. - Fixed Assignee Image not showing with custom title.
5 weeks ago
## What's Changed - Fixed Build Conversation issue
7 weeks ago
## What's Changed - Fixed Form Rich Message Rendering issue - Added support for showing assingment message - Fixed Reply meta issue on Quick Reply Button
9 weeks ago
## What's Changed - Zendesk (Zopim) integration optimisations - Fixed Suggested Reply Rich Message is not getting rendered while scrolling on conversation screen - Time Label Font Change - Added support of form data using dialog flow fulfillment - Fixed minor crashes
14 weeks ago
## Summary - Fixed link preview showing for deep link - Added the caption Screen for Attachment. - Fixed HTML Message view in Conversation List Screen. - Fixed Location blue bar coming in message bubble - Fixed New Form UI Cutting from Bottom. - Updated the User Update Api
16 weeks ago
## Summary - Restrict agent reply for zendesk conversation - Added Customisation for the line above chatbar. - Changed UI for typing indicator - Minor UI related bug fixes
18 weeks ago
## Summary - Fixed hidePostCTA message delete issue.
18 weeks ago
## Summary - Added Support of Video Rich Message. - Fixed the attachment upload issue. - Fixed Conversation Missmatch issue.
iOS linux macOS iOS
Kommunicate-io/KommunicateCore-iOS-SDK 1.1.9
Fork of ApplozicCore https://github.com/AppLozic/Applozic-Chat-iOS-Framework customized for KM iOS SDK https://github.com/Kommunicate-io/Kommunicate-iOS-SDK.
⭐️ 1
🕓 6 days ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
6 days ago
## Summary - Added support for conversation deletion sync.
9 weeks ago
## Summary - Optimised Zendesk agent message flow - Optimised sync call api
14 weeks ago
## Summary - Updated the User Update Api
16 weeks ago
## Summary - Changed UI for typing indicator in iOS SDK - Added feature to trigger intents using quick reply
24 weeks ago
## Summary - Upgraded appsetttings api & optimised the create conversation flow
25 weeks ago
## Summary - Fixed all messages are not loading in conversation screen.
29 weeks ago
## Summary - Added elastic update for email updation in IOS SDK - Added Support For Auto Suggestions Rich Message
31 weeks ago
## Summary - Passed kmUserLocale in groupMetadata and messageMetaData. - Added platoformSource in db. - Upgraded minimum SDK version to 13. - Fixed Agent App attachment sent issue
36 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Added platform property and Enum for platform in ALUser
46 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Added cloud support for attachments * Added Support upload attachment size

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