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Packages published by Kitura

Kitura/Kitura IBM-2019
A Swift web framework and HTTP server.
⭐️ 7,614
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
NIO is now the default network stack
1 year ago
NIO is now the default network stack. To revert to the previous behavior, set the environment variable `KITURA_NIO=0` when building.
Updated Package.swift for Kitura org
3 years ago
Includes Package.swift updates for Kitura and dependencies that reflect the github organization change from `IBM-Swift` to `Kitura`. To ensure dependencies are tracked properly, your "from" version should not be lower than this in your SPM dependency list.
4 years ago
- fix: Support nested types in the generated Swagger document (#1488)
4 years ago
- feat: Allow customization of the `SwaggerDocument` (#1483) - feat: Ability to limit request size and connection count (#1481)
4 years ago
- fix: Correctly register Codable paths which contain an explicit `:id` (#1484)
4 years ago
- fix: Correctly register Codable paths which contain an explicit `:id` (#1485)
4 years ago
### Features - Enable Kitura to exit with a non-zero exit code (#1430) - note: `Kitura.run()` will now call `exit()` to terminate the process with a non-zero status code if any of the listeners fails to start, such as if a requested port is in use. To prevent this, you may specify `Kitura.run(exitOnFailure: false)`. - Maintain the URL query when static file server redirects (#1381) - Allow servers to listen on a specific address (#1453) - Define a Kitura.logTo() function for logging via swift-log (#1460) - StaticFileServer fallback option to support single-page applications (#1464) - Convenience API for creating cookies (#1468) ### Fixes - Swift 5.1 support (#1466) - Add iOS availability (#1475)
4 years ago
- Resolve compilation failures with Swift 5.1 (#1466)
5 years ago
## Features - Support UNIX domain sockets (client and server) (#1434) ## Fixes - Update MIME content types (#1441) - Swagger/OpenAPI generation improvements (#1420, #1346, #1347) - Require `TypeDecoder` 1.3 on Swift 4.0 and 4.1 (#1439) - Build in Swift 5 mode (#1436) - Improve test resilience (#1426) - Use official Swift Docker images for testing (#1424) - Use `UTF8View` to create `Data` (#1395) ## Performance - Remove `NSString` from `Accepts` header and cookies (#1402) - Avoid `NSString` in query parameters (#1401) - Avoid unnecessary copy in `RouterResponse.send()` (#1394)
5 years ago
- fix: Remove hashvalue for swift >= 4.2
linux macOS iOS
Kitura/BlueSocket IBM-2019
Socket framework for Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, and Linux.
⭐️ 1,392
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Eliminate some compiler warnings
2 years ago
Include update for cocoapods
2 years ago
2 years ago
This release no longer supports Swift 4.x. The minimum supported Swift version is 5.0, while the minimum recommended version is 5.2.
Version 1.0
4 years ago
# Version 1.0 Socket framework for Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, and Linux. ## Prerequisites ### Swift * Swift Open Source `swift-4.0.0-RELEASE` toolchain (**Minimum REQUIRED for latest release**) * Swift Open Source `swift-5.0-RELEASE` toolchain (**Recommended**) * Swift toolchain included in *Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125) or higher*. ### macOS * macOS 10.11.6 (*El Capitan*) or higher. * Xcode Version 9.0 (9A325) or higher using one of the above toolchains. * Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125) or higher using the included toolchain (*Recommended*). ### iOS * iOS 10.0 or higher * Xcode Version 9.0 (9A325) or higher using one of the above toolchains. * Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125) or higher using the included toolchain (*Recommended*). ### Linux * Ubuntu 16.04 (or 16.10 but only tested on 16.04 and 18.04). * One of the Swift Open Source toolchains listed above. ### Other Platforms * **BlueSocket** is **NOT** supported on *watchOS* since POSIX/BSD/Darwin sockets are not supported on the actual device although they are supported in the simulator. * **BlueSocket** should work on *tvOS* but has **NOT** been tested. ### Add-ins * [BlueSSLService](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/BlueSSLService.git) can be used to add **SSL/TLS** support. - If using this package, please note that the **libssl-dev** package is required to be installed when building on Linux. ## Changes since 1.0.0 * When calling _getaddrinfo()_, the hints variable should reflect the protocol family of the socket. * Added new parameter to _connect()_ to allow the caller to force the connection to the specific family of the Socket instance making call. The default behavior is to allow connection to any socket family. * Big endian fixes. PR #130. * Update to Swift 4.1. * Fixed _connect()_ for UDP sockets. PR #137. * Added CI support for Swift 4.2 builds. PR #138. * Improve using _Signature_ to connect to socket. PR #147. * Update to use Swift 4.2 as default. PR #151. * Resolve Swift 5 compilation warnings. Drop Swift 3 support. PR #154. * Added new parameter to TCP version of _listen_ API to allow caller to specify a particular address to listen on. This new parameter is defaulted to _nil_ and therefore should **NOT** affect current callers. * Update the example in the README to correct a data race condition. Issue #115. * Update CI support to use Swift 4.2.3. PR #169 * Update for Swift 5.0. PR #170. * Add CI support for Xcode 11. * Fixed problem with _endianess_ on big iron. PR #177. * Update to use Swift 5.1 as default.
Version 1.0
6 years ago
# Version 1.0 Socket framework for Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, and Linux. ## Prerequisites ### Swift * Swift Open Source `swift-4.0.0-RELEASE` toolchain (**Minimum REQUIRED for latest release**) * Swift Open Source `swift-4.2-RELEASE` toolchain (**Recommended**) * Swift toolchain included in *Xcode Version 10.0 (10A255) or higher*. ### macOS * macOS 10.11.6 (*El Capitan*) or higher. * Xcode Version 9.0 (9A325) or higher using one of the above toolchains. * Xcode Version 10.0 (10A255) or higher using the included toolchain (*Recommended*). ### iOS * iOS 10.0 or higher * Xcode Version 9.0 (9A325) or higher using one of the above toolchains. * Xcode Version 10.0 (10A255) or higher using the included toolchain (*Recommended*). ### Linux * Ubuntu 16.04 (or 16.10 but only tested on 16.04). * One of the Swift Open Source toolchain listed above. ### Other Platforms * **BlueSocket** is **NOT** supported on *watchOS* since POSIX/BSD/Darwin sockets are not supported on the actual device although they are supported in the simulator. * **BlueSocket** should work on *tvOS* but has **NOT** been tested. ### Add-ins * [BlueSSLService](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/BlueSSLService.git) can be used to add **SSL/TLS** support. ## Changes since 1.0.0 * When calling getaddrinfo(), the hints variable should reflect the protocol family of the socket. See issue #128. * Added new parameter to connect() to allow the caller to force the connection to the specific family of the Socket instance making call. The default behavior is to allow connection to any socket family. See issues #129 and #128. * Added support for big endian devices. PR #130. * Added descriptive error messages for internal errors. PR #131. * Update for Swift 4.1. * Fixed minor warnings on Linux. * Fixed problem with _connect()_ when using UDP sockets. PR #137. * Update to include Swift 4.2 in CI builds. * Added prerequisite that the **libssl-dev** package is required to be installed when building on Linux if using the BlueSSLService add-in. * Minor license update. * Performance fix for debug mode. PR #144. * Added test for issue #139. * _connect_ using signature changes. PR #147. * Updates for Xcode 10 to project. * Swift 4.2 support. * Fixed buffer overflow problem that only showed up in optimized code. Issue #139. * Make Swift 4.2 the default compiler in project. * Update for Swift 4.2 (PR #151) and Xcode 10. * Added CI support for building with Swift 5. PR #154. * Added new parameter to TCP version of _listen_ API to allow caller to specify a particular address to listen on. This new parameter is defaulted to _nil_ and therefore should affect current callers.
Swift 4 Support.
7 years ago
This release minimally requires use of the swift-3.1.1-RELEASE toolchain or the swift-4.0.0-RELEASE toolchain which is _recommended_. - Compatible with Xcode 9.0 (9A235) General Release or higher using one of the above toolchains. - Added support for _arm_ architecture for FD utilities. - Added nine (9) new tests to test suite including a full test server helper function that uses _Dispatch_. - Added `read(into data: inout Data)` - This function reads all the data available on a socket and returns it in the `Data` object that was passed. This function has been added to the _SocketReader_ protocol. - Added `write(from data: Data)` - This function writes the data contained within the `Data` object to the socket. This method has been added to the _SocketWriter_ protocol. - Merged in support for non-blocking writes to TCP sockets per PR#15 submitted against the legacy-0.7 branch. **Also available at tag 0.7.6 for use with the 7/25 toolchain**. - See README.md for more information about the new API. - Added new property, `remoteConnectionClosed`, to enable differentiation between a socket that is no longer connected to its' remote partner and one that would block. If this property returns true, the remote connection has been closed and the socket should be closed. - APIs based on _NSData_ and _NSMutable_ data will be deprecated in a future release. - Removed verifyConnection() function from _SSLServiceDelegate_ protocol. Now handled internally by _SSLService_ itself. - Minor change to initialize delegate function of _SSLServiceDelegate_. _SSLService.inititalize(isServer:)_ became _SSLService.initialize(asServer:)_. - Updated example in README.md to use multi-threaded _Dispatch_ based API. - Added continuous integration (PR#16) include build badge in `README.md`. - Allow use on iOS, tvOS and watchOS as well as macOS. - Added `endianness check` for host before byte swapping (PR#20). - Added fix for issue #22. When requesting to listen on port 0, the port assigned by the OS was not being returned in the `Signature`. Hence, the caller would not know what port was assigned and is being listened to. Added two additional unit tests to test this condition. Also, related to this, passing of a zero (0) for port when attempting to `connect` is _invalid_ and will now be cause for an exception being thrown. - Added support for using _UNIX Domain Sockets_. See the `README.md` for more information. - Read and write function can now throw a _SOCKET_ERR_CONNECTION_RESET_ exception in the event the connection was reset by the peer. - Added new computed property, `isSecure`, at the `Socket` level to resolve the optional `signature` property and returns true if the socket is secure and false otherwise. - Updated tests to account for serverHelper launch and take down. - Added UDP support. See the `README.md` for more information. - Fixed issue #46. - Fixed issue [#959](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura/issues/959) from Kitura. - Fixed a crash bug revealed in BlueSSLService issue [#10](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/BlueSSLService/issues/10). - Fixed issue #49. File representing a UNIX socket should not be deleted when a client socket is closed. Only the listening socket should delete the file. - Fixed issue #50. - Added documentation (as a result of issue #53) that documents how to set the socket read buffer size. - Changed how certain flags were being reset during the close of a socket. Related to issue #53. Also removed old debug statement and redundant memory clearing calls. - Merged PR #54 to correct warnings under Swift 3.1. - Merged PR #55 to correct memory leaks related to getAddrInfo. - In response to issue #56, added two new functions that allow the setting of a read and/or write timeout. See the `README.md` for more information. - Merged PR #57 to add *CocoaPod* support. - Added usage information for CocoaPods. - Merged PR #60 which now allows port sharing between IPV6 and IPV4 sockets. - When the SSLServiceDelegate is set to a non-nil value, increase the read buffer size to accommodate the TLS packet size. Related to issue [#22](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/BlueSSLService/issues/22) in *BlueSSLService*. - Added code to validate the port values passed to connect(to:port:) function and ensure they fall within the proper range. - Merged PR #61: Set SO_REUSEPORT for port sharing on macOS. - Merged PR #62. - Corrected buffer overflow problem when doing certain TCP reads the use the `truncate` parameter. See issue [#66](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/BlueSocket/issues/66). - Changed podpsec Swift version to 3.1.1. - Update podspec to include watchOS and tvOS. PR #70 - Support of Xcode 9 Beta. - Support for ALPN in SSLServiceDelegate. PR #67 - Merge PR #72 to fix problem reported by issue #68. - Fixed issue #81, If the attempt to set the *SO_REUSEPORT* socket option fails, check *errno* for *ENOPROTOOPT* and if set, silently ignore the error. This can happen when using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). - Added new utility function, udpBroadcast, to allow enablement and disablement of broadcast mode for UDP sockets. This fixes issue #80. - Fixed bug in new utility function, _udpBroadcast_, that was causing the inverse of what it was supposed to do. - Added enhancement to _connect_ API to allow for a connection timeout (issue #65). See the documentation in the README.md for how to use the new API. - Swift 4 Support. - Merged PR #85 to allow deferral of SSL accept. This fixes BlueSSLService issue [#40](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/BlueSSLService/issues/40). For more details and discussion refer to that issue. - Fixed bug related to PR #85. - Removed _watchOS_ support. See issue #87 for more info. - Fixed problem on macOS when using _connect_ API. See issue #88 for more info. - Update _FD*_ functions to consistently used _Int32_ where appropriate. - Allow _wait()_ function to be called on UDP sockets that are bound. - Add new parameter for _listen()_ API that allows the caller to decide whether to reuse the listening port or not. _Default_ behavior is to reuse the port. Resolves issue #94. - Removed unsafe access to _Socket.Address_, PR #93. - Corrected some outdated documentation in _README.md_, issue #96. - Added tvOS target to Xcode project, issue #100. - Minor project changes for tvOS. - Remove build on Xcode 8.3. - CI updates. - Clarify use of the _isReadableOrWritable()_ function when attempting to write to a newly connected socket. Issue #105. - Cleanup and minor bug fix. PR #107. - Rolled back _fd_set_ extension from PR #107 to fix crash bug. Added additional tests to ensure this kind of crash bug doesn't get through again. - Added back the now fixed _fd_set extension_. PR #111. - The _connect(to:port:timeout:)_ API will now throw an exception if called on a non-blocking socket without the optional _timeout_ being passed with a value greater than zero. Updated documentation to reflect this. - Changes to adapt to Swift 4.1. Encompasses PR #121 and other related changes. - Fixed a bit-addressing error in fd_set implementation. Make sure that the temporary socket opened in _Socket.connect(to:port:timeout:)_ is closed in the event of an error being thrown. See PR #126 for more information. This fixes the following issues: #120, #123 and #125.
Update to latest Xcode (Beta 6) and toolchain (8/15).
7 years ago
This release requires use of the swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-15-a toolchain. - Compatible with Xcode 8 Beta 6 using the above toolchain. - Added support for _arm_ architecture for FD utilities. - Added nine (9) new tests to test suite including a full test server helper function that uses _Dispatch_. - **IMPORTANT NOTE** Testing requires a working _Dispatch_ module in the toolchain. See the `README.md` for more information. - Added `read(into data: inout Data)` - This function reads all the data available on a socket and returns it in the `Data` object that was passed. This function has been added to the _SocketReader_ protocol. - Added `write(from data: Data)` - This function writes the data contained within the `Data` object to the socket. This method has been added to the _SocketWriter_ protocol. - Merged in support for non-blocking writes to TCP sockets per PR#15 submitted against the legacy-0.7 branch. Also available at tag 0.7.6 for use with the 7/25 toolchain. - See README.md for more information about the new API. - _NSData_ and _NSMutable_ data will be deprecated in a future release. - Removed verifyConnection() function from _SSLServiceDelegate_ protocol. Now handled internally by _SSLService_ itself. - Minor change to initialize delegate function of _SSLServiceDelegate_. _SSLService.inititalize(isServer:)_ became _SSLService.initialize(asServer:)_. - Updated example in README.md to use multi-threaded _Dispatch_ based API. - Added instructions for building and installing _Dispatch_ into the 8/15 Linux toolchain.
New APIs, new platform support, new test suite, new (8/7) toolchain.
7 years ago
This release requires use of the swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-04-a toolchain or the new swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-07-a toolchain. The use of the 8/7 toolchain is recommended. - Added support for _arm_ architecture for FD utilities. - Added nine (9) new tests to test suite including a full test server helper function that uses _Dispatch_. - **IMPORTANT NOTE** Testing requires a working _Dispatch_ module in the toolchain. See the `README.md` for more information. - Added `read(into data: inout Data)` - This function reads all the data available on a socket and returns it in the `Data` object that was passed. This function has been added to the _SocketReader_ protocol. - Added `write(from data: Data)` - This function writes the data contained within the `Data` object to the socket. This method has been added to the _SocketWriter_ protocol. - Merged in support for non-blocking writes to TCP sockets per PR#15 submitted against the legacy-0.7 branch. Also available at tag 0.7.6 for use with the 7/25 toolchain. - _NSData_ and _NSMutable_ data will be deprecated in a future release. - Removed verifyConnection() function from _SSLServiceDelegate_ protocol. Now handled internally by _SSLService_ itself. - See README.md for more information about the new API. - Works with Xcode 8 Beta 4 using the above toolchain. - Updated example in README.md to use multi-threaded _Dispatch_ based API. - Added instructions for building and installing _Dispatch_ into the 8/4 or 8/7 Linux toolchain.
New APIs, new platform support, new test suite.
7 years ago
This release requires use of the new swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-07-25-a toolchain. - Added support for _arm_ architecture for FD utilities. - Added beginnings of a test suite. - Added `read(into data: inout Data)` - This function reads all the data available on a socket and returns it in the `Data` object that was passed. - Added `write(from data: Data)` - This function writes the data contained within the `Data` object to the socket. - See README.md for more information about the new API. - Works with Xcode 8 Beta 4 Default Toolchain.
Updates for the swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-06-20-a toolchain
7 years ago
This release requires use of the new swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-06-20-a toolchain. - Changes in response to Issue #6. Socket.wait() now supports a timed wait based on a passed timer value, an immediate return (i.e. quick check) and an indefinite wait. - Changed SOCKET_DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS to SOCKET_DEFAULT_MAX_BACKLOG and changed the default from 5 to 50. - Added SOCKET_MAX_DARWIN_BACKLOG for macOS. - Changed the signature of listen(on port: Int, maxPendingConnections: Int) to listen(on port: Int, maxBacklogSize: Int = Socket.SOCKET_DEFAULT_MAX_BACKLOG) and removed the listen(on port: Int) API since the same can be accomplished using defaults. - Updated documentation in README.md to reflect changes.
Kitura/Swift-JWT IBM-2019
JSON Web Tokens in Swift
⭐️ 539
🕓 3 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Swift 5.2 is now minimum
1 year ago
Fixed some dependencies
Update dependencies and clear some superfluous warnings
2 years ago
4 years ago
- fix: Add guard to handle index out of range exception (#83) - thanks @redryerye - doc: Swapped parameter descriptions for x5c and x5t (#78) - thanks @devmaximilian
4 years ago
- feat: Make Data base64url conversion utilities public (#75)
4 years ago
- Resolve Swift 5.1 compilation warnings (#70)
4 years ago
- Ignore newlines in key generation and allow DER formatting (#68)
4 years ago
- fix: Update @available for iOS, watchOS and tvOS (#67)
4 years ago
- feat: Add support for PS256, PS384 and PS512 algorithms (#56)
5 years ago
Support Swift 5 (#49)
5 years ago
feat: Enabling pattern matching on JWTErrors (#45) fix: remove unnecessary guard causing build warning (#43)
Kitura/Swift-Kuery IBM-2019
SQL database abstraction layer
⭐️ 427
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Remove support for Swift 4.x; update CI rules and github org references
2 years ago
5 years ago
Support Swift 5
5 years ago
Swift Kuery 3.0 includes the following updates: * API updated to be consistently asynchronous in design * New API added for result handling * Column building moved to plugins The release contains breaking API and behavior changes. For further details please see the included MigrationGuide.md
5 years ago
- Add case protection for PostgreSQL #130 (Breaking Change) - Improve Foreign Key Support #133 - Add AUTO INCREMENT support for SQLite #136 - Handle failure of ConnectionPool connection generator #137 ## Notes ## Add case protection for PostgreSQL #130 is a breaking change. Prior to this change all values for table and column names passed into the underlying database were converted to lower case by the PostgreSQL database. With the change the values are now wrapped to ensure the case is respected by the PostgreSQL database. If you have previously created a database that specifies mixed case table or column names you will encounter issues that may include: - Table does not exist. - Column does not exist. - Queries returning no data. To continue using your existing database you can align the table and column names in your application with the actual values in the database. Any raw queries you use may also require updating to ensure your table and column names are wrapped appropriately. Consider a simple example: For the table defined as myTable ``` class MyTable : Table { let aColumn = Column("a") let tableName = "myTable" } ``` Your previous raw select statement ``` SELECT aColumn FROM myTable ``` should be updated to ``` SELECT "aColumn" FROM "myTable" ``` if you wish to use the mixed case column names, or ``` SELECT acolumn FROM mytable ``` to continue using a previously created instance of myTable. If you build your select statement through the SwiftKuery API the table and column names will automatically be wrapped. In this case should you wish to use a previously created database you would need to change the table definition as follows ``` class MyTable : Table { let acolumn = Column("a") let tableName = "mytable" } ```
5 years ago
- Fixed not using provided date formatter (#132)
6 years ago
- fix: Connection Pool should not vend dead connections (#123, #127) - fix: Enable Connection Pool to recover from zero capacity (#128) - feat: Add UUID type (#125)
6 years ago
- Add initializer for creating a `Table` from a `[Column]`, rather than by reflection (#121)
6 years ago
- Add a flag to indicate whether to return the ID resulting from an insert query (#118)
6 years ago
## What's New - Makes full migration to Swift 4
Add Swift 4 Support
6 years ago
Kitura/Swift-SMTP v5.0.0
Swift SMTP client
⭐️ 249
🕓 8 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Swift 5.2 minimum; bugfix in base64 auth; fix CI
2 years ago
3 years ago
Updated dependencies for change in github org.
4 years ago
- Resolve compilation warnings with Swift 5 and later
Swift 5 support
5 years ago
Swift 4.1.2 support
5 years ago
Thanks @pushkarnk
Add TLSMode
5 years ago
Thanks to @trametheka for the great work. [migration guide](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Swift-SMTP/blob/master/migration-guide.md)
Update dependencies
5 years ago
Fixes #74. Thanks @davidde94
5 years ago
Adds Swift 4.1 support and more. See all changes in [migration guide](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Swift-SMTP/blob/master/migration-guide.md). Thanks for contributions from @hanskroner & @rafiki270.
Specify TLS support
6 years ago
[Migration guide](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Swift-SMTP/blob/master/migration-guide.md)
Use 'text/plain' for plain text content
6 years ago
Thanks @hanskroner
Kitura/Swift-Kuery-ORM IBM-2019
An ORM for Swift, built on Codable
⭐️ 210
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
ORMDatabase is now a public type
2 years ago
Remove support for Swift 4.x; Add support for Swift 5.4
2 years ago
4 years ago
This release includes ci updates and bug fixes for: - Prevent handling of empty array in QueryParams (#117) - Support custom encoding formats for optional `Date` fields
4 years ago
This release includes: - A fix for an error when using an array to filter with `QueryParams` #113 - Support for specifying an encoding format for any `Date` fields within a `Model`. #110
5 years ago
Support Swift 5
5 years ago
This release fixes the following issues: #100 - A database passed to a Model API would be ignored.
5 years ago
New features in this release: - Add support for embedding auto-assigned IDs (#104) Bug fixes: - Prevent error when using camelCase properties (#93) - Add missing case for decoding `UUID?` (#95) - Prevent crash on current access to `TableInfo` (#101)
5 years ago
- fix: Make `Model.executeQuery` class functions public (#87)
5 years ago
This release updates the ORM to use SwiftKuery 3.0 The update includes breaking changes to the `Database` class: 1. The getConnection method is removed 2. `ConnectionStrategy .generator` requires the generator function to execute a passed `DatabseTask` on a connected connection whereas previously it would just need to return a connected `Connection`.
5 years ago
Make fix for concurrent access to type info map avaialable.
Kitura/BlueCryptor IBM-2019
Swift cross-platform crypto library using CommonCrypto/libcrypto
⭐️ 189
🕓 5 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Minor fix in podspec
2 years ago
Swift 5.1 is now the lowest supported version; Removed support for Swift 4.x
2 years ago
Version 1.0
6 years ago
# Version 1.0 Swift cross-platform crypto library derived from [IDZSwiftCommonCrypto]Swift cross-platform crypto library derived from [IDZSwiftCommonCrypto](https://github.com/iosdevzone/IDZSwiftCommonCrypto). **IMPORTANT NOTE:** This release is **NOT** entirely source code compatible with previous releases. There are instances where *exceptions* are thrown now instead of the framework calling *fatalError()*. This means that there are more *recoverable* errors in the library than before. The only time that *fatalError()* is called is to indicate either a *programming error* or a *non-recoverable system error*. **Note:** On macOS and iOS, _BlueCryptor_ uses the Apple provided *CommonCrypto* library. On Linux, it uses *libcrypto from the OpenSSL project*. ## Prerequisites ### Swift * Swift Open Source `swift-4.0.0-RELEASE` toolchain (**Minimum REQUIRED for latest release**) * Swift Open Source `swift-5.0-RELEASE` toolchain (**Recommended**) * Swift toolchain included in *Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125) or higher*. ### macOS * macOS 10.11.6 (*El Capitan*) or higher. * Xcode Version 9.0 (9A325) or higher using one of the above toolchains. * Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125) or higher using the included toolchain (*Recommended*). ### iOS * iOS 10.0 or higher * Xcode Version 9.0 (9A325) or higher using one of the above toolchains. * Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125) or higher using the included toolchain (*Recommended*). ### Linux * Ubuntu 16.04 (or 16.10 but only tested on 16.04 and 18.04). * One of the Swift Open Source toolchain listed above. * OpenSSL is provided by the distribution. **Note:** 1.0.x, 1.1.x and later releases of OpenSSL are supported. ## Changes since 1.0.0 * Fixed warnings from Swift 4.1, added build support for 3.1.1 thru 4.1. PR #34. * Make Swift 4.1 the default compiler. Issue #35. * Support for Xcode 10 Beta. PR #38. * Added Swift 4.2 builds to CI. * Added scheme for building iOS version of BlueCryptor and made it shared. Issue #43. * Update README to specify **libssl-dev** as a requirement for building on Linux. Issue #42. * Minor license update. * Updates for Xcode 10 to project. * Swift 4.2 support. PR #46 * Make Swift 4.2 the default compiler in project. * Revert (#46) to use OpenSSL module in 4.2 format. PR #47. * Update recommendations to Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10. * Added support for OpenSSL 1.1.x as well as OpenSSL 1.0.x. * Added CI support for building with Swift 5. PR #49. * Removed requirement of Swift 4.2 to support OpenSSL 1.1.x. OpenSSL 1.1.x is now supported using Swift 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2. * Update CI support to use Swift 4.2.3. PR #52 * **byteArray** utility method will now return an empty array if the input array contains invalid hex digits. **Note: This function previously resulted in a fatal error under these circumstances.** PR #53. In a future release, this function will throw an exception when encountering invalid hex digits. * Update to Swift 5.0. PR #54. * Cleanup warnings on Linux. PR #57, #58. * Fixed warning showing up on Xcode 11. PR #60. * Add CI support for Xcode 11. * Fixed some linter warnings, update to Swift 5.1. PR #62
Added support for Swift 4.
7 years ago
This release minimally requires use of the swift-3.1.1-RELEASE toolchain or the swift-4.0.0-RELEASE toolchain which is _recommended_. - Compatible with Xcode 9.0 (9A235) General Release or higher using one of the above toolchains. - Removed old restriction on `Digest` by now allowing the `Data` extension to work on _Linux_ as well as _macOS_. - Renamed `Updateable` protocol to `Updatable`. - Added new `Data` based update function to `Updatable`. - Added support for `SHA1` algorithm in both `Digest` and `HMAC`. - For every function that took a `NSData`, there is now an equivalent function that takes a `Data` object. - Added tests for new `Data` based functions. - Allow use on iOS, tvOS and watchOS as well as macOS. - Removed the `inout` modifier from the `update(data: Data)` function in `Updatable` extension. It was unnecessary. See issue #7 for more details. - Added CI (PR#6). - Removed RSA stub. This will be replaced by a forthcoming _RSA-centric_ cross-platform package in the near future. - Merged PR #20 to fix a memory leak on Linux. - Added iOS target to supplied Xcode project. - Merged PR #23 to improve documentation formatting. - Support of Xcode 9 Beta. - Support for Swift 4. - Detect an invalid initialization vector size passed in to the StreamCryptor initializers. Issue #26. - Fixed problem with passing the size of an IV passed as a _String_. Need to account for all the _bytes_ not just the _character length_ which could be _different_. - Added additional tests to cover issue #26. - Added CocoaPod support (not quite functional yet). - Remove build on Xcode 8.3. - CI updates. - Completed audit of _fatalErrors_ as per issue #30 . Next step will be the code changes. No code changes with this release, just added comments where _fatalError()_ calls will be removed in a future release and replaced by exceptions and/or _Status_ changes.
Update to latest Xcode (Beta 6) and toolchain (8/15)
7 years ago
This release requires use of the swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-015-a toolchain. - Compatible with Xcode 8 Beta 6 using the above toolchains. - Removed old restriction on `Digest` by now allowing the `Data` extension to work on _Linux_ as well as _macOS_. - Renamed `Updateable` protocol to `Updatable`. - Added new `Data` based update function to `Updatable`. - Added support for `SHA1` algorithm in both `Digest` and `HMAC`. - For every function that took a `NSData`, there is now an equivalent function that takes a `Data` object. - Added tests for new `Data` based functions.
Update to latest (8/7) toolchain.
7 years ago
This release requires use of the swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-04-a toolchain or the new swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-07-a toolchain. - Compatible with Xcode 8 Beta 5 using either of the above toolchains. - Removed old restriction on `Digest` by now allowing the `Data` extension to work on _Linux_ as well as _macOS_. - Renamed `Updateable` protocol to `Updatable`. - Added new `Data` based update function to `Updatable`. - Added support for `SHA1` algorithm in both `Digest` and `HMAC`. - For every function that took a `NSData`, there is now an equivalent function that takes a `Data` object. - Added tests for new `Data` based functions.
Update to latest (7/25) toolchain.
7 years ago
This release requires use of the new swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-07-25-a toolchain. **Note:** Due to inconsistencies in the implementation of Data on macOS and Linux, this release continues to use the NSData and NSMutableData types. Once these inconsistencies are rectified, the Data type will be adopted.
Updates for swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-06-20-a toolchain.
7 years ago
This release requires use of the new swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-06-20-a toolchain. No other changes.
Update for latest toolchain.
7 years ago
- Dependency **CCrypto** was renamed to **OpenSSL**. - Support both 5/09, 5/31 and 6/06 toolchains.
New API.
7 years ago
Added new `defaultKeySize` public var to _StreamCryptor.Algorithm_ for ease in determining the key size to use.
Kitura/HeliumLogger IBM-2019
A lightweight logging framework for Swift
⭐️ 175
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Swift 5.1 is now the minimum supported version
2 years ago
4 years ago
- HeliumLogger may now be used as a `swift-log` backend (#73)
5 years ago
- Support Swift 5
5 years ago
- Add support for building with Swift 5 (#70) - Drop support for Swift 3. Note: if you require Swift 3 support, please continue to use the 1.7 release of HeliumLogger.
5 years ago
- Fix manifest parse error on Swift 4.2
5 years ago
- Ensure that Swift 4 `Package.swift` is always used on Swift 4
6 years ago
### What's New - Support Swift 4
7 years ago
Conditional Swift-3.1 compatibility
8 years ago
- The format is now able to be set. - Filename no longer contains the absolute path
8 years ago
Kitura/swift-html-entities IBM-2019
HTML5 spec-compliant character encoder/decoder for Swift
⭐️ 166
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Swift 5.2 is now the minimum supported. Improved compile speed.
2 years ago
Remove support for Swift 4.x; Ensure support for Swift 5.4
2 years ago
4 years ago
- Don't depend on `Foundation` since Swift 4.2 (#58). Credit: @broadwaylamb
4 years ago
- Improve compile time in release mode on Swift 5 (#51)
5 years ago
- Build in Swift 5 mode (#54)
5 years ago
- Adds Swift 5 compatibility (#46, #47, #49) Note that Swift 3.1 is no longer supported.
6 years ago
### What's New - Remove characters deprecations
6 years ago
### What's New - Add `CFBundleVersion` to `xcodeproj` so apps can be submitted to iTunes Connect/TestFlight; #37
6 years ago
### What's New - Add support for Swift 4
6 years ago
### What is new - Set deployment target OS versions to the minimum allowed (for Carthage builds)
Kitura/BlueRSA IBM-2019
RSA public/private key encryption, private key signing and public key verification in Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, and Linux (work in progress).
⭐️ 128
🕓 5 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Updated for community release
3 years ago
* Updated all package references/docs/links to Kitura GitHub org (from IBM-Swift) * minor bugfixes
Pre-Release 1.0
4 years ago
# Pre-Release: Version 1.0 Swift cross-platform RSA wrapper library for RSA encryption and signing. Works on supported Apple platforms (using Security framework). Linux (using OpenSSL) is working but is still a work in progress. * CryptorRSA: Utility functions for RSA encryption and signing. Pure Swift ## Prerequisites ### Swift * Swift Open Source `swift-4.0.0-RELEASE` toolchain (**Minimum REQUIRED for latest release**) * Swift Open Source `swift-5.0-RELEASE` toolchain (**Recommended**) * Swift toolchain included in *Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125) or higher*. ### macOS * macOS 10.12.0 (*Sierra*) or higher. ** (**Note:** to use PSS signing and verification requires macOS 10.13 or higher.) * Xcode Version 9.0 (9A325) or higher using one of the above toolchains. * Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125) or higher using the included toolchain (*Recommended*). ### iOS * iOS 10.0 or higher ** (**Note:** to use PSS signing and verification requires iOS 11.0 or higher.) * Xcode Version 9.0 (9A325) or higher using one of the above toolchains. * Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125) or higher using the included toolchain (*Recommended*). ### Linux * **Work in progress** * Ubuntu 16.04 (or 16.10 but only tested on 16.04 and 18.04). * One of the Swift Open Source toolchains listed above * OpenSSL is provided by the distribution. **Note:** 1.0.x, 1.1.x and later releases of OpenSSL are supported. ## Changes since 1.0.0 * Added prerequisite that the libssl-dev package is required to be installed when building on Linux. * Minor license update. * Fixes for Linux running older versions of OpenSSL * Updates and fixes for Swift 4.1.2, which is now the default version * Updates for Xcode 10 to project. * Added support for CocoaPods. * Make Swift 4.2 the default compiler in project. * Swift 4.2 support. PR #25. * Make Swift 4.2 the default compiler in the podspec. * Fixed warning(s) on Linux as result of change to Swift 4.2. * Update recommendations to Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10. * Added support for OpenSSL 1.1.x as well as OpenSSL 1.0.x. * Added iOS deployment target to podspec. Fixes issue #27. PR #28. * Add full support for iOS 10.3 or higher. * Added CI support for building with Swift 5. PR #29. * Fixed bug in _CryptorRSA.decrypted()_ function. * Removed requirement of Swift 4.2 to support OpenSSL 1.1.x. OpenSSL 1.1.x is now supported using Swift 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2. * Fixed assorted memory leaks. PR #36. * Fixed crash when creating a public key using a base64 encoded string. PR #39. * Update CI support to use Swift 4.2.3. PR #43 * Added functionality to make a key pair and pem string. PR #44. * Update to Swift 5.0. PR #45. * Added PSS sign/verify support for macOS 10.13 or higher and iOS 11.0 or higher and tvOS 11.0 or higher and watchOS 4.0 or higher. PR #46 * Changed availability of APIs to require _iOS 10.3_ at a **minimum** for iOS builds. PR #48 * Fixed warning due to new _availability_ checks. * Add support for PKCS8 private keys on macOS. PR #49 * Enable build on Xcode 11. PR #50 * Enable compiling on MacOS Catalyst. PR #60
PreRelease 1.0
5 years ago
* Adds Xcode 10 support with Swift 4.2 * Fixes some compilation warnings
Pre-Release: Version 1.0
6 years ago
# Pre-Release: Version 1.0 Swift cross-platform RSA wrapper library for RSA encryption and signing. Works on supported Apple platforms (using Security framework). Linux (using OpenSSL) is working but is still a work in progress. ## Contents * CryptorRSA: Utility functions for RSA encryption and signing. Pure Swift ## Prerequisites ### Swift * Swift Open Source `swift-4.0.0-RELEASE` toolchain (**Minimum REQUIRED for latest release**) * Swift Open Source `swift-4.0.3-RELEASE` toolchain (**Recommended**) * Swift toolchain included in *Xcode Version 9.0 (9A325) or higher*. ### macOS * macOS 10.12.0 (*Sierra*) or higher * Xcode Version 9.0 (9A325) or higher using the included toolchain (**Minimum REQUIRED for latest release**). * Xcode Version 9.2 (9C40b) or higher using the included toolchain (**Recommended**). ### iOS * iOS 10.0 or higher * Xcode Version 9.0 (9A325) or higher using the included toolchain (**Minimum REQUIRED for latest release**). * Xcode Version 9.2 (9C40b) or higher using the included toolchain (**Recommended**). ### Linux * **Work in progress** * Ubuntu 16.04 (or 16.10 but only tested on 16.04) * One of the Swift Open Source toolchains listed above * OpenSSL 1.0.x is provided by the distribution. **Note:** Only the 1.0.x releases of OpenSSL are currently supported. * Added prerequisite that the libssl-dev package is required to be installed when building on Linux. * Minor license update.
Pre-release - Full API, Linux support a work in progress.
7 years ago
This is a _pre-release_. It currently supports **macOS/iOS** with **Linux** support still a _work in progress_. The API contained herein is subject to change as **Linux** support is further developed. - See the README.md for minimum requirements for usage. - Added two new APIs that allow creation of a public key by extracting it from a PEM formatted certificate file. - Added new API, tests and documentation that allows extraction of a public key from a PEM formatted certificate contained in a Data object. - Support for Swift 4. - Support for Linux key handling. PR #6. - Support for Linux sign/verify handling. PR #10. - Support for padding option for RSA signing. PR #11 - Support for Linux encryption/decryption. PR #12 - Made the initializers for creating EncryptedData and SignedData public.
Kitura/SwiftyRequest IBM-2019
SwiftyRequest is an HTTP networking library built for Swift.
⭐️ 108
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4 years ago
- fix: Increase number of threads available to RestRequest to 1 per processor - feat: Allow custom EventLoopGroup and Timeout (#78)
4 years ago
This release represents a major re-working of SwiftyRequest, built on the swift-nio based [`async-http-client`](https://github.com/swift-server/async-http-client) developed by the [Swift Server Working Group](https://swift.org/server/). ## Features - Support for client certificates (2-way SSL), - Direct retrieval of `Codable` types. ## Supported Swift versions - Requires Swift 5.0 or later.
4 years ago
- Add OSX deployment target to podspec (#71)
4 years ago
- feat: API to conveniently access `HTTPCookie`s from a response (#68)
4 years ago
- Resolve compilation failures with Swift 5.1 (#67)
4 years ago
feat: Make RestRequest session public (#66)
4 years ago
- Resolve memory leaks relating to missing cleanup of underlying URLSession, and a leak that occurred when using CircuitBreaker due to a retain cycle (#60)
5 years ago
- Build in Swift 5 mode
5 years ago
- fix: Prevent `RestRequest.queryItems` from being erased by default parameter for `response` functions (#51)
5 years ago
- Fixed an issue in checking https when URL contains "https" (#46)
Kitura/Kitura-net v0.4.1
Kitura networking
⭐️ 103
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Package dependency updates
2 years ago
Swift 4.x no longer supported
2 years ago
Swift 5.1 is now the minimum supported version.
First community release
3 years ago
To ensure dependencies are tracked properly, you should specify this as the minimum release version going forward.
4 years ago
- fix: Send Basic Auth credentials in an Authorization header (#303) - feat: Ability to limit request size and connection count (#307)
4 years ago
feat: Allow Kitura-NIO to only listen on one network address (#299). Kitura listens on every available address/interface. This feature allows Kitura to listen on only on interface/network address.
5 years ago
- feat: Add support for Unix domain sockets (#296)
5 years ago
- Disable curl's `Expect` header (#294): prevents ClientRequest (which uses curl) from sending an `Expect: 100-continue` header when sending payloads above a certain threshold, as Kitura does not support it (resulting in a 1 second delay for such requests).
5 years ago
- fix: resolve crash on Linux with Swift 5 (#284)
5 years ago
- fix: workaround to pass UInt16 value for ClientRequest.Options (#285) - resolves #275
5 years ago
- fix: Ensure exclusive access ([SE-0176](https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0176-enforce-exclusive-access-to-memory.md)) when mutating `ClientRequest.delegate` (#278)
Kitura/BlueSSLService IBM-2019
SSL/TLS Add-in for BlueSocket using Secure Transport and OpenSSL
⭐️ 96
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Cleanup some warnings
2 years ago
Version 1.0
5 years ago
# Version 1.0 SSL/TLS Add-in framework for [BlueSocket](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/BlueSocket.git) in Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on supported Apple platforms (using Secure Transport) and on Linux (using OpenSSL). ## Prerequisites ### Swift * Swift Open Source `swift-4.0.0-RELEASE` toolchain (**Minimum REQUIRED for latest release**) * Swift Open Source `swift-5.0-RELEASE` toolchain (**Recommended**) * Swift toolchain included in *Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125) or higher*. ### macOS * macOS 10.11.6 (*El Capitan*) or higher. * Xcode Version 9.0 (9A325) or higher using one of the above toolchains. * Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125) or higher using the included toolchain (*Recommended*). * Secure Transport provided by macOS. ### iOS * iOS 10.0 or higher * Xcode Version 9.0 (9A325) or higher using one of the above toolchains. * Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125) or higher using the included toolchain (*Recommended*). * Secure Transport provided by iOS. ### Linux * Ubuntu 16.04 (or 16.10 but only tested on 16.04 and 18.04). * One of the Swift Open Source toolchains listed above. * OpenSSL is provided by the distribution. **Note:** 1.0.x, 1.1.x and later releases of OpenSSL are supported. * The appropriate **libssl-dev** package is required to be installed when building. ### Other Platforms * **BlueSSLService** is **NOT** supported on *watchOS* since POSIX/BSD/Darwin sockets are not supported on the actual device although they are supported in the simulator. * **BlueSSLService** should work on *tvOS* but has **NOT** been tested. ## Changes since 1.0.0 * Require latest version of **BlueSocket**. * Update to Swift 4.1. * Support SSL_OP* constants defined as longs. Use _CLong_ to explicitly cast these options where used. PR #52. * Update to include Swift 4.2 in CI builds. * Added prerequisite that the libssl-dev package is required to be installed when building on Linux. * Minor license update. * Updates for Xcode 10 to project. * Swift 4.2 support. PR #57 * Make Swift 4.2 the default compiler in project. * Rename Swift 4.2 OpenSSL system library target (#59) * Revert (#59) back to using OpenSSL module in 4.2 format. PR #60. * Update for Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10. * Add support for OpenSSL 1.1.x aa well as OpenSSL 1.0.x. PR #61. * Added CI support for building with Swift 5. PR #64. * Fixed handshake bug that could prevent a connection when _BlueSSLService_ is used on the client side. * Added unit tests for cursory (at least for now) testing _BlueSSLService_. * Removed requirement of Swift 4.2 to support OpenSSL 1.1.x. OpenSSL 1.1.x is now supported using Swift 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2. * Provided more explicit documentation in the README for specifying which APIs are supported on which platforms and added warnings to documentation for APIs that are not supported on Apple Platforms. * Update CI support to use Swift 4.2.3. PR #72 * Update to Swift 5.0. PR #73. * Fixed for intermittent crash. PR #74 * Add CI support for Xcode 11. * Fix warnings using Swift 5.1. PR #80 * Update to use Swift 5.1 as default. * Added feature when using self signed certificates to allow client to check the server certificate using an embedded local certificate. PR #81.
Swift 4 Support.
6 years ago
This release minimally requires use of the swift-3.1.1-RELEASE toolchain or the swift-4.0.0-RELEASE toolchain which is _recommended_. - Compatible with Xcode 9.0 (9A235) General Release or higher using one of the above toolchains. - On Linux this release support OpenSSL 1.0.x _only_. - Corrected some issues with SSL error handling on Linux. PR #42. - Added framework target to Xcode project, issue #44. - Added Cathage support. #44. #45. - Remove build on Xcode 8.3. - CI updates. - Changes to adapt to Swift 4.1.
Swift 4 Support.
7 years ago
This release minimally requires use of the swift-3.1.1-RELEASE toolchain or the swift-4.0.0-RELEASE toolchain which is _recommended_. - Compatible with Xcode 9.0 (9A235) General Release or higher using one of the above toolchains. - This version supports _Apple Secure Transport on Apple Platforms_ and _OpenSSL on Linux_. - At present on Apple platforms, **only PKCS12** files are accepted in the _Configuration_. You should use the _init_ function described below and further in the **README.md**. - Also, on Apple platforms, changing of the `cipherSuite` property is not supported. Please use the **default**. - Added new parameter to _init_ function in _Configuration_ that allows optionally specifying a `password` for the _PKCS12_ certificate chain file. That signature now looks like this: ``` swift public init(withChainFilePath chainFilePath: String?, withPassword password: String? = nil, usingSelfSignedCerts selfSigned: Bool = true) ``` - Loosened up the too stringent certificate verification process. - Added client support when using Secure Transport on _Apple platforms_. - Added optional connection verification callback feature. See the section _Extending Connection Verification_ in the **README.md**. - Added optional connection verification bypass feature. See the section _Skipping Connection Verification_ in the **README.md**. - Allow use on iOS, tvOS and watchOS as well as macOS. - Use `version 0.10.24` on `master` if you wish to use the version that uses _OpenSSL_ on both platforms. - This version now merged onto `master`. - Added CI (PR#2). - Fixed Kitura issue -> [#852](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura/issues/852) - A new, _defaulted to nil_, optional parameter has been added to the end of each of the _Configuration_ init functions. This feature allows the setting of the _cipherSuite_. If this parameter is set to _nil_, the **default** cipherSuite for the platform will be used. **Note**: Setting the cipher suite on _Apple platforms_ is currently not supported and attempting to do so may result in unpredictable behavior. See the README.md for more information. - Added a new _Configuration_ initializer that allows creating a _Configuration_ that does **NOT** contain a backing certificate or certificate chain. - Fixed issue [#959](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura/issues/959) from Kitura. - Added support (currently on **Linux only**) for creating a configuration that is based on _PEM formatted certificate_ passed in as a string. Issue #10. See the README.md for information about the new configuration API. **Note:** This functionality has had only minimal testing. _Use with caution and report any anomalies._ - Fixed issue #11 by implementing issue #12 alleviating a performance hit when processing the PKCS12 file on macOS. - Fix for issue [#983](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura/issues/983) from Kitura. On macOS, the SSLContext must only be used by one thread at a time. Access to use of it must be protected. Introduced a new SSLReadWriteDispatcher struct that allows for sync'ing access to the context when doing reads and writes. This effectively forces reads and write to occur serially. - Related to the above fix, apparently on Linux, simultaneous reads and writes are not thread safe. Used the previously introduced SSLReadWriteDispatcher struct that allows for sync'ing access when doing reads and writes. This effectively forces reads and write to occur serially. - Also on Linux, added a check to see if the remote connection has gone away prior to issuing a SSL_shutdown() request. This should alleviate the problem of apps receiving a SIGPIPE when attempting to shutdown SSL after the remote has already terminated. - Fixed issue #16. Default cipher suite was not being enabled on macOS. - More on issue #16. Enabled ECDH ciphers if linking with **OpenSSL 1.0.2** or higher. - Fixed issue #18 and #19. - Merged PR #20. - Bug fixes related to rejected PR #21. On Linux, after *SSL_read* or *SSL_write*, need to get the last error using *SSL_get_error()*. The error is **NOT** in the return code. If returning from *SSL_write* and the error is *SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ* or *SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE*, an *SSLError.retryNeeded* exception is thrown. If we're returning from *SSL_read* under the same circumstances, we set the *errno* to **EAGAIN** and *return -1*. - Add an option to allow clients to connect to servers that are using `self-signed` certificates. PR #24. - The initializer used to create a configuration without a backing certificate should (when being used as a client) allow self-signed certificates. Reference closed PR #25. - Added podspec for cocoapod integration. PR #27. - Update podspec to include watchOS and tvOS. PR #29 - Support of Xcode 9 Beta. - Fix for problem with using the default _Configuration_ initializer. PR #30 - Fix for problem when importing PKCS12 that causes index out of bounds and subsequent crash. PR #31 - Support for ALPN. PR #26. **Important Note:** Usage of this functionality **is dependent on the availability of version 1.0.2 of OpenSSL or higher** at build and runtime. - Fix for using client certificates (Issue #28) via PR #33. - Automatically enabled ECDH ciphers if linking with **OpenSSL v1.0.2** or higher. See related issue #16. Previously, this required the setting of a compile time switch. That requirement has been eliminated. - Reverted PR #33 to fix issue #36. - Changed the default enabled cipher list from "DEFAULT" to "DEFAULT:!DH". This effectively disables DH ciphers which is fine since currently there's no API to allow setup of the required DH keys. - Swift 4 Support. - Remove support for _watchOS_. See _BlueSocket_ issue [#87](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/BlueSocket/issues/87) for more information.
Experimental Release using Secure Transport on macOS and OpenSSL on Linux.
7 years ago
This release minimally requires use of the swift-3.0-RELEASE toolchain or the swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-09-27-a toolchain which is _recommended_. **CAUTION: THIS RELEASE IS STILL STABILIZING. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.** - Compatible with Xcode 8 General Release using one of the above toolchains. - This version supports _Apple Secure Transport_ on macOS and _OpenSSL on Linux_. - At present on macOS, **only PKCS12** files are accepted in the _Configuration_. You should use the _init_ function described below and further in the **README.md**. - Also, on macOS, changing of the `cipherSuite` property is not supported. Please use the **default**. - Added new parameter to _init_ function in _Configuration_ that allows optionally specifying a `password` for the _PKCS12_ certificate chain file. That signature now looks like this: ``` swift public init(withChainFilePath chainFilePath: String? = nil, withPassword password: String? = nil, usingSelfSignedCerts selfSigned: Bool = true) ``` - Loosened up the too stringent certificate verification process. - Added client support when using Secure Transport on macOS. - Added optional connection verification callback feature. See the section _Extending Connection Verification_ in the **README.md**. - Allow use on iOS, tvOS and watchOS as well as macOS. - This version is experimental and relatively _lightly tested_. - Use `version 0.10.x` on `master` if you wish to use the version that uses _OpenSSL_ on both platforms. - This version now merged onto `master`.
Update to latest (9/27) toolchain.
7 years ago
This release minimally requires use of the swift-3.0-RELEASE toolchain or the swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-09-27-a toolchain which is _recommended_. - Compatible with Xcode 8 General Release using one of the above toolchains. - Added `password` property to _Configuration_. - Removed verifyConnection() function from delegate. Now handled internally. - Ensured that OpenSSL libraries are only initialized once. - Minor change to initialize delegate function of _SSLServiceDelegate_. _SSLService.inititalize(isServer:)_ became _SSLService.initialize(asServer:)_. - Loosened up the too stringent certificate verification process.
Update to latest Xcode (Beta 6) and toolchain (8/15).
7 years ago
This release requires use of the swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-15-a toolchain. - Compatible with Xcode 8 Beta 6 using the above toolchain. - Added `password` property to _Configuration_. - Removed verifyConnection() function from delegate. Now handled internally. - Ensured that OpenSSL libraries are only initialized once. - Minor change to initialize delegate function of _SSLServiceDelegate_. _SSLService.inititalize(isServer:)_ became _SSLService.initialize(asServer:)_.
Update for latest (8/7) toolchain.
7 years ago
This release requires use of the swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-04-a toolchain or the new swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-07-a toolchain. - Compatible with Xcode 8 Beta 4 using the above toolchain. - Added `password` property to _Configuration_. - Removed verifyConnection() function from delegate. Now handled internally. - Ensured that OpenSSL libraries are only initialized once.
Update to the latest (7/25) toolchain.
7 years ago
This release requires use of the new swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-07-25-a toolchain. **Note:** Due to inconsistencies in the implementation of Data on macOS and Linux, this release continues to use the NSData and NSMutableData types. Once these inconsistencies are rectified, the Data type will be adopted. **Also, note the version jump to 0.7.0 to sync up with BlueSocket.**
Updated for swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-06-20-a toolchain.
7 years ago
This release requires use of the new swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-06-20-a toolchain. No other changes.
Kitura/Kitura-redis IBM-2019
Swift Redis library
⭐️ 94
🕓 37 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


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5 years ago
Support Swift 5 (#73)
6 years ago
- Update to Swift 4.1 - Upgrade BlueSocket dependency to 1.0
6 years ago
- Converted to pure Swift 4 package
Add Swift 4 Support
6 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
Basic functionality for interacting with a Redis database.
Kitura/BlueECC IBM-2019
Elliptic-curve cryptography for Swift
⭐️ 92
🕓 5 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4 years ago
- Resolve Swift 5.1 compilation warning (#19)
4 years ago
- fix: Add tvOS and watchOS to @available (#17)
4 years ago
Update iOS available to 11 (#16)
5 years ago
Support Swift 5 (#13)
5 years ago
- feat: Add ability to generate keys within BlueECC (#8)
5 years ago
- Introduces `EllipticCurve` type to represent currently supported curves. (#5)
5 years ago
Kitura/BlueSignals IBM-2019
Generic Cross Platform Signal Handler
⭐️ 92
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Fix "Invalid Exclude" warnings in Xcode 13
2 years ago
Swift 4.x no longer supported
2 years ago
Swift 5.1 is now the minimum supported version.
Version 1.0
6 years ago
# Version 1.0 Generic Cross Platform Signal Handler. ## Prerequisites ### Swift * Swift Open Source `swift-4.0.0-RELEASE` toolchain (**Minimum REQUIRED for latest release**) * Swift Open Source `swift-5.0-RELEASE` toolchain (**Recommended**) * Swift toolchain included in *Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125) or higher*. ### macOS * macOS 10.11.6 (*El Capitan*) or higher. * Xcode Version 9.0 (9A325) or higher using one of the above toolchains. * Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125) or higher using the included toolchain (*Recommended*). ### iOS * iOS 10.0 or higher * Xcode Version 9.0 (9A325) or higher using one of the above toolchains. * Xcode Version 10.2 (10E125) or higher using the included toolchain (*Recommended*). ### Linux * Ubuntu 16.04 (or 16.10 but only tested on 16.04). * One of the Swift Open Source toolchain listed above. ## Changes since 1.0.0 * Updated for Swift 4.1. * Updated for Swift 4.2, added support for Travis CI. * Minor license update. * Updates for Xcode 10 to project. * Make Swift 4.2 the default compiler in project. * Added CocoaPod support. * Added *Signals-Framework* target to project to support Carthage. Issue #12. * Update CI with default build changed to Swift 4.2. PR #14. * Added CI support for building with Swift 5. PR #16. * Update CI support to use Swift 4.2.3. PR #18. * Updated to Swift 5.0. PR #19. * Add CI support for Xcode 11. * Update to Swift 5.1.
Swift 4 Support.
7 years ago
This release minimally requires use of the swift-3.1.1-RELEASE toolchain or the swift-4.0.0-RELEASE toolchain which is _recommended_. - Compatible with Xcode 9.0 (9A235) General Release or higher using one of the above toolchains. - Allow use on iOS, tvOS and watchOS as well as macOS. - Added new APIs to allow for ignoring a signal and restoring a signals default behavior. - Swift 4 fixes. See issue #2 and related PR #3. - Swift 4 Support.
Update to latest Xcode (Beta 6) and toolchain (8/15).
7 years ago
This release requires use of the swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-15-a toolchain. - Compatible with Xcode 8 Beta 6 using the above toolchain.
Update to latest (8/7) toolchain
7 years ago
This release requires use of the swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-04-a toolchain or the new swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-08-07-a toolchain. - Compatible with Xcode 8 Beta 4 using the above toolchain.
Update to the latest (7/25) toolchain.
7 years ago
This release requires use of the new swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-07-25-a toolchain. **Note:** Due to inconsistencies in the implementation of Data on macOS and Linux, this release continues to use the NSData and NSMutableData types. Once these inconsistencies are rectified, the Data type will be adopted.
Updates for swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-06-20-a toolchain.
7 years ago
This release requires use of the new swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-06-20-a toolchain. No other changes.
Compatible with 5/09, 5/31 and 6/06 Binaries
8 years ago
- Important: This release requires use of the `5/09, 5/31 and 6/06 DEVELOPMENT` release of the toolchain.
Initial public release
8 years ago
Please see _README.md_ for more information.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
Kitura/Kitura-Sample deploy-ibm-yp-us-south-swiftdo-us.ibm.com-applications-production-20180412-110717
A sample application that shows how to use various features of Kitura
⭐️ 80
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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4 years ago
- Updated for Swift 5, Kitura 2.7 and Kitura-NIO 2.0 - ORM and database connectivity examples - Authentication and Sessions examples
6 years ago
- Update dependencies for Kitura 2.3 (#85)
Kitura/Configuration IBM-2019
Hierarchical configuration manager for Swift applications
⭐️ 78
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


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4 years ago
- Support Swift 5.1 (#60)
5 years ago
- Support Swift 5
5 years ago
- fix: Avoid invoking PLIST parser when consuming environment variables (#57)
6 years ago
## Changes - Extracts Path Resolution logic to external repository. [FileKit](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/FileKit)
6 years ago
### Changes - Full migration to Swift 4, removing backward compatibility for future releases - Reverts deprecation of BasePath.project
6 years ago
### What's New - Add support for Swift 4
6 years ago
### What is new - `BasePath.project` load from file option is now deprecated - ~Support Carthage~
6 years ago
### What is new - No longer log at error level - Support compilation using Swift 4 snapshots - Improve comments/readme/tests
6 years ago
We are pleased to announce version 1.0.0 of the Configuration package ### What is new since last release - Added support for Xcode environment; no change needed for you to test your app on the commandline vs. inside Xcode - Support Swift 3.1.1
7 years ago
Support Swift 3.1; add new Travis matrix test for Swift 3.0.2
Kitura/Kitura-WebSocket IBM-2019
WebSocket support for Kitura
⭐️ 66
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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5 years ago
- Build in Swift 5 mode (#92)
5 years ago
* The service will be notified when a connection is closed from the processor * Cleaning up stale connections will now ping at 1/2 ConnectionTimeout to keep active connections alive
5 years ago
- Feat: Automatic Stale connection cleanup (#48) The `WebSocketService` now has a `connectionTimeout` tunable that can be used to manage the clean up of unresponsive connections.
6 years ago
- Support Swift 4.1 (#33, #34) - Update dependencies to support Swift 4.1 (#39) - Kitura-net 2.1, BlueCryptor 1.0 - Fixes for Autobahn testsuite compliance (#27, #28, #29, #35, #36, #37, #38) - note that #28 is an **API breaking change** to `WebSocketCloseReasonCode`, with the reason code now being returned as a `UInt16` rather than an `Int16`.
6 years ago
Support for Swift 4.1.
6 years ago
## Changes - Full migration to Swift 4.0.2
6 years ago
### What's New - Add support for Swift 4
linux macOS iOS
Kitura/Swift-Kuery-PostgreSQL IBM-2019
PostgreSQL plugin for Swift-Kuery framework
⭐️ 61
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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Fix dependency issues
2 years ago
Swift 5.1 is minimum supported in CI. This package still compiles with Swift 5.0
Community release
3 years ago
Updates package references and version dependencies for community Kitura project
5 years ago
Support Swift 5
5 years ago
This release includes: * A fix that ensures string parameters passed to the database are in the ocrrect format and terminated correctly * A fix to release internal prepared statements preventing a memory leak * A fix to ensure that database connections are closed if not done so explicitly.
5 years ago
Swift-Kuery-PostgreSQL 2.0.0 includes the following updates: * Conformance to Swift-Kuery 3.0 protocols * Asynchronous API behavior * Bug fixes (See commit history) The release contains breaking API and behavior changes. For further details please see the [Swift-Kuery MigrationGuide](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Swift-Kuery/blob/master/MigrationGuide.md)
5 years ago
- Handle Mixed Casing - Update Swift-Kuery to 2.0.0 ## Notes ## The upgrade to Swift-Kuery 2.0.0 introduces a behavior change within the postgreSQL plugin regarding mixed case identifiers. Please see the [Swift-Kuery 2.0.0 release notes](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Swift-Kuery/releases/tag/2.0.0) for further detail.
6 years ago
- Add UUID case to QueryBuilder
6 years ago
- Fix the `isConnected` property to check the `PQstatus` of the underlying connection (#49)
6 years ago
relaxed the check for creating a connection from a URL so that when it looks for "Postgres" for the scheme it is not case sensitive and will accept "postgres"
6 years ago
- fix: Return id AS id (#43) - fixed a memory leak caused by PQprepare (#40) - Permit reuse of connection within result callback (#45)
Kitura/KituraKit v0.0.20
Swift client library for using Codable routes with Kitura
⭐️ 58
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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4 years ago
- feat: Upgrade to SwiftyRequest 3.0 (#53) - fix: More descriptive error messages (#55)
4 years ago
- Support for JWT authentication (#49)
5 years ago
- Feat: Add custom Encoder and Decoder (#38) - Update swift5 (#46)
5 years ago
- feat: Add support for client certificates (#43)
5 years ago
- Add support for populating / decoding the body of a RequestError (#30) - feat: Add basic, google token and facebook token authentication (#33)
6 years ago
Descriptive error handling additions (#24)
6 years ago
Merge pull request #17 from IBM-Swift/develop
6 years ago
Merge afe7b1d994ab7e112833a8820d7e007c69527aed into 9e69a2243fa9815553ac98b2d2e0316635ce8655
6 years ago
Merge 79aaffdcc0202483fad16c7f102085e3db569c13 into 8ac3c6b8f0f1a2ea81fc058ca6b001814ad84fd6
6 years ago
Inline closure call
Kitura/OpenSSL IBM-2019
Swift modulemaps for libSSL and libcrypto
⭐️ 58
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


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5 years ago
Add EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init_wrapper (#19)
5 years ago
Add EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init_wrapper (#19)
5 years ago
# Version 2.2.1 OpenSSL Modulemap for use with OpenSSL 1.0.x and 1.1.x. * **Note:** For use with _newer_ versions of Swift (4.2 and higher). ## Changes since version 2.0 * Common release point for both _BlueCryptor_ and _BlueRSA_. * Add pkgConfig for openssl. PR #17.
5 years ago
# Version 1.0.2 OpenSSL Modulemap for use with OpenSSL 1.0.x and 1.1.x. * **Note:** For use with older versions of Swift (4.0, 4.1). ## Changes since version 1.0 * fix: Ubuntu 14.04 and OpenSSL 1.0.1 (#8) * feat: Add `brew` provider (#6) * Backported changes from version 2.x of this module to support OpenSSL 1.1.x. PR #16.
5 years ago
- Add support for openssl 1.1.x for Ubuntu 18.04(#11) Note: We will continue supporting openssl 1.0.x
5 years ago
- Update to Swift 4.2 package format (#9) Note: this 2.0 release requires Swift 4.2. Earlier versions of Swift should continue to use the 1.x release of this package.
5 years ago
* fix: Ubuntu 14.04 and OpenSSL 1.0.1 (#8) * feat: Add `brew` provider (#6)
Version 1.0
6 years ago
Module map used by other frameworks for inclusion of OpenSSL version 1.0.x.
Location awareness and new API exposure depending on version.
7 years ago
- Added pkcs header. - Renamed repo to back to **OpenSSL**. Broke too many things. - Added rsa header. - Added shim to make it easier to use regardless of location and add new inline APIs to exposed functionality in newer versions of OpenSSL. PR #3 - Added new inline function to shim to allow setting to AUTO ECDH mode when linking with OpenSSL v1.0.2 or higher up to OpenSSL v1.1.0 where the function becomes a no-op because this mode is set automatically. - Swift 4 support.
Added dependencies to Package.swift
8 years ago
Kitura/SwiftKafka IBM-2019
Swift SDK for Apache Kafka
⭐️ 58
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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4 years ago
Initial release of SwiftKafka. - requires Swift 5.0 or newer
Kitura/Kitura-CouchDB IBM-2019
CouchDB adapter for Kitura
⭐️ 50
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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4 years ago
- Update to Kitura-NIO `2.2.0` when building in `KITURA_NIO` mode - fix: Apply percent-encoding to `+` character in CouchDB request paths (#108)
5 years ago
- Build in Swift 5 mode (#101)
5 years ago
- Add decodeDocuments() to AllDatabaseDocuments (#97)
5 years ago
This is a major rework of KituraCouchDB API (#86). Instead of using SwiftyJSON objects to represent documents, you now define your document as a `Document` type which uses Codable. Database operations are then performed by passing instances of this type.
5 years ago
- SwiftNIO support (#83): enable by setting the `KITURA_NIO` environment variable while building - for example: `env KITURA_NIO=1 swift build`
5 years ago
- Update dependencies for Kitura 2.3, and support Swift 4.1 (#75)
6 years ago
### Changes - Updates to latest Swift 4.0.2 dependencies
6 years ago
### What's New - Add support for Swift 4
7 years ago
Tag for swift-3.1 release
7 years ago
Fix to compile on Swift-3.1. Still needs regression testing before 1.7 tag.
Kitura/CircuitBreaker IBM-2019
A Swift Circuit Breaker library – Improves application stability and reliability.
⭐️ 45
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


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Swift 5.2 is now the minimum version supported
1 year ago
Updated CI, github orgs, and copyright notice.
4 years ago
- Add OSX deployment target to podspec (#53)
5 years ago
- Build in Swift 5 mode, also fix intermittent test failure (#51)
6 years ago
### What's New - Provides a new interface for monitoring circuit breaker instances in addition to expanded stat tracking capabilities
6 years ago
## Changes - Removes basic usage api. - Now calls fallback method on command failures in addition to timeout errors and when failing fast. - Introduces custom error handling for command functions. - Addresses potential race condition.
6 years ago
### Changes - Full migration to Swift 4.0.2
6 years ago
### What's New - Support for Swift 4
6 years ago
- Adjusted order of parameters for `CircuitBreaker` init and `run` method. - Renaming of wrapper function - Readme and unit test updates
6 years ago
- Supports Swift 3.1.1. - Several changes to its API (see README for further details).
7 years ago
Migrate to Swift 3.1
Kitura/Kitura-Credentials IBM-2019
A pluggable framework for validating user credentials in a Swift server using Kitura
⭐️ 40
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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4 years ago
- feat: Protocol to make it easier for plugins to implement token TTL (#87)
5 years ago
Support Swift 5 (#80)
5 years ago
- feat: Add `createdAt` timestamp to enable a TTL for token caches (#78)
5 years ago
- feat: Multiple Type-Safe Authentication Methods (#68)
5 years ago
- feat: Type-Safe Credentials (#64)
5 years ago
- Resolve memory leak in credentials handler callback (#63)
5 years ago
- Update to Kitura-Session 3.x - Remove dependency on SwiftyJSON
5 years ago
- Migrate to Swift 4 package format
Kitura/Kitura-NIO v1.0.7
A networking library for Kitura, based on SwiftNIO
⭐️ 37
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


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Swift 5.2 is now the minimum supported
2 years ago
Update package dependency
2 years ago
Swift 4.x no longer supported
2 years ago
Swift 5.1 is now the minimum supported version.
4 years ago
### What's new - Add an API to access the HTTPServer's EventLoopGroup (#225). This was requested for by #224. - Fix for #227 (also included in #225)
4 years ago
- fix: Close active connections while stopping an HTTPServer (#218) - feat: Ability to limit request size and connection count (#221)
4 years ago
### What's new - A nasty race condtion related to WebSocket upgrade has been removed (#217) - `ClientRequest`: HTTP credentials will no longer be included in the `ClientRequest.url` property. This is a small behaviour change (#208) - The creation of `HTTPServerRequest` objects is now permissible only on the `EventLoop` on which the underlying HTTP request arrived (#215) - `ClientRequest`: new request headers added for parity with Kitura-net (#213) - `ClientResponse.status` is now updated to reflect the value of `ClientResponse.statusCode` (#214)
4 years ago
### What's new - Falling back to building HTTPServerRequest.urlURL using String concatenation instead of URLComponents. This also includes a change to `ClientRequest` that makes sure we don't percent-encode a URL string twice. (https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura-NIO/pull/199)
4 years ago
### What's new - Allow Kitura-NIO to only listen on one network address (#205). Kitura listens on every available address/interface. This feature allows Kitura to listen on only on interface (only one network address)
4 years ago
### What's new - Upgrade to swift-nio 2.1 (#204)
4 years ago
### What's new - Fix for a WebSocket upgrade failure in Safari based clients(https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura-NIO/pull/203)
linux macOS iOS
Kitura/Kitura-OpenAPI IBM-2019
OpenAPI support for Kitura
⭐️ 36
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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4 years ago
- Update to SwaggerUI 3.25.0 for compatibility with OpenAPI v3 (#29)
4 years ago
- API to write the generated OpenAPI document to a file (#25) - API documentation has been published to [kitura.io](https://www.kitura.io)
5 years ago
- Build in Swift 5 mode
5 years ago
- feat: Remove Stencil dependency (#19)
5 years ago
- Correct `Content-Type` header (https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura-OpenAPI/issues/17)
5 years ago
- Lower log level of two messages.
5 years ago
- Update swaggerui to 3.18.0 (#9) - Allow swaggerui to be served from custom path (#10)
5 years ago
Fix SwaggerUI when deployed into cloud.
5 years ago
5 years ago
Kitura/TypeDecoder IBM-2019
A Swift library to allow the runtime inspection of Swift language native and complex types.
⭐️ 35
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Remove support for Swift 4.x; Update CI
2 years ago
First community release
3 years ago
Updates documentation and github URL references to community versions
5 years ago
- Support Swift 5
5 years ago
- Update tools-version to 4.2 (fixes compile warning) #22
5 years ago
- Fix `Hashable` compilation warning (#20)
5 years ago
- Enable handling of types that require validation (#13) - Introduces two new protocols, to enable types that validate their values to be inspected by the TypeDecoder: `ValidSingleCodingValueProvider` and `ValidKeyedCodingValueProvider`. See the [README](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/TypeDecoder/blob/1.3.0/README.md) for more details. - Decoding errors that occur during type decoding will now be thrown as a `TypeDecodingError`. You may log or inspect this error to determine why decoding failed.
5 years ago
- `TypeInfo` now conforms to `CustomDebugStringConvertible` to provide a more succinct `debugDescription` suitable for use in a debugging context (#12)
5 years ago
- Update to Swift `4.1.2` - OrderedDictionary subscript to extract value from position
5 years ago
Initial release of typedecoder
Kitura/SwiftKueryMySQL IBM-2019
MySQL plugin for Swift-Kuery framework
⭐️ 34
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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4 years ago
Support MySQL 8.0.16
5 years ago
Support Swift 5
5 years ago
SwiftKueryMySQL 2.0.0 includes the following updates: * Conformance to Swift-Kuery 3.0 protocols * Asynchronous API behavior * MySQL 8 support * Use of pkg-config to remove need for additional flags * Bug fixes (See commit history) The release contains breaking API and behavior changes. For further details please see the [Swift-Kuery MigrationGuide](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Swift-Kuery/blob/master/MigrationGuide.md)
5 years ago
- Handle Mixed Casing - Update Swift-Kuery to 2.0.0
6 years ago
Updated for Swift 4.0.2 support and to use SwiftKuery 1.0.x
6 years ago
### Changes - Fully migrates to Swift 4.0, while removing backward compatibility for future changes.
Add Swift 4 Support
6 years ago
Kitura/CCurl IBM-2019
Modulemap for the libcurl library
⭐️ 30
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
5 years ago
- Add support for Unix sockets (#13) - Add support for multi handles (#15)
6 years ago
- Drop support for Swift 3, support for Swift 4.1 (#16)
Add Swift 4 Support
6 years ago
Kitura/Kitura-StencilTemplateEngine IBM-2019
Stencil templating for Kitura
⭐️ 26
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Remove support for Swift 4.x; Ensure support for Swift 5.4
2 years ago
5 years ago
- Build in Swift 5 mode (#44)
5 years ago
- Update to Stencil 0.13 for Swift 4.1 and above (#38)
5 years ago
- Support Codable render (#33) Note: this is now a pure Swift 4 package.
6 years ago
- Upgrade Stencil dependency to version `0.11` - Support Swift 4.1
Upgrade Stencil Dependency
6 years ago
This release upgrades [Stencil](https://github.com/kylef/Stencil) to version `0.10`
Add Swift 4 Support
6 years ago
Kitura/LoggerAPI IBM-2019
Logger protocol
⭐️ 25
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Swift 4.x no longer supported
2 years ago
Swift 5.1 is now the minimum supported version.
4 years ago
New features: - feat: Adopt swift-log (#47) It is now possible to direct LoggerAPI log messages to a `Logging.Logger` provided by [swift-log](https://github.com/apple/swift-log), instead of or in addition to an existing `LoggerAPI.Logger`. LoggerAPI now depends upon swift-log in order to provide this facility. This does not change the behavior of existing applications. Fixes: - access to `Log.logger` and `Log.swiftLogger` is now thread-safe (#47)
5 years ago
- Support Swift 5
5 years ago
- Add support for building with Swift 5 (#41) - Drop support for Swift 3. Note: if you require Swift 3 support, please continue to use the 1.7 release of LoggerAPI.
6 years ago
- Support Swift 4.1
6 years ago
### What's New - Add support for Swift 4
7 years ago
New isLogging() API to check current log level
7 years ago
Updates to low level APIs to make the code more Swifty
8 years ago
8 years ago
Kitura/Kitura-Markdown IBM-2019
Templating engine for Kitura that uses Markdown based templates
⭐️ 24
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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4 years ago
- Resolve compilation warnings with Swift 5 and later
5 years ago
- Build in Swift 5 mode (#24)
5 years ago
- Support Codable render
6 years ago
- Update embedded cmark dependency from `0.25.2` to `0.28.3` (#10, #11) - release notes available at https://github.com/commonmark/cmark/releases - Support Swift 4.1 - Usage examples added to README
Add Swift 4 Support
6 years ago
Kitura/Health IBM-2019
An application health library for Swift.
⭐️ 21
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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5 years ago
- Support Swift 5 - Documention improvements
5 years ago
- Fix #8 "EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION in status-getter because of negative UInt64"
5 years ago
5 years ago
linux macOS iOS
Kitura/Kitura-Session IBM-2019
A pluggable framework for managing user sessions in a Swift server using Kitura
⭐️ 18
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


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Swift 5.2 and Kitura 3.0.0 is new minimum; Fixed unit tests
1 year ago
4 years ago
- Resolve compilation failure with Swift 5.1 (#68)
5 years ago
Support Swift 5 (#66)
5 years ago
- fix: added Call to OnEndInvoked on cookie failure (#60) - fix: Use PKCS7 padding for cookie cryptor (#62)
5 years ago
fix: Remove Codable sessions for Swift 4.0 (#59)
5 years ago
- feat: Support for direct storing and retrieval of `Codable` types (#54)
5 years ago
- feat: Type-safe Sessions using TypeSafeMiddleware (#48)
6 years ago
- Update dependencies for Kitura 2.3 and BlueCryptor 1.0 (#45) - Support Swift 4.1
6 years ago
- Removed dependency on SwiftyJSON (#43)
6 years ago
- Update to Kitura 2.1.x (#41)
Kitura/Kitura-WebSocket-NIO IBM-2019
A SwiftNIO based implementation of WebSocket for Kitura
⭐️ 17
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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4 years ago
### What's new - Major fixes related to compression context takeover (#26 and #28) - A memory leak fixed (#33) - WebSocket compression documentation added (#37) - Don't log errors when closed channels detected (#36)
4 years ago
### What's new - Compression context-takeover and configuring the LZ77 window size is now supported (#26) - A critical fix to ignore continuation frames of an uncompressed message (#28) - A memory leak fixed (#33)
4 years ago
### What's new - Temporary workaround to always use no context takeover (#24) - tests: upgrade to swift-nio 2.1 (#25)
4 years ago
### What's new - Support for one-way compression (only server side). This was a bug fixed by #18 - Invoke buffer allocator and sendMessage() on the event loop related to the connection (#16) - Autobahn testing in the CI! (#11)
5 years ago
# What's new - Kitura-WebSocket is now based on Kitura-NIO 2.x and SwiftNIO 2.x (https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura-WebSocket-NIO/pull/9)
5 years ago
The code for the first release of `Kitura-WebSocket-NIO` is adopted from the work done on the [websocket-nio branch in Kitura-WebSocket](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura-WebSocket/tree/websocket-nio). This release includes: - A [SwiftNIO](https://github.com/apple/swift-nio) 1.x.x based implementation of the API defined by [Kitura-WebSocket](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Kitura-WebSocket) - support for Websocket compression using the permessage-deflate algorithm
Kitura/CommonCrypto IBM-2019
CommonCrypto Module Map
⭐️ 17
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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Version 1.0
6 years ago
Module map used by other frameworks for inclusion of CommoCrypto libraries on Apple platforms.
Swift 4 Support.
8 years ago
- Module mapping for CommonCrypto on OS X. Added description to Package.swift. - Swift 4 Support.
Kitura/Swift-Kuery-SQLite IBM-2019
An SQLite plugin for the Swift-Kuery framework
⭐️ 16
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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5 years ago
Support Swift 5
5 years ago
Swift-Kuery-SQLite 2.0.0 includes the following updates: * Conformance to Swift-Kuery 3.0 protocols * Asynchronous API behavior * Replaced Int32 support with Int64 support (C API limitation) * Bug fixes (See commit history) The release contains breaking API and behavior changes. For further details please see the [Swift-Kuery MigrationGuide](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Swift-Kuery/blob/master/MigrationGuide.md)
5 years ago
- Handle Mixed Casing - Support Auto Increment - Update Swift-Kuery to 2.0.0
6 years ago
- Convert to Swift 4 package - Support Swift 4.1
Kitura/Kitura-CredentialsHTTP IBM-2019
A plugin for the Kitura-Credentials framework that authenticates using HTTP Basic and Digest authentication
⭐️ 15
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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5 years ago
Support Swift 5 (#58)
5 years ago
- fix: Colons in the password of a HTTP Basic Authentication
5 years ago
- feat: Type-Safe HTTPBasic using TypeSafeMiddleware (#49)
6 years ago
This patch increases the range of Kitura-CredentialsHTTP dependency on Kitura-Credentials to upToNextMajor. This will allow it to work with Kitura-Credentials 2.1.0 which is used by Kitura 2.2.0 and prevent dependency conflicts.
Kitura/Kitura-TemplateEngine IBM-2019
Kitura Template Engine protocol
⭐️ 15
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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Swift 4.x no longer supported
2 years ago
Swift 5.1 is now the minimum supported version.
5 years ago
- Support Swift 5
5 years ago
### What's New - Support for rendering an Encodable type
6 years ago
- Support Swift 4.1
Add Swift 4 Support
6 years ago
Kitura/kitura-cli v0.0.16
⌨️ Kitura command-line interface
⭐️ 13
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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3 years ago
4 years ago
- feat: Re-implement `kitura` CLI as a standalone Go binary (#62) - simplified installation procedure (see [README](README.md))
4 years ago
- fix: Address project renaming issue on Linux (#50)
4 years ago
- Update `bx` to `ibmcloud` (#49)
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
Kitura/KituraContracts IBM-2019
A library containing type definitions shared by client and server Kitura code.
⭐️ 12
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


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Fix dependency issue
2 years ago
Remove support for Swift 4.x; Add support for Swift 5.4
2 years ago
4 years ago
- feat: Support alternate date formats for `QueryParams` in QueryEncoder and QueryDecoder (#45) - For usage examples, see the documentation for the `dateEncodingStrategy` and `dateDecodingStrategy` properties of [`QueryParams`](https://ibm-swift.github.io/KituraContracts/Protocols/QueryParams.html). - feat: `UUID` extended to conform to `Identifier` (#47)
4 years ago
- Address compilation warnings with Swift 5.1
5 years ago
- Support Swift 5
5 years ago
- Feat: BodyDecoder and BodyEncoder protocols (#29) - QueryEncoder and QueryDecoder support for encoding to/from Data (#28)
5 years ago
- fix: Decoding custom types with TypeDecoder (#27)
5 years ago
Added the following behavior for Empty Query Values: - Any Optional type (including String?) defaults to nil - Non-optional String successfully decodes to "" - Non-optional Bool decodes to false - All other non-optional types throw a decoding error
5 years ago
- `QueryEncoder`/`QueryDecoder`: Add new protocol `Operation` and various structs to implement common operations.
5 years ago
- Revert the relaxing of Codable types (#22)
Kitura/CloudEnvironment IBM-2019
Convenience Swift package for accessing environment variables, credentials.
⭐️ 11
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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4 years ago
- Add support for "Databases for PostgreSQL" (#60)
5 years ago
- Support Swift 5 - Documentation improvements
Push Notifications Credential Change
5 years ago
This release contains a credential change in the [Push Notifications](https://console.bluemix.net/catalog/services/push-notifications) service, which previously used `appSecret` along with `region` and `appGuid` to authenticate with the service. The IAM-based credential set now uses `apikey` instead of `appSecret` to authenticate. These credential changes are present in version 0.9.0+ of the [Push Notifications SDK](https://github.com/ibm-bluemix-mobile-services/bms-pushnotifications-serversdk-swift#initialize-with-apikey).
Watson Service Credentials Migration
5 years ago
This release accomplishes the following: * Watson Natural Language Understanding now uses the naming convention `NaturalLanguageUnderstanding` instead of the abbreviated `NaturalLangUnderstanding`. * Watson Conversation has been rebranded to Watson Assistant. * Watson Assistant and Watson Natural Language Understanding now use IAM API Key authentication. To use user/password authentication, please use version 7.1.0 or prior.
6 years ago
### What's new Adds an additional API to retrieve HyperSecure DBaaS Credentials
6 years ago
### Changes - Changes API for search patterns definitions within credentials mappings. Search patterns are now expected to be a child of a credentials field. ``` /// Example { "cloudant-credentials": { "credentials": { "searchPatterns": [ "cloudfoundry:my-awesome-cloudant-db", "env:my_awesome_cloudant_db_credentials", "file:localdev/my-awesome-cloudant-db-credentials.json" ] } }, .... } ```
6 years ago
## Changes - Upgrades package to use Swift-cfenv 6.0.0
6 years ago
## What's New - Adds an additional API to retrieve Cloud Functions Credentials
6 years ago
- Full migration to Swift 4. - Uses latest version of Swift-cfenv (5.0.0).
6 years ago
### Changes - Provides support for Swift 4
Kitura/CZlib IBM-2019
Module map for Zlib library
⭐️ 11
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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6 years ago
### What's New - Add support for Swift 4
Kitura/Kitura-Cache IBM-2019
Kitura cache
⭐️ 9
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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5 years ago
- Build in Swift 5 mode (#36)
6 years ago
### What's New? - Full migration to Swift 4
6 years ago
### What's New - Add support for Swift 4
Kitura/Kitura-CredentialsFacebook IBM-2019
A plugin for the Kitura-Credentials framework that authenticates using the Facebook web login
⭐️ 9
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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4 years ago
- Resolve Swift 5.1 compilation warning (#55)
5 years ago
Support Swift 5 (#53)
5 years ago
Add token time to live (#51)
5 years ago
### Type-Safe Facebook Tokens: - fix: Make `appID` optional and allow OAuth appID verification to be skipped (#45) - Define `cacheSize` parameter to allow `TypeSafeFacebookToken` cache size to be limited (#44)
5 years ago
- feat: Type-Safe Facebook Token Credentials using TypeSafeMiddleware (#41)
6 years ago
### What's New - Update dependencies - Kitura-Credentials to 2.1.x - Remove SwiftyJSON
Kitura/Kitura-CORS IBM-2019
Kitura CORS middleware
⭐️ 9
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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Add `sameAsOrigin` option
3 years ago
Add case `sameAsOrigin` with logic in CORS. See issue #44 and PR #45 that implements it.
5 years ago
- Build in Swift 5 mode (#40)
Kitura/Kitura-CredentialsGoogle IBM-2019
A plugin for the Kitura-Credentials framework that authenticates using the Google web login
⭐️ 8
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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4 years ago
- Resolve Swift 5.1 compilation warning (#41)
5 years ago
Support Swift 5 (#39)
5 years ago
Add token time to live (#37)
5 years ago
### Type-Safe Google Tokens: - Define `cacheSize` parameter to allow `TypeSafeGoogleToken` cache size to be limited (#32)
5 years ago
- feat: Google Token Credentials using `TypeSafeMiddleware` (#30)
6 years ago
### What's New - Update dependencies - Kitura-Credentials to 2.1.x - Remove SwiftyJSON
Kitura/Swift-cfenv IBM-2019
Easy access to Cloud Foundry application environment for Swift Packages.
⭐️ 8
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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5 years ago
- Build in Swift 5 mode (#73)
6 years ago
This release eliminates the errors caused by migration to Swift 4.1.
6 years ago
- Updates to latest version of Configuration
6 years ago
- Full migration to Swift 4.0. - Uses new version of Configuration (2.0.0).
6 years ago
Provides support for Swift 4.0
7 years ago
This new major release adds support for **Swift 3.1**.
7 years ago
- Added new method for finding services by type. - Changed default port from `8090` to `8080` (`8080` is the new default port in Diego environments). - Made `Service` a class (so it can be extended). - Added a new constructor to `Service` class.
7 years ago
Migration to Swift 3.0.2.
7 years ago
Removed dependency on SwiftyJSON. Now, Swift-cfenv uses [JSONSerialization](https://developer.apple.com/reference/foundation/jsonserialization) from Foundation instead.
7 years ago
Migrated library to use Swift 3.0.1.
Kitura/Kitura-Compression IBM-2019
Kitura compression middleware
⭐️ 6
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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5 years ago
- Build in Swift 5 mode (#45)
5 years ago
- Embed CZlib as a system library target for Swift 4.2 and above (#43) - Compatibility with Swift 5
5 years ago
- Support for Swift 4.1 - Fix tests on Xcode 9.3 and later
6 years ago
- Update dependencies to Kitura 2.1.x
6 years ago
### What's New? - Full migration to Swift 4
6 years ago
### What's New - Add support for Swift 4
Kitura/CEpoll IBM-2019
A modulemap file and include to help Swift code use epoll on Linux
⭐️ 5
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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6 years ago
- Updated to be a pure Swift 4 package (#1) - Include `sys/timerfd.h` (#3)
6 years ago
### What's New - Add support for Swift 4
Kitura/Kitura-WebSocket-Client IBM-2019
A WebSocket client based on SwiftNIO
⭐️ 5
🕓 3 years ago
Kitura/Kitura-MustacheTemplateEngine IBM-2019
Adapter of GRMustache Template Engine to Kitura Template Engine
⭐️ 4
🕓 3 years ago
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5 years ago
- Add support for Codable render
6 years ago
- Supports Swift 4.0 and 4.1 - Usage examples added to README
7 years ago
Kitura/CHTTPParser IBM-2019
Modulemap for the http-parser library
⭐️ 4
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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6 years ago
### What's New - Add support for Swift 4
Swift 4.0 initial testing
6 years ago
Initial testing for Swift 4.0. You shouldn't use this until we're convinced it behaves.
Don't use a module.modulemap, let SwiftPM handle it
7 years ago
8 years ago
Kitura/Kitura-CredentialsGitHub IBM-2019
A plugin for the Kitura-Credentials framework that authenticates using the GitHub web login
⭐️ 4
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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5 years ago
Relax minor version constraint (#37) Support Swift 5 (#39)
6 years ago
### What's New - Update dependencies - Kitura-Credentials to 2.1.x - Remove SwiftyJSON
6 years ago
### What's New - Full Migration to Swift 4
6 years ago
### What's new - Fix un-parsable `id` field on Linux; #27
7 years ago
Kitura/Kitura-Session-Redis IBM-2019
Kitura-Session store using Redis as the backing store
⭐️ 3
🕓 3 years ago
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5 years ago
Support Swift 5 (#44)
6 years ago
### What's New - Add more detailed installation instructions in README - Update dependencies - Kitura-Session to 3.x - Kitura-Redis to 2.x - Remove SwiftyJSON
Kitura/Kitura-WebSocket-Compression IBM-2019
A WebSocket compression library based on SwiftNIO
⭐️ 3
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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4 years ago
### Initial release - Compression and Decompression channel handlers, `WebSocketCompressor` and `WebSocketDeCompressor`. - Protocols for inflater and deflater. - Implementation of PermessageDeflate inflater and deflater, `PermessageDeflateDecompressor` and `PermessageDeflateCompressor`.
Kitura/Kitura-CredentialsJWT IBM-2019
A plugin for the Kitura-Credentials framework that supports JWT authentication.
⭐️ 2
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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4 years ago
- Relax requirement for `X-token-type` header (#7) - Tokens may be authenticated without explicitly providing the `X-token-type: JWT` header.
4 years ago
This first major release implements the `CredentialsJWT` plugin for the Kitura-Credentials framework (#4), supporting JWT authentication as part of 'raw' routes. Usage examples have been added to the [README](README.md).
4 years ago
Initial release: Extends the [Swift-JWT](https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Swift-JWT) `JWT<Claims>` type to support TypeSafeMiddleware, enabling a JWT to be used as authentication for a Codable route. - Note: the Kitura-Credentials plugin for 'raw' routing is not yet implemented (#2); this will be added in a future release.
Kitura/ShellToolKit 0.2.2
Utility classes to help with common system/shell actions in Swift
⭐️ 1
🕓 46 weeks ago
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Initial release
2 years ago
Kitura/CLibpq IBM-2019
PostgreSQL wrapper
⭐️ 1
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


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6 years ago
### What's New - Add support for Swift 4

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