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Packages published by KazaKago

KazaKago/StoreFlowable.swift 4.1.0
Repository pattern support library for Swift with Concurrency.
⭐️ 15
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
Minor fix. **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/KazaKago/StoreFlowable.swift/compare/4.0.0...4.1.0
1 year ago
## Breaking Changed * Migrate to async/await by Swift Concurrency from Combine framework. * Set up StoreFlowable more easily than before. See the README Basic Usage for details. **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/KazaKago/StoreFlowable.swift/compare/3.2.0...4.0.0
1 year ago
## Bugfix Release
2 years ago
## Breaking Changes - No need to `key` variable in `StoreFlowableFactory` class. - Need to add parameter in `StoreFlowableFactory` class methods. Before ```swift struct UserFlowableFactory : StoreFlowableFactory { typealias KEY = UserId typealias DATA = UserData init(userId: UserId) { key = userId } let key: UserId func loadDataFromCache() -> AnyPublisher<UserData?, Never> { userCache.load(userId: key) } ... } let userFlowable = UserFlowableFactory(userId: UserId(100)).create() userFlowable.publish() ``` After ```swift struct UserFlowableFactory : StoreFlowableFactory { typealias PARAM = UserId typealias DATA = UserData func loadDataFromCache(param: UserId) -> AnyPublisher<UserData?, Never> { userCache.load(userId: param) } ... } let userFlowable = UserFlowableFactory().create(UserId(100)) userFlowable.publish() ```
2 years ago
## New Feature - Two-way pagination. - Use TwoWayPaginationStoreFlowable & TwoWayPaginationStoreFlowableFactory. - You can now hold the key in this library to use for the next fetch of pagination. - Please pass nextKey and prevKey in the return value of fetch method. - If you pass null or an empty string, it is considered that there is no additional data. ```swift struct MyFlowableFactory : PaginationStoreFlowableFactory { ... func fetchNextDataFromOrigin(nextKey: String) -> AnyPublisher<Fetched<[DATA]>, Error> { githubApi.getRepos(nextPageToken: nextKey).map { data in Fetched(data: data, nextKey: data.nextPageToken) }.eraseToAnyPublisher() } } ``` ## Breaking Changes - Rename LoadingState from State. - Rename PaginationStoreFlowable from PaginatingStoreFlowable. - Changed the method to be implemented in StoreFlowableFactory. - Removed methods that were deprecated in 1.x. ## Behavior Changes - LoadingState always returns Completed on additional loads. - Instead, refer to the Completed parameters `next`,` prev` to determine the status of additional loads. ```swift flowable.publish() .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main) .sink { state in state.doAction( onLoading: { (contents: [DATA]?) in // Whole (Initial) data loading. }, onCompleted: { (contents: [DATA], next: AdditionalLoadingState, _) in // Whole (Initial) data loading completed. next.doAction( onFixed: { (canRequestAdditionalData: Bool) in // No additional processing. }, onLoading: { // Additional data loading. }, onError: { (error: Error) in // Additional loading error. } ) }, onError: { (error: Error) in // Whole (Initial) data loading error. } ) } ```
2 years ago
[Deprecated] Use `StoreFlowableFactory` instead `StoreFlowableCallback`. [Deprecated] Rename `GettingFrom` enum parameters.
2 years ago
Initial release.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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