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Packages published by KarthikRIyer

KarthikRIyer/swiftplot 2.0.0
Swift library for Data Visualization :bar_chart:
⭐️ 393
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


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swiftplot 2.0.0
4 years ago
Welcome to the April 2020 release of swiftplot 2.0.0. # Contributors This release is the result of three months of work by the talented and dedicated swiftplot development team. Here is a list of the contributors in alphabetical order: - Ananya Gangavarapu (@anigasan) - Areeb Gani (@Qwerty71) - Dhruv Baronia (@boronhub) - Karl Wagner (@karwa) - Karthik Ramesh Iyer (@KarthikRIyer) - Ricardo Nogueira (@odmir) - William Zhang (@WilliamHYZhang) Interested in joining the swiftplot development team or want to get in touch with the developers? Take a look at our [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/KarthikRIyer/swiftplot/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). Just interested in following swiftplot's developement and future releases? [Follow us on Twitter](https://twitter.com/karthik_r_iyer). # Changelog <br> ### ⭐️ iOS/tvOS/watchOS Support swiftplot now has support for all apple platforms including macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS through the updated QuartzRenderer. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35020024/74275309-a8483300-4d39-11ea-9d51-df1e44867cbd.png) <br> ### ⭐️ Annotations Support swiftplot now supports the following plot annotations: - Arrow - Text - Box - Brackets ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35020024/74275884-b6e31a00-4d3a-11ea-8144-df2ee03445ba.png) <br> ### ⭐️ New Plot type: Heatmap A new plot has been added `Heatmap<T>`, that can plot any sequence of any type. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35020024/74276181-42f54180-4d3b-11ea-96f4-a81c0d396e7f.png) # Other bug fixes, changes and improvements - Move examples to become tests. - Simplify layout maths by adding `Rect` and `Size` primitives. - Unify graph plot layout and implement new layout algorithm. - Fix colors in QuartzRenderer. - Add angled text drawing to QuartzRenderer. - Use `butt` linecap style for consistency and fix solid lines that should be dashed in SVGRenderer. - Add support for external CoreGraphics contexts (e.g. from AppKit/UIKit views). - Clip LineCharts instead of clamping. - Make SubPlot a Plot, therefore allowing the creation of nested SubPlots. - Faster base64 encoding using a non-copying Data object. - Verify that test output files actually match the reference files. - Fix base64 PNG rendering. - Rewrite the `drawData` implementation and implement better algorithm in Histogram to handle the previously unhandled edge cases. - Explicitly set font smoothing to true in QuartzRenderer. - Add Polygon and Polyline types. - Use color alpha while drawing text in SVG Renderer. - Fix draw line stroke thickness bug. - Convert the plots to value types. - Add new tutorial notebook: Machine Learning with Swift for TensorFlow and SwiftPlot - LineGraph layout data calculation fixes. - Add instructions for use of swiftplot in Google Colab. - Add Support for Coordinate Conversion between different coordinate spaces. - Update AGG version to 2.6. - Add single renderer function to draw rectangles. - Add Anchor Support for Annotations. - Add some advanced Arrow Annotation features. - Add instructions to setup Docker container for swift-jupyter and swiftplot. - Add renderer function to draw solid ellipses. - Performance improvements to recalculate bins in Histogram.

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