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JustinasKristopaitis/KotlinMultiplatformTest 0.2.13
Description Test
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🕓 1 year ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/JustinasKristopaitis/KotlinMultiplatformTest.git", from: "0.2.13")


This is a sample of what a production app might look like when using KMMBridge. It's intended to help get you started integrating a Kotlin Mutliplatform Mobile shared library into your production code.

We created sample Android and iOS projects to illustrate a simple usage of this SDK.

This is still a work in progress so some details might be changing. Feel free to open an issue if you see something that could be improved!


This repository is split into the following modules:

allshared only has iOS sources. It can include any iOS-specific API surface (e.g. callback wrappers around suspend functions) and exports analytics. This is the module where KMMBridge is configured.

analytics is a module to make analytics calls. This is often a thing teams try to integrate first when introducing KMM, so it can provide a template for introducing shared analytics into your own project.


1) Use This Template Repo to Create Your Kotlin Repo

Click “Use Template”, give your repo a name, and create it.

2) Edit GROUP

Add a group string to your repo. You can open gradle.properties and edit GROUP.

3) Publish A Build

After the repo has been created and GROUP has been specified, go to “Actions” and run one of the available CI workflows. KMM Bridge/iOS Publish will build and publish just the iOS SDK. All Publish Will publish iOS and Android binaries.

For more detailed info and for next steps see this tutorial blog post.

SDK Initialization


Add dependencies in your build.gradle file


Initialize the SDK in onCreate of your main application by calling

val sdkHandle = startSDK(analytics = AnalyticsImpl, context = this)

(Optional) log the app start



Import the DogoTracker module

import DogoTracker

Initialize the SDK in init function in the App class

init() {
    self.handle = StartSDKKt.startSDK(analytics: IosAnalytics))
class IosAnalytics: Analytics {
    func sendEvent(eventName: String, parameters: [String : Any]) {
        //Call event. FE
//        Tracker.shared.track(event: AppEvent(name: TrackingEventName(rawValue: eventName), parameters: parameters))

with your implementation of the `Analytics` interface.

(Optional) log the app start



Stars: 0
Last commit: 1 year ago
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Release Notes

1 year ago

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