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JuanjoArreola/Osprey pre_json_fix
A Library to connect to APIs built on top of URLSession
⭐️ 1
🕓 2 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/JuanjoArreola/Osprey.git", from: "pre_json_fix")


Networking for Swift 5.

GitHub license codebeat badge

A Library to connect to APIs built on top of URLSession.


  • Lightweight
  • Not format specific


  • It depends on a Promises Library
  • Might not be the best option if download or upload tasks are necessary


  • Swift Package Manager


This quick example demonstrates how to get a Github user's repositories: Mapping the API Model:

struct Repository: Decodable {
    var name: String

Creating an API:

class RepositoriesAPI: AbstractAPI {
    func repositoriesOf(_ username: String) -> Promise<[Repository]> {
        return request(route: .get("https://api.github.com/users/\(username)/repos"))

Consuming the API:

let api = RepositoriesAPI(responseParser: JSONParser())

api.repositoriesOf("username").onSuccess { repositories in
}.onError { error in


The goal of Osprey is to be able to write API Clients in a clear and simple way having the flexibility to customize the encoding of parameters and the parsing of the responses to accommodate many of the common styles in which APIs are structured.

The first step to make a request with Osprey is to define all the information that will be sent, this information is divided in two parts:

  • Route, conformed of Method and URL.
  • Request parameters, can contain URL parameters, body data and headers.

This is to separate the simple information always required to make a request (Method and URL) from the optional information that can take many forms or require additional processing (URL query params, body and headers).

When the networking client calls the request method with the Route and Request parameters a Promise instance is returned immediately and all the processing necessary to make the actual http request (setting URL query parameters, encoding body data , setting headers, etc.) is made by a background queue.

When the response is received in a background queue, the data is parsed and the result (success or error) is made available by fulfilling the returned Promise

Making Requests


The first parameter to make a request is the Route:

func user() -> Promise<User> {
    return request(route: Route.get("https://api/users"))

Many of the common HTTP Methods are available GET POST PUT DELETE HEAD PATCH OPTIONS:

// ...

If the API has a base URL, the API Client can conform to the BaseAPI protocol to simplify the routes:

class ProductsAPI: AbstractAPI, BaseAPI {
    var baseURL = "https://myapi"
    func requestProducts() -> Promise<[Product]> {
        return request(route: get(endpoint: "/products"))

URL Parameters

To send URL query parameters, call the request method with the parameters parameter:

func requestProducts() -> Promise<[Product]> {
    let params = URLParameters(["page": 1])
    return request(route: get(endpoint: "/products"), parameters: params)


Osprey has a few parameter encoders included: JSON, Multipart, FormUrl, but is not limited to those, you can add your own custom encoder by conforming to the RequestParameters protocol


To encode your parameters as JSON use the JSONParameters class:

func addProduct(_ product: Product) -> Promise<Product> {
    let params = JSONParameters(product)
    return request(route: post(endpoint: "/products/"), parameters: params)
func addPicture(_ data: Data, to product: Product) -> Promise<Picture> {
    let part = Part(mimeType: .png, data: data, attributes: ["name": "picture", "filename": UUID().uuidString])
    let params = MultipartParameters(parts: [part])
    return request(route: patch(endpoint: "/products/\(product.id)/"), parameters: params)


Headers can be added to every RequestParameters instance:

let params = JSONParameters(product, headers: ["Authentication": "Token \(token)"])
let urlParams = URLParameters(headers: ["Authentication": "Token \(token)"])
let multipartParams = MultipartParameters(product, headers: ["Authentication": "Token \(token)"])

It could also be convenient to create your own parameters type to handle some cases like Authentication:

class AuthenticatedJSONParameters: JSONParameters {
    func preprocess() throws {
        headers["Authentication"] = try UserManager.shared.getToken()

let params = AuthenticatedJSONParameters(product)

Getting Responses

API Clients inherit from the AbstractAPI class that provides the request method, this method returns a Promise instance that can be used to register closures to be called when the response is ready or to chain more requests:


All this closures are called in the main queue, to change that behaviour you can configure your client setting the responseQueue variable:

let api = UsersAPI(responseParser: JSONParser())
api.responseQueue = .global()

You can also set the queue in which a single closure will be called:

.then(in: backgroundQueue, api.getFavorites(of:))
.onSuccess(in: backgroundQueue, cacheProducts)
.onSuccess(in: .main, updateProducts)
.onError(in: backgroundQueue, reportError(_:))
.onError(in: .main, alertError(_:))
.finally(in: .main, updateInterface)


API Clients need a response parser to deserialize data into your model instances, Osprey includes a JSONParser that handles json data, you can define your own parsers by confirming to the ResponseParser protocol.

The JSONParser expects models as the root of the json data, to change this behaviour you can subclass the JSONParser to adapt to the format.

The following example demonstrates how to parse json data that contains metadata:

    "page": {
        "number": 1,
        "size": 50
    "success": true,
    "results": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Product 1"
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Product 2"
struct Page: Decodable {
    var number: Int
    var size: Int

struct Response<T: Decodable>: Decodable {
    var page: Page
    var results: T

class CustomJSONParser: JSONParser {
    override func getInstance<T>(from data: Data, response: URLResponse?) throws -> T where T : Decodable {
        let response = try decoder.decode(Response<T>.self, from: data)
        return response.results

let productsAPI = ProductsAPI(responseParser: CustomJSONParser())


Stars: 1
Last commit: 1 year ago
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