Swiftpack.co - JonnyGamer/MasterKit as Swift Package

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JonnyGamer/MasterKit 0.0.2
A Perfect Swift Framework. All the Extensions.
⭐️ 0
🕓 2 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/JonnyGamer/MasterKit.git", from: "0.0.2")


A Perfect Swift Framework. All the Extensions.

MasterKit is a frameowork wrapper.

import MasterKit

When you import it, it automatically imports these packages:

  • ExpressibleEnum
  • ReferenceKit
  • RegexKit

You can also choose to import these packages individually.


Let's you conform your enums to many new raw value types:

import MasterKit
// or import ExpressibleEnum

// Bool
enum BoolEnum: Bool { 
    case `true` = true
    case `false` = false

// Array
case ArrayEnum: [Int] {
    case foo = "[1, 2, 3, 4]"

// MultidimensionalArrays
case NDEnum: [[[[[[[[[[Int]]]]]]]]]] {
    case foo = "[[[[[[[[[[0]]]]]]]]]]"

// Enum can also conform to Self

// Example 1: Enum A Conforms to A?
enum A: A?, Enum { case foo }
enum B: Self?, Enum { case foo }

// Example 2: Raw Values = Self?
enum C: C?, Enum { case foo = "foo" }
XCTAssert(C.foo == .foo)
XCTAssert(C.foo.rawValue! == .foo)
XCTAssert(C.foo.rawValue!.rawValue! == .foo)
XCTAssert(C.foo == C.foo.rawValue)
XCTAssert(C.foo == C.foo.rawValue?.rawValue?.rawValue?.rawValue)

// Example 3: Oscillating Raw Values
enum D: D?, Enum {
    case bar = "bas"
    case bas = "bar"
XCTAssert(D.bar == D.bas.rawValue)
XCTAssert(D.bar != .bar.rawValue!)
XCTAssert(D.bar == .bar.rawValue?.rawValue)

Enums will now be able to conform to:

  • Bool
  • Array (where Element: ExpressibleByStringLiteral)
  • Set (where Element: ExpressibleByStringLiteral)
  • Dictionary<Key, Value> (where Key, Value : ExpressibleByStringLiteral)
  • Range (where Bound: ExpressibleByStringLiteral & AdditiveArithmetic)
  • ClosedRange (where Bound: ExpressibleByStringLiteral & AdditiveArithmetic)
  • Self?, Enum

I've also added protocols to these tpyes, for recursive purposes:

  • extension Array: ExpressibleByStringLiteral where Element: ExpressibleByStringLiteral
  • extension Set: ExpressibleByStringLiteral where Element: ExpressibleByStringLiteral
  • extension Dictionary: ExpressibleByStringLiteral where Key: ExpressibleByStringLiteral, Value: ExpressibleByStringLiteral
  • extension ClosedRange: ExpressibleByStringLiteral where Bound: ExpressibleByStringLiteral
  • extension ClosedRange: Comparable where Bound: AdditiveArithmetic
  • extension ClosedRange: AdditiveArithmetic where Bound: AdditiveArithmetic
  • extension Range: ExpressibleByStringLiteral where Bound: ExpressibleByStringLiteral
  • extension Range: Comparable where Bound: AdditiveArithmetic
  • extension Range: AdditiveArithmetic where Bound: AdditiveArithmetic


Create a reference on any Swift value (Even structs!)

import MasterKit
// or import ReferenceKit

func testReference() {
    var foo = 1
    @Reference var this = &foo
    this += 1
    assert(foo != 1)
    assert(foo == 2)


Added a Regex wrapper object. It's totally optional to use, though.

Important Features:

  • matches(String) -> Bool
  • replacingAll(matching: String, with: String) -> String
  • replacingFirst(matching: String, with: String) -> String
  • replacingMiddle(matching: String, with: String) -> String
  • splitMiddle(from: String) -> (String, String)


Stars: 0
Last commit: 2 years ago
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Release Notes

2 years ago

Swiftpack is being maintained by Petr Pavlik | @ptrpavlik | @swiftpackco | API | Analytics