Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by John-Connolly

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Packages published by John-Connolly

John-Connolly/SwiftQ 0.3.0
Distributed Task Queue
⭐️ 257
🕓 5 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
SwiftQ 0.2.0
6 years ago
### Improvements * Improved error handling. * Improved performance when enqueuing an array of tasks. ### Breaking Changes * Renamed Redis keys.
SwiftQ 0.1.1
6 years ago
## Fixed * Scheduled and Periodic tasks are now working. * Memory usage has been reduced * Huge performance increase
SwiftQ 0.1.0
6 years ago
## Added * Connection pooling for Redis. This dramatically improves performance. * Added Middleware protocol. ## Changed * RedisConfig now has a parameter for max number of connections. ## Fixed * Fixed bug on Linux where `Host.current().name` was not returning the hostname. * Fixed bug on Linux where the tasks would not delete from the processing queue. Redis's LREM command was not deleting tasks in the processing queue because of the inconsistent ordering of JSONSerialization on linux.
linux macOS iOS
John-Connolly/terse 0.1.1
Infix operators for SwiftNIOs monadic futures
⭐️ 6
🕓 5 years ago

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