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IsaAliev/FlexyNetwork 0.1.14
iOS Networking Framework for common tasks
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🕓 21 weeks ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/IsaAliev/FlexyNetwork.git", from: "0.1.14")


Protocol oriented iOS Networking Framework for common tasks written in swift



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate FlexyNetwork into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'FlexyNetwork'


Define your request by implementing HTTPRequestRepresentable protocol (or any of its sub-protocols)

For example, let's consider following image request:

struct ExampleRequest: HTTPGETRequest {
    var parameters: JSON?
    var headerFields: [String : String]?
    var path: String {
        return "https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/51720/e8b9e4c0-18e8-41d9-97e2-806660d42973/s1200"

Define your response model by implementing FlexDecodable protocol

public protocol FlexDecodable {
    static var jsonDecoder: JSONDecoder? { get }
    static func decodeFrom(_ data: Data) throws -> Self

Swift Decodable protocol, UIImage, String, Dictionary and Array are already extended to confirm to the protocol. However, if you want to change jsonDecoder for your model, you can implement the property in your model. Or you can define protocol like this:

protocol SnakeCaseDecodable: FlexDecodable {}

extension SnakeCaseDecodable {
    static var jsonDecoder: JSONDecoder? {
        let decoder = JSONDecoder()
        decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
        return decoder

As our example is about image request, so there is nothing to do.

Build FlexNetService using APIBuilder and handle response

  .build(for: UIImage.self, orError: FlexNever.self)
  .sendRequest()?.onSuccess({ (image) in

APIBuilder builds service from objects that implement:

  • Logger - protocol for logging request and response
  • HeadersHandler - protocol for handling headers from response
  • RequestPreparator - protocol for preparing request before sending it
  • NestedModelGetter - protocol that allows you to get nested data from response
  • SuccessResponseChecker - protocol for defining whether reposnse is successful or not
  • SSLPinningKeysProvider - closure that provides keys to implement SSL pinning against specific host
  • HTTPRequestRepresentable

FlexNetService supports numerous callbacks:

  • ☑ onSuccess is called when request is successfull according to your SuccessResponseChecker implementation
  • ☑ onFailure is called when request is failed according to your SuccessResponseChecker implementation
  • ☑ onError is called when there is some client-side error happened
  • ☑ onEnd is called when reqeust is finished regardless success or failure
  • ☑ onLastPage is called when using PagedRequest and there is no pages left
  • ☑ onProgress is called when progress on POST request has changed


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Last commit: 21 weeks ago
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39 weeks ago

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