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Packages published by HeroTransitions

HeroTransitions/Hero 1.6.3
Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
⭐️ 21,815
πŸ•“ 11 weeks ago
πŸ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
11 weeks ago
- 1ac98e7 Adaption for visionOS. - 5e05761 Merge pull request #771 from HeroTransitions/feature/CICDFix - c9a98cf CI/CI build and test, matrix platforms fix? - 2f8096d build.yml test.yml update github runner env - 45aed92 Readme add api docs link - a7d2682 README.md update ios/xcode version badges - 211df4b README.md Add unit test and swift pm action badges - bff4221 swiftlint fix - a47dce4 Merge pull request #749 from tadija/feature/xcode14-warnings - fd2ba86 Fix lint warnings - 5c053a6 Fix build warnings with Xcode 14.0
1.6.2 - Bug fixes
1 year ago
- [#717](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/issues/717) UIViewController deallocated when using function replaceViewController(with:completion) - [#734](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/issues/734) Crash on Hero.HeroTransition.start() -> () HeroTransition+Start.swift, line 121 - [#735](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/issues/735) [Crash -- HeroViewPropertyViewContext.swift line 56](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/issues/735) - [#736](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/issues/736) [Fixes #735 check 0 divide, use TimeInt.zero over 0](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/pull/736) - [#739](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/issues/739) [Delete SUMMARY.md](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/pull/739) - [#740](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/issues/740) Fix build warings in XCode 13.4.1 c30a7a867d3bc420e90ad276d9bf12287628ce87 - [#742](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/issues/742) Add `anchorPoint` support for transitioning a76e9f6dbeefb530743994634d37235e59401911
1.6.1 - Bug fixes and cleaner Swift PM
3 years ago
## Added - git ignore .zip files ## Changes - closes #703 Move CI depends to Mint ## Fixes - fixes #705 Blank view on dismissal - Update README.md remove dead link closes #708 - Update the link to material design's motion duration easing links. - fixes #704 SPM missing imports
1.6.0 - Swift 5, Swift PM support
3 years ago
## 1.6.0 ### Added - #695 - Swift 5 support - #628 - Swift Package Manager Support - #623 - Swift UI support and example - #681 - Application extension target support - #595 - Add Accio supported badge - #619 - XCode 11/12 support in example - CI/CD improvements ### Changed - #648 - Updated iOS version support - #576 - Usage guide updates
3 years ago
Maintainance Pre-Swift 5 release. New maintainers # CHANGELOG ## [1.5.0](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/releases/tag/1.5.0) ### Added - Use custom snapshot for views that implement `HeroCustomSnapshotView`. [#541](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/pull/541) by [@ManueGE](https://github.com/ManueGE) ### Changed - Added support for right to left languages. [#520](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/pull/520) by [@ManueGE](https://github.com/ManueGE) - The hidden state of subviews are now taken into account in optimized snapshot type for `UIImageView`. [#521](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/pull/521) by [@ManueGE](https://github.com/ManueGE) ## Commits - Fix iOS demo app failing and style on iOS 13 - Fix lint warnings and build errors in demo app - Add extra metadata to podspec - Deprecated messages to renamed - Add Joe Mattiello into Podspec authors for publishing - Fix pod lib lint failures - Update Podspec imports to match source imports - Use more minimal import - Remove Swift files from framework bundle products - Remove access modifier warnings (#616) - GitIgnore xcode log files - Docs - Run jazzy against new spec - Docs - Update jazzy config - Bump version to 1.5.0 - Set theme jekyll-theme-midnight - Use custom snapshot for views that implements HeroCustomSnapshotView (#541) - Keep using default navigation animation direction with RTL languages (#520) - Hidden subviews not taken in account in optimized snapshot type (#521) - Update Collection 2.0 (#553)
5 years ago
This release adds support for Swift 4.2 and also maintains backward compatibility for previous Swift versions. Thank you to @rennarda for contributing to this release πŸ₯‡ ### Added - Added support for Swift 4.2. [#534](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/pull/534) by [@rennarda](https://github.com/rennarda)
5 years ago
This release fixes a retain cycle caused by strong references to delegates. Thanks to @mkieselmann for contributing to this release πŸ‘ŠπŸ₯‡πŸ’― ### Fixed - Fixed the retain cycle caused by strong references to `previousNavigationDelegate` and `previousTabBarDelegate`. [#516](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/pull/516) by [@mkieselmann](https://github.com/mkieselmann)
5 years ago
This version fixes a few bugs related to animations and improves handling of `UINavigationController` delegate events and the ability to provide completion blocks for basic transition methods. Thanks to @lkzhao, @2blane, @kartikthapar, and @bradphilips for contributing to this release πŸ’ͺπŸ’―πŸ₯‡ ### Added - Adds an optional completion block parameter to the `dismissViewController` and `replaceViewController` methods. [#456](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/pull/456) by [@kartikthapar](https://github.com/kartikthapar) ### Changed - Allows previous `UINavigationController` delegate to handle delegate events. [#430](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/pull/430) by [@bradphilips](https://github.com/bradphilips) ### Fixed - Fixed shadows being cutoff by snapshots. [#440](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/pull/440) by [@2blane](https://github.com/2blane) - Fixed animation flickering on CALayer animation. [f4dab9](https://github.com/HeroTransitions/Hero/commit/f4dab9ed2ab88ae065605199d5aca7706b07c2ad) by [@lkzhao](https://github.com/lkzhao)
6 years ago
* add `HeroTransitionDelegate` for observing transition state and progress * add ability to change target state during interactive transition. https://github.com/lkzhao/Hero/issues/322 Just call the following method before calling `finish(animate:)` and provide the target state similar to `apply(modifiers:, to:)` ```swift Hero.shared.changeTarget(modifiers:, to:) ``` for example: ```swift someView.hero.modifiers = [.translate(x: 100)] // when you want to finish interactive transition Hero.shared.changeTarget(modifiers:[.translate(x: -100)], to: someView) Hero.shared.finish() // this will animate someView to the state of `.translate(x: -100)` instead of `.translate(x: 100)` ``` * a number of bug fixes and improvements: * fix 2x mode on ipad * Add type hinting to CascadeDirection comperator (#403) @BennX * Update for Xcode 9.3 and Swift 4.1 (#439) @joaomvfsantos * Add UIView+Hero.swift and UIViewController+Hero.swift to public heade… (#425) @DanielAsher * copy image view resizing filter to snapshot (#428) @sroik * TabBarController.selectedViewController issue (#407) @dDomovoj * Fix typo on 'Advanture' (#398) @fabiothiroki * Update README.zh-cn.md (#429) @Fidetro
API Cleanup & Bug fixes
6 years ago
* Added Constrained extension to make API more elegant. (#367) Big thanks to @dDomovoj for making this happen! ``` view.heroID -> view.hero.id view.heroModifiers -> view.hero.modifiers // etc.. ``` * Make tvOS Shared to be detected by carthage (#370) Credit to: @fruitcoder * Prevents animation from restarting when new UITabBarController tab is pressed rapidly multiple times (#373) Credit to: @armandsLa * Fix debug plugin to respect iPhone X safe insets (#375) Credit to: @nick-potts * Fix a force unwraps crashes. (#335) @imougy * Fix tabbar issues with `hideButtonBarOnPush` * Internal cleanup with CG extensions (#369) @adamnemecek * Fix internal influencing other animations libraries.
iOS tvOS

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