Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by GuardianFirewall

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Packages published by GuardianFirewall

GuardianFirewall/GuardianConnect 1.9.1
API / VPN Framework for Guardian Firewall iOS application
⭐️ 9
🕓 2 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 weeks ago
- Added PrivacyManifest file definition according to [Apple's guidelines](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files?language=objc)
4 weeks ago
- Add `GRDSGWServer` class to allow for easy parsing and handling of VPN server metadata in the internals of the SDK - Updated latest APIs to connect to a VPN server in `GRDVPNHelper` to use the new `GRDSGWServer` class - Attach full `GRDRegion` object to every new VPN credential stored as a `GRDCredential` - Improve nullability annotations for better Swift inoperability
6 weeks ago
- Expose ability to set Connect API hostname for (almost) all requests - Improve developer experience - Improve Swift compatibility - Improve class use consistency within the SKD instead of accessing values directly through NSUserDefaults or the System Keychain - Prevent runtime crash due to missing nullability checks in `GRDIAPReceiptResponse` - Add foundation to enable smart routing proxy capability soon - Added the ability to either provide a PET or client identifier & secret for certain `GRDConnectDevice` functions - Expose new metadata about `GRDConnectDevice` objects - Updated Connect API endpoint versions - Allow for integration apps to set a preferred Subscriber Credential validation method to disable fallback logic to undesired validation methods - Add region precision to allow users to choose from a list of cities, countries or cities grouped by countries - Add support for region selection based on new region precision regions - Expose new GRDRegion metadata - Add dispatch groups to disconnectWithCompletionHandler to guarantee order of operations and prevent runtime crashes due to incompatibilities with Swift Concurrency
45 weeks ago
- Improve restoring user selected regions from NSUserDefaults upon initialization of `GRDVPNHelper` - Improved logging upon failure to store `GRDPEToken` objects with the `[GRDPEToken store]` method - Added the Connect API environment as a property to `GRDPEToken` objects - Cleanup API request boilerplate code in `GRDHousekeepingAPI`
46 weeks ago
### This is a pre-release build of 1.8.5 and should not be used in shipping production versions - Improve restoring user selected regions from NSUserDefaults upon initialization of `GRDVPNHelper` - Improved logging upon failure to store `GRDPEToken` objects with the `[GRDPEToken store]` method - Added the Connect API environment as a property to `GRDPEToken` objects - Cleanup API request boilerplate code in `GRDHousekeepingAPI`
49 weeks ago
- Added `NSSecureCoding` support to `GRDRegion` to allow for easy handling and storing of the object - Set internal tunnel loaded state within `GRDTunnelManager` to prevent race conditions
50 weeks ago
### This is a pre-release build of 1.8.0 and should not be used in shipping production versions - Expose country ISO code in `GRDRegion`` - Minor fixes
51 weeks ago
### This is a pre-release build of 1.8.0 and should not be used in shipping production versions - Guarantees new codepath use while VPN connections are established with the newer high level APIs
1 year ago
- Adds obscure build flag in an attempt to not break lldb through absolute paths in the debug symbols included in GuardianConnect
1 year ago
- Report back unaltered errors from the NetworkExtension.framework - Implemented `/verify-receipt` wrapper v1.3 - Added support classes to make handling of StoreKit IAP receipts easier
iOS macOS
GuardianFirewall/GuardianWireGuard 1.0.0
WireGuard static library used in Guardian Firewall clients
⭐️ 4
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
First public release of GRDWireGuardKit 🎉 - Publish GRDWireGuardKit properly as a SPM package. - Improved the stability of the package - Bumped the build number to be SPM compatible
iOS macOS
GuardianFirewall/grd-wireguard-apple 1.0.15-26
Guardian mirror of the WireGuard Apple repo with slight modifications to build https://github.com/GuardianFirewall/GuardianWireGuard
⭐️ 2
🕓 1 year ago
iOS macOS

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