Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by GenericDataSource

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Packages published by GenericDataSource

GenericDataSource/GenericDataSource 3.1.3
A generic small reusable components for data source implementation for UITableView/UICollectionView in Swift.
⭐️ 133
🕓 25 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
5 years ago
* Support for Swift 4 & 4.2. * Upgrade to Xcode 10.
5 years ago
* Upgrade to Xcode 9.3.
6 years ago
* Fix a crash in `CompositeSupplementaryViewCreator`.
6 years ago
* Swift 4.0 Support.
6 years ago
* Adding `onItemsUpdated` to basic data sources to monitor changes to `items` property. * Adding most non-essential APIs to be `DataSourceSelector` so that, it's delegate methods is not called by default.
6 years ago
* Added the ability for `CompositeDataSource` and `SegmentedDataSource` to automatically `ds_responds(to selector: DataSourceSelector)` if the subclass implemented the selector.
6 years ago
* Fix registering header/footer class method name to be `func ds_register(headerFooterClass view: UITableViewHeaderFooterView.Type)` instead of incorrect old name `func ds_register(headerFooterNib view: UITableViewHeaderFooterView.Type)`.
7 years ago
* Adding `asCollectionView()` and `asTableView()` methods to `GeneralCollectionView` to convert it to `UICollectionView` and `UITableView` respectively. * Adding `size` property to `GeneralCollectionView` to get the size of the underlying `UICollectionView`/`UITableView`.
7 years ago
* `@autoclosure` of casting fatal message. Improves performance since there is string manipulation.
7 years ago
* `ds_shouldConsumeItemSizeDelegateCalls` is unavailable, instead use `ds_responds(to selector: DataSourceSelector) -> Bool`, It takes an enum, with `.size` it act the same as `ds_shouldConsumeItemSizeDelegateCalls`. * Fixes a bug that makes all table view cells editable by default. * New `ds_responds(to selector: DataSourceSelector) -> Bool` to make it so easy to make some implementations of `DataSource` methods optional (e.g. we used it to fix the editable table view cells bug).

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