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Packages published by Friend-LGA

Friend-LGA/LGSideMenuController 3.1.2
iOS view controller which manages left and right side views
⭐️ 2,037
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
- #187 Fixed. Delegated methods should not be required any more - Fix minor bugs - Update demo project settings
3 years ago
- Improved adding/removal of child view controllers. - Fixed issue when dynamically assigned objects will not be deleted after LGSideMenuController is destroyed. - Added new demo cases with usage of UITabBarController.
3 years ago
* Improved stability. Fixed many small issues and bugs. * Updated Demo Projects. Please, take a look, they have much more demo cases to show now.
3 years ago
* Fixed bug with raised exception while performing inexistent segue. Thanks to @anelad and his gist: https://gist.github.com/anelad/6e4827a1f0b384e65bcec36caa143948 * Added new presentation style `.slideAside` * Improved implementation of always visible side views * Fixed bugs
3 years ago
* Library has been rewritten in Swift 🎉🎉🎉 * Scroll view doesn't block side gestures anymore - #120 by @yusadogru * Many small fixes and improvements
3 years ago
- Added support for Swift Packages - https://github.com/Friend-LGA/LGSideMenuController/issues/172 - Bump supported min iOS version to 9.0, as Xcode doesn't support deployment targets lower than this
3 years ago
Merged / Closed pull requests: - Changing swiping direction caused `rootViewController` be removed from its parent - #112 by @mbenarie - `viewsHierarchyValidate` caused `viewDidAppear` be called several times - #132 by @arturmichna - Segue initialisation moved from `awakeFromNib` to `viewDidLoad` - #154 by @adomanski - Added checks for `childViewControllers` not being added twice - Fixed broken animations while status bar visibility was changing - Added assert to validate that `presentationStyle` and `alwaysVisibleOptions` don't conflict with each other
6 years ago
Fix bugs
7 years ago
* Refactoring * Rename some variables, methods, classes and protocols * Add new notifications (You can use this notifications to add some custom animations): ```objective-c LGSideMenuShowLeftViewAnimationsNotification LGSideMenuHideLeftViewAnimationsNotification LGSideMenuShowRightViewAnimationsNotification LGSideMenuHideRightViewAnimationsNotification ``` * Add new keys for userInfo in notifications: ```objective-c kLGSideMenuView // can be leftView or rightView kLGSideMenuAnimationDuration ```
7 years ago
* Fix bugs * Improve performance * Now you have access to background views ```objective-c @property (strong, nonatomic, nullable, readonly) UIImageView *leftViewBackgroundView; @property (strong, nonatomic, nullable, readonly) UIImageView *rightViewBackgroundView; ```

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