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Packages published by ForgeRock

ForgeRock/forgerock-ios-sdk FRUI-2.0.0-beta1
ForgeRock Mobile iOS SDK
⭐️ 27
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
4.4.0 Release
1 week ago
### ForgeRock iOS SDK 4.4.0 Release **Added** - Added a new module for integration with PingOne Protect. [SDKS-2901] - Added support for the `TextInput` callback. [SDKS-546] - Added an interface for customizing the biometric UI prompts when device binding or signing. [SDKS-2990] - Added `x-requested-with: forgerock-sdk` and `x-requested-platform: ios` immutable HTTP headers to each outgoing request. [SDKS-2997] **Changed** - Prevented the operation of device binding and signing features on simulators. [SDKS-2995]
4.3.0 Release
16 weeks ago
### ForgeRock iOS SDK 4.3.0 Release **Added** - AppIntegrity Callback support [SDKS-2630] [SDKS-2761] - New ephemeralAuthSession browser type (iOS13+) [SDKS-2707] - `iat` and `nbf` claims to Device Binding jws payload [SDKS-2748] - Custom claims to device signing verifier [SDKS-2788] **Fixed** - Fixed an issue where the `issuer` parameter was not properly parsed when using AM 7.2.x [SDKS-2653] - Updated Jailbreak Detectors [SDKS-2796] - Fixed an issue related to Inadequate Cache Control [SDKS-2700] - Fixed the issue when sfViewController setting in Centralized login had the "entersReaderIfAvailable" as true [SDKS-2746]  - Fixed the issue with DeviceProfile Collector affecting phones with dual sim cards in iOS 16.3 and earlier [SDKS-2776] - Improved unit and e2e tests [SDKS-2637] - Fixed the issue with device binding api access level [SDKS-2886] - Fixed the issue with removing userkey from local device repo [SDKS-2887]
4.1.0 Release
38 weeks ago
### ForgeRock iOS SDK 4.1.0 Release **Added** - Interceptor support for the Authenticator module [SDKS-2545] - Deep link support for `mfauth` scheme in Authenticator sample app [SDKS-2524] - Interface for access_token refresh [SDKS-2563] - Ability to process new JSON format of IG policy advice [SDKS-2239] **Fixed** - Fixed an issue on parsing `issuer` from combined MFA registration uri [SDKS-2542] - Added error message about duplicated accounts while performing combined MFA registration [SDKS-2627]
4.0.0 Release
45 weeks ago
### ForgeRock iOS SDK 4.0.0 Release #### Added - Support for passkeys [SDKS-2140] - `DeviceBinding` callback support [SDKS-1748] - `DeviceSigningVerifier` callback support [SDKS-2023] - Support for combined MFA in the Authenticator SDK [SDKS-1972] - Support for policy enforcement in the Authenticator SDK [SDKS-2166] - Interface for listing and deleting WebAuthn credentials from the device [SDKS-2279] - Interface for assigning device name during the WebAuthn registration process [SDKS-2297] - SwiftUI QuickStart Example [SDKS-2405] #### Fixed - Added error message description to the `WebAuthnError` enum [SDKS-2226] - Updated the order of presenting the registered WebAuthn keys on the device [SDKS-2251] - Updated Facebook SDK Version to 16.0.1 [SDKS-1839] - Updated Google SDK Version to 7.0.0 [SDKS-2426] #### Changed - In **WebAuthnRegistrationCallback**: `public func register(node: Node? = nil, onSuccess: @escaping StringCompletionCallback, onError: @escaping ErrorCallback)` to `public func register(node: Node? = nil, window: UIWindow? = UIApplication.shared.windows.first, deviceName: String? = nil, usePasskeysIfAvailable: Bool = false, onSuccess: @escaping StringCompletionCallback, onError: @escaping ErrorCallback)` - In **WebAuthnAuthenticationCallback**: `public func authenticate(node: Node? = nil, onSuccess: @escaping StringCompletionCallback, onError: @escaping ErrorCallback)` to `public func authenticate(node: Node? = nil, window: UIWindow? = UIApplication.shared.windows.first, preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials: Bool = false, usePasskeysIfAvailable: Bool = false, onSuccess: @escaping StringCompletionCallback, onError: @escaping ErrorCallback)` - In **FacebookSignInHandler**: `public static func handle(_ application: UIApplication, _ url: URL, _ options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool` to `public static func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool`. It should now be called from `application(_ application:, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: )` instead of `application(_ app:, open url:, options:)`. - **FRAClient.updateAccount()** now throws `AccountError.accountLocked` upon attempt to update a locked account [SDKS-2166] - **HOTPMechanism.generateCode()** and **TOTPMechanism.generateCode()** now throws `AccountError.accountLocked` upon attempt to get an OATH token for a locked account [SDKS-2166]
3.4.1 Release
1 year ago
### ForgeRock iOS SDK 3.4.1 Release #### Changed - Updated legacy encryption algorithm used for generation of cryptographic keys stored in `Secure Enclave` [SDKS-1994] - Fixed an issue related to push notifications timeout [SDKS-2164] - Fixed an unexpected error occurring during the decoding of some push notifications [SDKS-2199]
3.4.0 Release
1 year ago
### ForgeRock iOS SDK 3.4.0 Release ### Added - Dynamic SDK Configuration [SDKS-1760] - iOS 16 Support [SDKS-1932] #### Changed - Fixed build errors on Xcode 14 [SDKS-2073] - Fixed bug where the `state` parameter value was not verified upon calling the `Authorize` endpoint [SDKS-2077]
3.3.2 Release
1 year ago
### ForgeRock iOS SDK 3.3.2 Release ### Added - Interface for log management [SDKS-1863] #### Changed - Fixed memory leak in NetworkCollector [SDKS-1931]
3.3.1 Release
1 year ago
### ForgeRock iOS SDK 3.3.1 Release ### Added - Added PushType.biometric support and BiometricAuthentication class for biometric authentication. Updated sample app to handle new Push types [SDKS-1865] #### Changed - Fixed the bug when refreshing the access token we return the old token [SDKS-1824] - Fixed bug when multiple threads are trying to access the same resource in the deviceCollector and ProfileCollector [SDKS-1912]
3.3.0 Release
1 year ago
### ForgeRock iOS SDK 3.3.0 Release ### Added - SSL Pinning Support [SDKS-1627] - Obtain timestamp from new Push Notification payload [SDKS-1665] - Add new payload attributes in the Push Notification [SDKS-1775] - Apple Sign In enhancements to get user profile info [SDKS-1632] #### Changed - Remove "Accept: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" header from /authorize endpoint for GET requests [SDKS-1729] - Remove iPlanetDirectoryPro (or session cookie name) from the query parameter and inject it to the header instead [SDKS-1708] - Fix issue when expired push notification displayed as "Approved" in the notification history list [SDKS-1491] - Fix Issues with registering TOTP accounts with invalid period [SDKS-1405]
3.2.0 Release
2 years ago
### ForgeRock iOS SDK 3.2.0 Release ### Changed - Updated GoogleSignIn library to the latest version '6.1.0' - Made FRGoogleSignIn available through SPM

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