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Packages published by Flowduino

Flowduino/EventDrivenSwift 5.2.0
The most powerful Event-Driven Observer Pattern solution the Swift language has ever seen!
⭐️ 7
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
Introduced a new Custom Event Filtering feature for EventListener. Added .custom case for EventListenerInterest Added customFilter property to addListener everywhere applicable in the library Added documentation (including full code example) for the above in README.md
1 year ago
Implemented `.youngerThan` Event Interest - `EventListener`s now support the `.youngerThan` interested, specifying a `maximumAge` parameter to define (in *nanoseconds*) the maximum age an `Eventable` can be (from the point of Dispatch) before the Listener is no longer interested in it. - `EventReceiving` types (all of them) now also support the above behaviour. - README.md has been updated to provide an example of how to specify an `EventListener` with a *Maximum Age* constraint.
1 year ago
- Introduced *Latest-Only Listeners* - Introduced *Latest-Only Receivers* - `dispatchTime` parameter added to all Callbacks (including Listeners) so that you can read the exact nanosecond-precise time at which each Event was Dispatched. **Interface-breaking change, thus the major version increase** - README.md updated to reflect all of the above
1 year ago
- Event Scheduling has been added throughout the system. - Unit Test coverage for Event Scheduling has also been added.
1 year ago
- Introduced `@EventMethod` wrapper in both `EventThread` and any class implementing `EventListening`. Can now be used to register immutable Event Listener callbacks within the declaration of any class as a `var`, and invoke the method `registerListeners()` on the `init` method of said class to automatically register any `@EventMethod`-decorated Listener using Reflection. - Replaced the returning of Tokens (`UUID`s) when registering an Event Listener, or an Event Callback (inside `EventThread`) with an appropriate `Handle` type, containing a `remove()` method to unregister said Listener/Callback.
1 year ago
Fixed a bug in `EventThread` for method `removeEventCallback` where it was declared with an incorrect parameter type for `forEventType`.
1 year ago
- Certain `internal` methods have been marked as `open` in order to make inheriting classes consuming the library function properly. This is due to a limitation in Swift whereby any inheriting class where the base class originates inside of a Library cannot access `internal` members defined in the Library.
1 year ago
Version 4.0.0 introduces considerable refactoring and interface changes: - `EventReceivable` is no longer a class to inherit from for your own Event Processing Threads. - `EventThread` is now the class to inherit from for your own Event Process Threads. - Nomenclature has been standardised throughout the library to eliminate any ambiguity between an `EventReceiver` (which is a fundamental base type for *anything* which receives `Eventable` objects. - `EventPool` and all of its supporting types have been introduced as a major new feature for this release - README.MD has been fully updated to reflect all refactoring and feature changes introduced for this version.
1 year ago
- `EventListener` implementation completed - `EventCentral` updated to provide a centralised `EventListener` for global use - `Eventable` introduces two new methods: - `addListener` registers an arbitrary Listener against the referenced `Eventable` Type and returns a `UUID` token for that Listener - `removeListener` unregisters the Listener specified by its `UUID` token
1 year ago
- Introduced `UIEventReceiver` - Eliminated the need to implement a boilerplate Closure to invoke `callTypedEventCallback` in order to type-qualify an `Eventable` for a Callback call. This is now done internally for you. - Updated the README.MD file to reflect the above
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS linux macOS iOS
Flowduino/SerialSwift 1.0.4
MacOS Serial solution (Observable & Event-Driven) to make integration of Serial peripherals trivial
⭐️ 3
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
- Modified support to Swift 5.6 instead of 5.7 (because it works fine). - Updated to `EventDrivenSwift` version 5.1.0 (which also supports Swift 5.6)
1 year ago
- Updated `EventDrivenSwift` package to version 5.0.0
1 year ago
Bug fix to enable a Serial port to be reconnected if it should disconnect
1 year ago
Visibility corrected for Event `var`s to make them `public` for consumption (packages require this, annoyingly)
macOS linux macOS iOS
Flowduino/Observable 2.0.0
The most flexible and easiest to implement Observer Pattern platform for the Swift language (includes fully-functional Observable Thread!)
⭐️ 2
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
Version 2.0.0 - Version 2.0.0 Release Commit - Removed the `<TKey: Hashable>` Generics from all implementations of `KeyedObservable` - `KeyedObservable` now has `<TKey: Hashable>` applied to applicable respective `func`s - `KeyedObservable` Implementations now use `AnyHashable` for internal members related to Keys. - `for:` Parameter of `KeyedObservable` `func`s has become `key:` for individual Keys, and `keys: ` for `Array`s of Keys. This is because an `Array` is itself a `Hashable` type, and causes ambiguity with `func` overloading. - Keyed Unit Tests updated accordingly - README.MD updated to reflect all of the above
1 year ago
1.1.0 - Keyed Observable Added - Added `KeyedObservable` Protocol - Added `KeyedObservableClass` Base Type - Added `KeyedObservableThread` Base Type - Added `KeyedObservableThreadSafeClass` Base Type - Added Overloads for `addObserver` - Added Overloads for `removeObserver` - Added Macro Extension for `Observable` Protocol implementations to iterate Arrays of Multiples and, for each, invoke their Singular method counterparts - Updated README.MD to reflect all above changes - Added Discord link and button to README.MD
1 year ago
- Updated to use 1.1.0 of ThreadSafeSwift - Updated `ObservableThread` to use improvements from above - Updated `ObservableThreadSafeClass` to use improvements from above
1 year ago
Fixe for `ObservableThread` and `ObservableThreadSafeClass` whereby items in the pending queues would never be removed, and would never be added due to a foolish mistake of mine.
1 year ago
Fixed thread-safety issues in `ObservableThread` and `ObservableThreadSafeClass`
1 year ago
`Internal` members of `ObservableThread` and `ObservableThreadSafeClass` needed to be made `open` so that they can be used by descendants.
1 year ago
Fixed a small mistake from 1.0.1
1 year ago
Added base `Init()` to each type so that Factories of descendants can work properly.
1 year ago
Initial release with following fully-implemented: `ObservableClass` `ObservableThreadSafeClass` `ObservableThread`
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS linux macOS iOS
Flowduino/ThreadSafeSwift 1.1.0
Library of Types and Property Wrappers designed to provide Thread Safety simply and quickly for any Swift project
⭐️ 2
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
- Introduced `withLock` method to `ThreadSafeSemaphore` property decorator - Introduced `withTryLock` method to `ThreadSafeSemaphore` property decorator - Added Unit Tests for the above - Added usage example for the above to the README.MD file
1 year ago
Initial release with the `ThreadSafeSemaphore` Property Wrapper available to use.

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