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Packages published by FlineDev

FlineDev/BartyCrouch 4.15.1
Localization/I18n: Incrementally update/translate your Strings files from .swift, .h, .m(m), .storyboard or .xib files.
⭐️ 1,353
🕓 45 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
45 weeks ago
Just a re-release of 4.15.0 with different linking mechanisms to fix Homebrew delivery (hopefully).
48 weeks ago
### Changed - Improved implementation of DeepL API client for more reliable escaping than the previous manual escaping logic. PR: [#277](https://github.com/FlineDev/BartyCrouch/issues/277) | Author: [Nico](https://github.com/NickAtGit) - Upgraded Swift-Syntax dependency to work with Swift 5.8 to fix build issues. PR: [#279](https://github.com/FlineDev/BartyCrouch/issues/279) | Author: [Alex Deem](https://github.com/alexdeem)
1 year ago
This is a re-release of 4.14.0 for CocoaPods users with a fix for https://github.com/FlineDev/BartyCrouch/issues/245. Thanks, @djbe!
1 year ago
This is a re-release of `4.14.0` for CocoaPods users with a fix for https://github.com/FlineDev/BartyCrouch/issues/273.
1 year ago
### Added - Support for Swift 5.7 and Xcode 14, dropping support for older versions and fixing the 'could not parse syntax tree' issue. - BartyCrouch now recognizes `LocalizedStringResource` entries by default (unless you override the `customFunction` option). This helps support localization in newer APIs like the AppIntents framework. See README for more info. ### Fixed - Updated DeepL API to a POST request according to the documentation to fix issues.
1 year ago
### Added - Re-implement option `overrideComments` for code update (see README). Issues: [#261](https://github.com/FlineDev/BartyCrouch/issues/261) | Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut) This also attempts to fix an issue with Xcode 14 not linking to the internal SwiftSyntax binary by switching to a static binary approach using https://github.com/keith/StaticInternalSwiftSyntaxParser. Hope it works and prevents such Xcode upgrade issues in the future! 🤞
1 year ago
### Fixed - Fixes an issue with linking of SwiftSyntaxParser which prevented from making a new Homebrew release for 4.12.0. See [here](https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/111641).
1 year ago
### Changed - Update SwiftSyntax dependency to Swift 5.7 to support Xcode 14. Issues: [#201](https://github.com/FlineDev/BartyCrouch/issues/201), [#262](https://github.com/FlineDev/BartyCrouch/pull/262) | Author: [Texot](https://github.com/tete1030)
1 year ago
### Added - Adds new `separateWithEmptyLine` options to allow removing the empty line between Strings entries. Issues: [#251](https://github.com/FlineDev/BartyCrouch/issues/251) | PR: [#254](https://github.com/FlineDev/BartyCrouch/pull/254) | Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut) ### Fixed - Fixed an issue where defaulting to Microsoft Translator no longer worked after starting to support DeepL as a translator, too. Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut)
2 years ago
Same as `4.10.0`, but fixed an issue with the `Makefile` preventing to publish the release via Homebrew.
FlineDev/HandySwift 4.2.0
Handy Swift features that didn't make it into the Swift standard library.
⭐️ 477
🕓 1 week ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 week ago
## Added * New String extension function `tokenized(locale:)` for creating search terms ([learn more](https://swiftpackageindex.com/flinedev/handyswift/main/documentation/handyswift/swift/string/tokenized(locale:))) * New String extension function `matchesTokenizedPrefixes(in:locale:)` for convenient fuzzy search ([learn more](https://swiftpackageindex.com/flinedev/handyswift/main/documentation/handyswift/swift/string/matchestokenizedprefixes(in:locale:)))
3 weeks ago
## Added - New `advanced/reversed(byMonths:)` and `advanced/reversed(byYears:)` for `GregorianDay` - New `startOfMonth(timeZone:)` and `startOfYear(timeZone:)` functions on `GregorianDay` - Added more tests to ensure some of the newer functionality continues to work in the future ## Changed - Properties of `GregorianDay` and `GregorianTimeOfDay` are now variable & the types conform to `Withable` ## Fixed - Fixed conversion of `TimeInterval` into `Duration` for fractional seconds - Fixed a build error when using `delay(by:)` due to ambiguity caused by an overload
4 weeks ago
## Changed - Improved output on `Duration.autoscaleFormatted()` when the duration is exactly 0 (before: "???", now: "0s")
4 weeks ago
## Added - New DocC-based documentation hosted on Swift Package Index - Extensively improved documentation for all types & functions, including usage examples - README now showcases the apps most of the code was extracted from (& is used in) - New "Extensions" DocC article highlighting the most used extension properties & functions - New "New Types" DocC article highlighting the most used type additions & global functions - New `CaseIterable` extension properties `allCasesPrefixedByNil` and `allCasesSuffixedByNil` - New `Duration` extensions adding minute/hour/days/weeks, conversion to a `TimeInterval` and more - New `Float` extension analogous to the existing `Double` extension for rounded values - New `SymmetricKey` extension making conversion to/from base64 encoded String easier - New `AutoConforming` typealias that adds `Codable`, `Hashable`, and `Sendable` conformance in one go - New `Debouncer` type making debouncing for search input in SwiftUI easy - New `GregorianDay` type for storing just the day part of a `Date` without time - New `GreogorianTimeOfDay` type for storing just the time part of a `Date` without the day - New `OperatingSystem` type with a `OS` typealias to specify different values based on the current OS ## Changed - Big documentation clean-up & improvements - The minimum Swift version was bumped from 5.1 to 5.9 (Xcode 14.2+) ## Deprecated - The `HandyRegex` type and all its functions are now marked as deprecated. A removal is not planned anytime soon as long as `NSRegularExpression` API is around. But I encourage you to migrate to Swifts new and very own [`Regex` type](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/regex). ## Removed - The `Unowned` and `Weak` wrapper types were removed without substitution - Any dependency managers except Swift Package Manager were dropped (e.g. CocoaPods) - README no longer serves as the documentation, the docs are moved over to the Swift Package Index (see README) - Some APIs that are no longer needed because Swift has a comparable alternative were removed with a fix-it ## Fixes - Unit tests & CI setup # Migrating from 3.x This release is a breaking change. If you were using `Unowned` or `Weak`, you can find & copy their implementation to your project from the old release [here](https://github.com/FlineDev/HandySwift/tree/3.4.0/Sources/HandySwift/Structs). If you were using `Regex`, note that you will get errors because it was renamed to `HandyRegex`. But fix-its could not be provided because Swift now has its own `Regex` type. So you need to rename uses of `Regex` to `HandyRegex` manually. Some more APIs were renamed or removed in favor of a new Swift feature that should be preferred. Fix-its are provided for all these cases. Most APIs remain unchanged but have much better documentation now. 🎉
2 years ago
### Added - Added new convenience `encrypt(key:)` and `decrypt(key:)` functions to `String` type for platforms supporting `CryptoKit`. Uses AES.GCM algorithm for encryption. Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut)
3 years ago
### Added - Added `round(fractionDigits:rule:)` & `rounded(fractionDigits:rule:)` methods to `Double` type. Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut)
3 years ago
### Changed - `Withable` doesn't require an empty `init()` method anymore. Instead, it can be combined with any initializer. If you used the `Foo { $0.bar = 5 }` type of initializer, you will need to add `().with` behind the type like so: `Foo().with { $0.bar = 5 }`. Issue: [#49](https://github.com/Flinesoft/HandySwift/issues/49) | PR: [#50](https://github.com/Flinesoft/HandySwift/pull/50) | Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut) - Improved with new `removeAll` method, conformance to `BidirectionalCollection`, `ExpressibleByArrayLiteral` and removal of `newElement` label on `insert. Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut) ### Fixed - Made all functions accept throwing closures to allow wider usage cases for helper functions like `.times` etc. Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut)
4 years ago
### Added - New `DivisibleArithmetic` protocol which easily extends `average()` to Collections of `Double`, `Float` and `CGFloat`. Issue: [#36](https://github.com/Flinesoft/HandySwift/issues/36) | PR: [#38](https://github.com/Flinesoft/HandySwift/pull/38) | Author: [David Knothe](https://github.com/knothed) - Make most of the API `@inlinable` for increased real-time performance. Issue: [#40](https://github.com/Flinesoft/HandySwift/issues/40) | PR: [#43](https://github.com/Flinesoft/HandySwift/pull/43) | Author: [David Knothe](https://github.com/knothed) ### Changed - Allow `Int.init?(randomBelow:)` to use an arbitrary RandomNumberGenerator (instead of just the system one). PR: [#44](https://github.com/Flinesoft/HandySwift/pull/44) | Author: [David Knothe](https://github.com/knothed)
4 years ago
### Added - New `Comparable.clamped(to:)` and `Comparable.clamp(to:)` interfaces for any `Comparable`, e. g. `Int`.
4 years ago
### Addedge - New `Withable` protocol to init/copy objects and set properties in a convenient way on a single line. ### Changed - Upgraded to Swift 5 & Xcode 10.2. ### Removed - Remove `ExpressibleByStringLiteral` conformance of `Regex` type to only allow initialization via `init(_:options:) throws` interface.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
FlineDev/CSVImporter 1.9.1
Import CSV files line by line with ease
⭐️ 145
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
5 years ago
### Added - Official support for building on Linux. ### Changed - Upgraded to Swift 4.2 & Xcode 10.
6 years ago
### Changed - Upgraded Code to Swift 4.
7 years ago
### Added - Added **import method** that works **synchronously** (see [README](https://github.com/Flinesoft/CSVImporter#import-synchronously))
7 years ago
### **Changes:** - Added option to **explicitly specify queue** for both background work and callbacks (#17)
7 years ago
### **Changes:** - **Added** new initializer with a CSV files content string (see #16)
7 years ago
### **Changes:** - **Removed `FileKit` dependency** (using own and optimized copy of `TextFile` class) - Internal Swift 3 **optimizations** (including making CSVImporter non-subclassable with `public`) - Added support for **specifying the encoding** for the CSV file to import (was always UTF8 before): Example usage: ``` swift let importer = CSVImporter<[String: String]>(url: url, encoding: .utf16LittleEndian) ``` --- Thanks to @dkalinai for helping to fix #12.
7 years ago
Updates the entire project to be compatible with **Xcode 8** and **Swift 3**.
7 years ago
## New - Add initializer using a `NSURL` (see #5) - Automatically detect/manually specify correct line ending type (see #7) ## Improved - Faster import by refactoring regular expressions & more (see #9) - Less memory usage by using autorelease pool (see #9) Big thanks to @phoney for all those improvements and features!
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
FlineDev/HandyUIKit 1.9.3
Handy UI features that should have been part of UIKit in the first place.
⭐️ 128
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
### Fixed - Fixed a warning due to a wrong path in the Swift package manifest.
3 years ago
### Added - Made `cornerRadius` and `IBDesignable`s available for override. ### Changed - Updated code to Xcode 11.4 & Swift 5.
5 years ago
5 years ago
### Added - New `NibLoadable` protocol for loading `UIView` subclasses from XIB files both from code and IB files. - New `RoundableView` IBDesignable with `cornerRadius` defined for use right within Interface Builder files. - New `TemplateButton` IBDesignable with `image` always rendered as `.alwaysTemplate` for use right within IB files. - New `TemplateImageView` IBDesignable with `image` always rendered as `.alwaysTemplate` for use right within IB files. - New `visibleViewController` properties on `UIWindow` to get the currently presented view controller globally. ### Changed - The `bindEdgesToSuperview` method now supports an optional `insets` parameter of type `UIEdgeInsets`
5 years ago
### Added - UITableViewExtension to dequeue cells, headers & footers with static typing. via [#10](https://github.com/Flinesoft/HandyUIKit/pull/10) by [Murat Yilmaz](https://github.com/roccx) ### Changed - Updated code to Swift 4.2 & Xcode 10. ### Fixed - Fixed an issue where the `Info.plist` file could not be found when executing tests. via [#9](https://github.com/Flinesoft/HandyUIKit/pull/9) by [Andreas Link](https://github.com/LinkAndreas) - Fixes an issue in `toGrayscale()` method – did not consider image's `scale`. via [#8](https://github.com/Flinesoft/HandyUIKit/pull/8) by [Andreas Link](https://github.com/LinkAndreas)
6 years ago
## New Features - Upgrade to Swift 4.1 & Xcode 9.3 - Add `UIImage` extension with `toGrayscale()` method - Add `superviews` and `firstSuperview(where:)` to `UIView` extension - Add `firstResponder` to `UIView` extension - Add `animateAlongsideKeyboard` method to `UIView` extension
6 years ago
## New Features - Add `superscript(font:)` and `subscript(font:)` methods to String extension(s)
6 years ago
# Migrated to Swift 4 & Xcode 9
7 years ago
## New Features - Add `hyphenated()` method to String extension
7 years ago
## New Features - A new String extension to calculate width/height with given font and fixed height/width
iOS tvOS
FlineDev/AnyLint 0.11.0
Lint anything by combining the power of scripts & regular expressions.
⭐️ 119
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
### Added - Added a new `--unvalidated` (`-u`) option for running all checks without running the validations provided, such as testing for `matchingExamples` and `nonMatchingExamples`. Use with cuation. ### Changed - Some internal code clean-up. - Upgrade to Swift 5.7 manifest syntax. ### Fixed - The `--measure` option also measured validations & files search which distorted the measure time for the first check with the same files search. Now, it only measures the actual matching time of the Regex for better evaluation.
1 year ago
> **Update Notice**: After upgrading AnyLint via `brew upgrade anylint` you should run `swift-sh --clean-cache` to ensure the `AnyLint` library in your script gets the latest update, too. Alternatively, specify the version explicitly in your `lint.swift` file via `import AnyLint // [email protected]` (note the `@0.10.1` suffix). ### Changed - Improved output color & formatting of new `--measure` option for printing execution time per check. Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut) ### Fixed - New `--measure` option did not work when no violations were found, now also prints when all checks succeed. Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut)
1 year ago
> **Update Notice**: After upgrading AnyLint via `brew upgrade anylint` you should run `swift-sh --clean-cache` to ensure the `AnyLint` library in your script gets the latest update, too. Alternatively, specify the version explicitly in your `lint.swift` file via `import AnyLint // [email protected]` (note the `@0.10.1` which isn't added by default). ### Added - New `--measure` / `-m` option to print execution times per check to find slow checks easily. Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut) ### Changed - The execution time of all checks are now being measured, independent of what options are provided. Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut)
1 year ago
### Added - Allow `customCheck` closure to be throwing by re-throwing if they are. Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut)
1 year ago
### Changed - Default violation level was changed from `error` to `warning`. Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut) | Issue: [#47](https://github.com/FlineDev/AnyLint/issues/47)
1 year ago
### Added - Added new option `violationLocation` parameter for `checkFileContents` for specifying position of violation marker using `.init(range:bound:)`, where `range` can be one of `.fullMatch` or `.captureGroup(index:)` and bound one of `.lower` or `.upper`.
1 year ago
### Fixed - Fixed an issue where first violation can't be shown in Xcode due to 'swift-driver version: 1.45.2' printed on same line.
2 years ago
### Fixed - Fixed an issue with pointing to the wrong Swift-SH path on Apple Silicon Macs. Should also fix the path on Linux. Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut) | Issue: [#46](https://github.com/Flinesoft/AnyLint/issues/46)
2 years ago
### Changed - Bumped minimum required Swift tools version to 5.4. Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut) - Removed `Package.resolved` file to prevent pinning dependency versions. Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut)
3 years ago
### Changed - Made internal extension methods public for usage in `customCheck`. PR: [#35](https://github.com/Flinesoft/AnyLint/pull/35) | Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut) - Print diff out to console for multiline autocorrections that were applied. Issue: [#27](https://github.com/Flinesoft/AnyLint/issues/27) | PR: [#35](https://github.com/Flinesoft/AnyLint/pull/35) | Author: [Cihat Gündüz](https://github.com/Jeehut)
FlineDev/Microya 0.7.0
Micro version of the Moya network abstraction layer written in Swift.
⭐️ 45
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
### Added - New methods for requesting raw `Data` response to allow for using alternative decoding methods such as [SwiftyJSON](https://github.com/SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON): `performRawDataRequest(AndWait)` (classic approach), `rawDataPublisher` (Combine) and `rawDataResponse` (Swift concurrency).
2 years ago
### Changed - Made the `baseUrl` parameter of `ApiProvider` editable.
2 years ago
### Added - New async `response` method based on the new concurrency features available in Swift 5.5.
2 years ago
### Added - New `mockingBehavior` parameter on `ApiProvider` for testing purposes. Specify one with `delay` and `scheduler`, e.g. `.seconds(0.5)` and `DispatchQueue.main.eraseToAnyScheduler()`. Provides `nil` by default to make actual requests. - New optional `mockedResponse` computed property on `Endpoint` protocol expecting an output of type `MockedResponse`. Use this to provide mocked responses when using a `mockingBehavior` in tests. See the [PostmanEchoEndpoint](https://github.com/Flinesoft/Microya/blob/main/Tests/MicroyaTests/Supporting/PostmanEchoEndpoint.swift#L114-127) in the tests for a usage example via the `mock` convenience method. ### Changed - Moved `baseUrl` from `Endpoint` to `ApiProvider`. This allows for specifying different `baseUrl` even when `Endpoint` is implemented in a library by passing it in the app. - Renamed `HttpBasicAuthPlugin` to `HttpAuthPlugin` with a new `scheme` parameter that accepts one of `.basic` or `.bearer` to support multiple authentication methods.
3 years ago
### Added - Microya now supports Combine publishers, just call `publisher(on:decodeBodyTo:)` or `publisher(on:)` instead of `performRequest(on:decodeBodyTo:)` or `performRequest(on:)` and you'll get an `AnyPublisher` request stream to subscribe to. In success cases you will receive the decoded typed object, in error cases an `ApiError` object exactly like within the `performRequest` completion closure. But instead of a `Result` type you can use `sink` or `catch` from the Combine framework. ### Changed - The `queryParameters` is no longer of type `[String: String]`, but `[String: QueryParameterValue]` now. Existing code like `["search": searchTerm]` will need to be updated to `["search": .string(searchTerm)]`. Apart from `.string` this now also allows specifying an array of strings like so: `["tags": .array(userSelectedTags)]`. String & array literals are supported directly, e.g. `["sort": "createdAt"]` or `["sort": ["createdAt", "id"]]`.
3 years ago
### Added - New `ApiProvider` type encapsulating different request methods with support for plugins. - New asynchronous `performRequest` methods with completion callbacks. ([#2](https://github.com/Flinesoft/Microya/issues/2)) - New `Plugin` class to subclass for integrating into the networking logic via callbacks. - New pre-implemented plugins: `HttpBasicAuth`, `ProgressIndicator`, `RequestLogger`, `ResponseLogger`. - New `EmptyResponseBody` type to use whenever the body is expected to be empty or should be ignored. ### Changed - Renamed `JsonApi` protocol to `Endpoint`. - Renamed `Method` to `HttpMethod` and added `body: Data` to the cases `post` and `patch`. - Moved the `request` method from `JsonApi` to the new `ApiProvider` & renamed to `performRequestAndWait`. - Generally improved the cases in `JsonApiError` & renamed the type to `ApiError`. - Moved CI from [Bitrise](https://www.bitrise.io/) to [GitHub Actions](https://github.com/Flinesoft/Microya/actions). ### Removed - The `bodyData: Data?` requirement on `JsonApi` (bodies are not part of `HttpMethod`, see above). - Installation is no longer possible via [CocoaPods](https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods) or [Carthage](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage). Please use [SwiftPM](https://github.com/apple/swift-package-manager) instead.
3 years ago
### Changed - Make some fields of the `JsonApi` protocol optional by providing default implementation.
5 years ago
### Added - Add `JsonApi` type similar to `TargetType` in Moya with additional JSON `Codable` support. - Add basic usage documentation based on the Microsoft Translator API.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
FlineDev/PublicHolidays 0.1.0
An offline database with APIs to check if a given date is on a public holiday for a given region.
⭐️ 7
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
Initial public release.
FlineDev/LaserFocusKit-Swift 1.0.4
Utility library for calculations for applying the "Laser Focus" priority strategy.
⭐️ 1
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
Initial release.

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