Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by FelixHerrmann

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Packages published by FelixHerrmann

FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list 4.1.0
A command-line tool to get all used SPM-dependencies of an Xcode project or workspace.
⭐️ 105
🕓 7 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
7 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [Feature] COPYING License Support by @mmllr in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/105 * [Feature] Turkish Localization by @makcakir in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/106 * [Feature] Privacy Manifest by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/108 ## New Contributors * @mmllr made their first contribution in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/105 * @makcakir made their first contribution in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/106 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/compare/4.0.1...4.1.0
9 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [Fix] Wrong Checkout Name by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/103 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/compare/4.0.0...4.0.1
10 weeks ago
> [!IMPORTANT] > This version breaks existing setups, please read the [migration guide](https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/blob/master/Documentation/Migrations/SwiftPackageList%204%20Migration%20Guide.md). ## What's Changed * [Feature] Package Name by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/72 * [Improvement] Project Revision by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/77 * [Feature] Swift Package Project by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/79 * [Feature] Tuist Project by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/80 * [Feature] visionOS by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/82 * [Feature] Package List Revision by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/87 * [Remove] Objective-C by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/88 * [Infrastructure] macOS 14 by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/91 * [Feature] Swift Package Plugin Configuration by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/92 * [Feature] TuistDependencies Project by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/94 * [Infrastructure] visionOS Destination by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/95 * Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 5 to 6 by @dependabot in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/96 * [Feature] Tuist 4 by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/97 * [Documentation] Migration Guide 4 by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/98 * [Feature] Acknowledgements PDF Bundle Extension by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/100 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/compare/3.1.0...4.0.0
19 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [Feature] Package.resolved v3 by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/73 * [Fix] Missing outputFormatting configuration by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/74 * Bump github.com/apple/swift-argument-parser from 1.2.3 to 1.3.0 by @dependabot in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/75 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/compare/3.0.10...3.1.0
25 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [Feature] Dependabot Actions by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/66 * Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/67 * Use .sortedKeys for JSONEncoder, so output is stable by @m4p in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/68 ## New Contributors * @m4p made their first contribution in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/68 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/compare/3.0.9...3.0.10
30 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Add Polish translation by @Tunous in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/65 ## New Contributors * @Tunous made their first contribution in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/65 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/compare/3.0.8...3.0.9
35 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [Feature] xcresulttool by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/63 * Bump github.com/apple/swift-argument-parser from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 by @dependabot in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/64 ## New Contributors * @dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/64 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/compare/3.0.7...3.0.8
37 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [Fix] British License Name by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/61 * [Feature] Dependabot by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/62 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/compare/3.0.6...3.0.7
38 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [Fix] Ukrainian Language Identifier by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/59 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/compare/3.0.5...3.0.6
39 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Added Ukraine localization by @bugrym in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/58 ## New Contributors * @bugrym made their first contribution in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/pull/58 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-package-list/compare/3.0.4...3.0.5
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS macCatalyst
FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata 1.3.0
Build multipart/form-data type-safe in Swift.
⭐️ 30
🕓 7 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
7 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [Feature] Dependabot Actions by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata/pull/13 * Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata/pull/14 * [Feature] Privacy Manifest by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata/pull/15 ## New Contributors * @dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata/pull/14 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata/compare/1.2.0...1.3.0
27 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [Feature] UTType Conversion by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata/pull/12 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata/compare/1.1.0...1.2.0
1 year ago
## What's Changed * DocC docs by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata/pull/5 * SPI docs by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata/pull/7 * SPI documentation by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata/pull/8 * SwiftLint by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata/pull/10 * Improve code coverage by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata/pull/11 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata/compare/1.0.1...1.1.0
2 years ago
## What's Changed * Add missing CRLF epilogue by @MMP0 in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata/pull/2 ## New Contributors * @MMP0 made their first contribution in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata/pull/2 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/swift-multipart-formdata/compare/1.0.0...1.0.1
2 years ago
• multipart/form-data generation • result-builders for MultipartFormData
FelixHerrmann/FHPropertyWrappers 1.3.1
Some useful Swift Property Wrappers.
⭐️ 4
🕓 5 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
5 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [Feature] Dependabot Actions by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/FHPropertyWrappers/pull/9 * Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/FHPropertyWrappers/pull/10 * [Improvement] UserDefaults Access Reason by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/FHPropertyWrappers/pull/11 ## New Contributors * @dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/FHPropertyWrappers/pull/10 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/FHPropertyWrappers/compare/1.3.0...1.3.1
29 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [Feature] Privacy manifest by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/FHPropertyWrappers/pull/7 * [Feature] xcresulttool by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/FHPropertyWrappers/pull/8 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/FHPropertyWrappers/compare/1.2.0...1.3.0
31 weeks ago
## What's Changed * [Feature] SwiftLint by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/FHPropertyWrappers/pull/5 * [Feature] Workflow Matrix by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/FHPropertyWrappers/pull/6 * fixed deprecation message on macCatalyst by @FelixHerrmann in https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/FHPropertyWrappers/commit/13971661248e30419515ddb0487049b84176d5c3 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/FHPropertyWrappers/compare/1.1.0...1.2.0
2 years ago
• `UserDefault` renamed to `Stored` • `SecureStored` wrapper added (uses Keychain)
2 years ago
`UserDefault` property wrapper added
iOS macOS tvOS
FelixHerrmann/FHDiffableViewControllers 3.0.0
UITableViewController and UICollectionViewController based on a DiffableDataSource.
⭐️ 3
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
• result builders for Sections and Items • FHDiffableDataSourceSnapshotSection improved initializer • documentations improved
2 years ago
• FHDiffableTableViewController removed all default implementations • FHDiffableCollectionViewController removed all default implementations • FHDiffableCollectionViewController removed LayoutType init • CI workflow added • Unit tests added
2 years ago
• FHSnapshotData replaced with FHSection • documentations improved (DocC support included)
3 years ago
• ARM fix
3 years ago
• supplementaryViewProvider optional type
3 years ago
• README finished
3 years ago
• FHDiffableCollectionViewController
3 years ago
• FHDiffableTableViewController
iOS tvOS
FelixHerrmann/intercom-ios 15.0.3
A Swift Package for the Intercom iOS SDK.
⭐️ 3
🕓 41 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
41 weeks ago
###### Release Date: 10-07-2023 ### 🐛 Bug Fixes * Fixed an issue that caused connectivity issues for The Messenger under certain circumstances. ### NOTE: Swift Package Manager Changes * In order to improve support for Swift Package Manager, we have created [a new GitHub repository](https://github.com/intercom/intercom-ios-sp) for Intercom's Swift Package. * If you wish to integrate Intercom using SPM, please use https://github.com/intercom/intercom-ios-sp as the package URL. * Support for the old package URL will be discontinued in a number of weeks. Please migrate to using https://github.com/intercom/intercom-ios-sp
41 weeks ago
###### Release Date: 3-07-2023 ### 🚀 Enhancements * Improved Intercom's networking code to ensure messaging is faster and more reliable. * Fixed threading issues that were being logged when Xcode's `Thread Performance Checker` was enabled. Thanks to [everyone](https://community.intercom.com/mobile-sdks-24/the-error-about-incorrect-threads-using-in-xcode-14-120) who reported this in our Intercom Community. * Made some small UI enhancements. * Removed some errors about unarchiving that were showing up in the XCode console. * dSYM files are now embedded within `Intercom.xcframework`.
43 weeks ago
###### Release Date: 23-06-2023 ### 🚀 Enhancements * Added a warning to inform developers that manually handling Intercom push notifications may not be working as expected. Please read our [developer docs](https://developers.intercom.com/installing-intercom/docs/ios-push-notifications#manually) and try our [demo app](https://github.com/intercom/intercom-ios/tree/master/Examples) for examples on how to correctly handle Intercom push notifications. * Intercom now supports Hindi and Swahili as languages in the Messenger. ### 🐛 Bug Fixes * Fixed an issue that was preventing push tokens from being sent to Intercom's servers under certain circumstances. This will resolve some issues where push notifications were failing to deliver to a device, eventhough push notifications were enabled for that user. * Fixed an issue that was causing a namespace collision for apps that use `Lottie` as a dependency. * Fixed an issue that was causing a `key value coding-compliant` crash when loading a XIB file. Reported on Intercom's Community hub [here](https://community.intercom.com/mobile-sdks-24/sdk-ios-swift-crash-intercom-13-and-14-crashes-4009) and [here](https://community.intercom.com/mobile-sdks-24/the-ios-intercom-sdk-14-0-6-crashes-whenever-i-try-to-present-it-using-default-present-method-or-present-home-method-if-i-use-present-messages-it-works-fine-previous-versions-of-intercom-worked-fine-is-this-a-known-issue-2724). * Fixed an issue that was preventing push notification deep links from opening during the launch of a React Native app.
49 weeks ago
###### Release Date: 09-05-2023 ### 🚀 Enhancements **Meet Fin 👋 a breakthrough AI bot powered by GPT-4, OpenAI's most advanced AI model. Fin solves complex problems and provides safer, more accurate answers than any AI bot on the market.** | | | | | -------- | ------- | ------ | | ![Image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/94445025/236837455-72f80723-51bb-4eea-916e-ec9e8c2ac24c.png) | ![Image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/94445025/236837465-aefa88c0-c316-4b3f-a0fc-b5a307e9235d.png) | ![Image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/94445025/236839443-0863bf2e-31be-4a0a-8280-a8454644e3f5.png) | **Fin...** * Holds complete support conversations in plain English, powered by GPT-4 and Intercom’s proprietary ML technology. * Requires zero setup. Just point it at your help center and turn it on. * Provides trustworthy, accurate answers based on your existing support content. * Seamlessly passes more complex questions directly to your human support team. **Learn more 👉 www.intercom.com/fin**
1 year ago
###### Release Date: 04-04-2023 ### 🐛 Bug Fixes * Fixed an issue which caused a crash when dismissing Surves on iPad. ### 🚀 Enhancements * New Feature: Attach Files to Tickets - End users can now upload files when submitting Tickets in the Messenger. * New Feature: End users can now navigate through articles on your collections and sub collections (up to 3 levels deep). * The Messenger now opens to 100% height when the Home space is disabled in Messenger settings.
1 year ago
###### Release Date: 03-02-2023 ### 🚀 Enhancements * Made updates to the ability to start a conversation within the Help Center. * UI enhancements to chat inapps.
1 year ago
###### Release Date: 11-01-2023 ### 🐛 Bug Fixes * Fixed an issue with `UITextView` on iOS 16.2 that was causing a crash then a user tapped into a TextView. ### 🚀 Enhancements * Made minor UI updates.
1 year ago
###### Release Date: 22-12-2022 ### 🚀 Enhancements * All views now respect the system default margins.
1 year ago
###### Release Date: 12-12-2022 ### 🚀 Enhancements * The home space now opens to 100% height when home is enabled. If home is not enabled in messenger settings then the home space opens to 50% height. * Improvements to voiceover accessibility in tickets. * Help center collections empty state has been updated with a new design. ### 🐛 Bug Fixes * Fixed an issue where participant initial was not present in conversation avatar bubbles in all expected scenarios. * Fixed an issue in the home space where push animation in landscape did not work as expected. * Fixed an issue where changing device orientation caused content to overflow in the home space. * Fixed an issue which caused some article links to be hidden in the help space. * Fixed an issue where 12hr time format being used on devices could cause ticket creation to fail.
1 year ago
###### Release Date: 02-12-2022 ### 🐛 Bug Fixes * Fixed an issue which caused the navigation bar to clip content on the iPad. * Fixed an issue which caused the “Send” and “Close” button to be hidden in a white background when uploading an image or video. * Bot quick replies were getting displayed even after a conversation was auto closed when the user has been idle. The quick replies are no longer shown in such cases. * For Carousels with a single screen, the “completed” stats is now sent correctly. * Fixed UI issues in the navigation bar. ### 🚀 Enhancements * Added the ability to set User Attributes on `+[Intercom loginWithUserAttributes:success:failure:]`. It is no longer required to make an additional `+ +[Intercom updateUser:success:failure:]` call right after calling `login` to do this. * Added support for Bengali, Persian, Malay and Thai. Bengali is not currently a supported language on iOS in general so will not work. If it gets added as a language on iOS later it should work without anymore changes.
FelixHerrmann/FHConstraints 2.2.0
Extension for UIView with useful constraint methodes.
⭐️ 1
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
CI workflow added
3 years ago
NSLayoutGuide added
3 years ago
3 years ago
• new enum based method style • AppKit support
3 years ago
3 years ago
iOS macOS tvOS
FelixHerrmann/FHExtensions 1.8.2
Some useful Foundation and UIKit Extensions.
⭐️ 1
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
• fixed `String(cString:)` deprecation warning in Xcode 14
2 years ago
• `UIDevice.modelIdentifier` works now with Simulator and iOS apps on M1 Mac • fixed Mac Catalyst build
2 years ago
• `midX` and `midY` extension removed on `CGRect` • `UIDirectionalPanGestureRecognizer` marked as open • color extensions for `NSImage` • more tests • fixes and improvements
2 years ago
• removed UserDefault (it is now in a separate [package](https://github.com/FelixHerrmann/FHPropertyWrappers)) • Date init timeZone attribute added • CI workflows added • Unit tests fixed
3 years ago
ARM fix
3 years ago
• UserDefault.removeFromDefaults() • CodableUserDefault.removeFromDefaults()
3 years ago
Bundle: • versionNumber • buildNumber
3 years ago
UIColor: • init?(hex:) improvement • createHex(alpha:hashSymbol:)
3 years ago
3 years ago
iOS macOS tvOS

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