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Packages published by FanMaker

FanMaker/Turducken v.1
The FanMaker SDK for iOS
⭐️ 0
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
25 weeks ago
Verbosely unwraps FanMaker Regions in didEnterRegion and didExitRegion to prevent crashes when constraint is nil.
36 weeks ago
Safeguard against crashes when beacon data is missing or malformed.
39 weeks ago
With this release it is now possible to pass arbitrary identifiers using a dictionary. Example NFL ID. Please move all identifier passing to this new method as the old method will be depreciated eventually. ``` let arbitraryIdentifiers: [String: Any] = [ "nfl_oidc": "1234-nfl-oidc", ] FanMakerSDK.setFanMakerIdentifiers(dictionary: arbitraryIdentifiers) ``` Please see https://github.com/FanMaker/Turducken#passing-custom-identifiers for more details.
45 weeks ago
Registration/Deregistration of Bluetooth Beacons are now scoped to FanMaker Beacon Regions to prevent collision with other SDK's beacon features.
46 weeks ago
Add support for external links and wallet passes
1 year ago
1 year ago
### 1.1 - Fixes to beacons detection and pinging. - Beacon Uniqueness throttling is now customizable via API. - NOTE: `BeaconRangeActionsQueue` was divided into two queues: `BeaconRangeActionsHistory` and `BeaconRangeActionsSendList`. - REMOVED: `didUpdateBeaconRangeActionsQueue` callback is no longer available. - New `didUpdateBeaconRangeActionsHistory` and `didUpdateBeaconRangeActionsSendList` are now available.
1 year ago
1 year ago
Added `FanMakerSDKBeaconsManager` class and `FanMakerSDKBeaconsManagerDelegate` protocol to handle beacon tracking features.
2 years ago

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