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Packages published by FLEXTool

FLEXTool/FLEX 5.22.10
An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS
⭐️ 13,863
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
FLEX 5 (well, 5.22.10)
1 year ago
## Notes FLEX will no longer follow semantic versioning, in that there may be breaking changes within the same minor version. I will try to not put breaking changes between patch versions, however. This is basically what TypeScript does. The version format is now `marketing_number-year-month`. I don't push releases out more than once a month, but if I need to, it will be something like `5.22.10-2`, which I hope Cocoapods allows… ## What Changed * Support for [Reflex](https://github.com/FLEXTool/Reflex) * Add feature to view push notifications * Fix crash on iOS 16 and above by @talka123456 * Silence Xcode 14 warnings related to iOS 11 support in SPM by @kikeenrique * Fix issue where websocket hook did not call original completion by @ogres * Cocoapod now no longer affects app build settings by @JerryZQS * Fix for when the keyboard covers the toolbar by @ExTBH * Add a new shortcut for UIWindow to change animation speed by @AnthoPakPak ## New Contributors * @talka123456 made their first contribution in https://github.com/FLEXTool/FLEX/pull/607 * @kikeenrique made their first contribution in https://github.com/FLEXTool/FLEX/pull/610 * @ogres made their first contribution in https://github.com/FLEXTool/FLEX/pull/609 * @pyby made their first contribution in https://github.com/FLEXTool/FLEX/pull/616 * @JerryZQS made their first contribution in https://github.com/FLEXTool/FLEX/pull/626 * @ExTBH made their first contribution in https://github.com/FLEXTool/FLEX/pull/623 * @AnthoPakPak made their first contribution in https://github.com/FLEXTool/FLEX/pull/629 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FLEXTool/FLEX/compare/4.7.0...5.22.10
1 year ago
- Swift Package Manager support! - Added SPM example project - Fix visibility of some headers - View firebase network transactions in network history - Pin network history search bar - Remember the last selected network history tab - Fix potential hang when viewing network response body - Adjust color of divider lines in method calling screens for dark mode - Fix realm database viewer crash (@skytoup) - Add option to add row in DB table (@hossamghareeb) - Add option to copy row as CSV (@hossamghareeb) - Add accessibilityIdentifier and accessibilityLabel to views properties (@nickholub) - Fix obscure SQLite bug related to PRAGMA table_info (@matrush) - Pin search bar in system log (@weiminghuaa) - Fix filtering incoming messages in system log (@weiminghuaa) - Allow focusing on a single DB row (@matrush) **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FLEXTool/FLEX/compare/4.6.1...4.7.0
1 year ago
- Fix incoming websocket messages not showing correct details - Fix websocket activity not being cleared - Improvements to detecting whether a given pointer is a valid objc object - Fix bug in tab-close logic - Use dynamic background color in the network response viewer - Added missing nullability to objc metadata types - Added FLEXMirror protocol **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FLEXTool/FLEX/compare/4.6.0...4.6.1
1 year ago
- Use `OSCache` for the network cache instead of `NSCache` - Add `dlopen()` button to Runtime Browser - Record websocket traffic on iOS 13 - Fix crash for unsupported type encodings **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/FLEXTool/FLEX/compare/4.5.0...4.6.0
2 years ago
- **Drop support for iOS 12 SDK** - Fix misc crashes - Show access group for keychain items - Various improvements to the DB viewer - Added shortcuts for UIPasteboard and NSNotificationCenter - Collections now show shortcuts in addition to thier previews - Disable smart quotes in input fields for iOS 11+
3 years ago
- Better "hide likely private methods" behavior - Catch exceptions thrown from object descriptions - Fix several crashes - Add tintColor as a property to UIView - Add useful shortcuts for UIAlertController, NSString, and NSData - Fix yet another crash in the keychain viewer - Don't show the toolbar when tapping on a nav bar button
3 years ago
- Group FLEX objects together in the object refs list - Fix object explorer swipe gesture not working - Add option to hide metadata with an underscore - Add context menu item to view references to object - New APIs: - Allow registration of global entries with actions - Present or dismiss FLEX tools from FLEXManager - Prefix more categories - Various bug fixes - Fix many potential crashes
3 years ago
- Restore ability to copy log messages in iOS 13+ - Fix crash when editing a property or ivar from a shortcut section - Revert d7786449 which could cause crashes
3 years ago
Fix crash when opening network inspector
3 years ago
- Various under the hood improvements and bug fixes - Fixes heap enumeration crashes on arm64e - Fixes class properties not showing previews - Explorer won't access ivars on tagged pointers - Search bar will now automatically activate in heap view - Add shortcuts for UIApplication - Add sorting to file browser - Custom additions section now appears first - `FLEXMethod.imagePath` uses the method's `IMP` - You can edit user defaults again - View truncation sliders now match Xcode behavior - FLEX will no longer crash when inspecting objects that don't inherit from NSObject - You can now use `FLEX_DISABLE_CTORS` to disable FLEX from doing any swizzling or other runtime setup

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