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Packages published by Esri

Esri/arcgis-runtime-toolkit-ios v100.15.0
Toolkit components that will simplify your iOS app development with ArcGIS Runtime
⭐️ 51
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
v100.15.0 Release
1 year ago
This release updates the code for the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS release v100.15. It includes: - Augmented reality (AR) - Remove use of the deprecated `ARSCNView.hitTest` method. #176 - Augmented reality (AR) - Fix crash in AR Example. #178. - The minimum supported iOS version is now 14.0, to match the Runtime SDK.
v100.14.0 Release
1 year ago
This release updates the code for the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS release v100.14. It includes: - FloorFilter - a new component which simplifies visualization of GIS data for a specific floor of a building in your application. See the documentation [here](https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-runtime-toolkit-ios/tree/master/Documentation/FloorFilter). - The "basemap type" and "static basemap" initializers have been deprecated in the SDK at 100.14. They have been replaced by the "basemap style" initializers/methods. See this [issue](https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-runtime-toolkit-ios/issues/165). - Fix new linter warnings resulting from `SwiftLint 0.47.1`. - Replace the deprecated `AGSLocationDataSource.stop()` method with `stopWithCompletion:`.
v100.13.0 Release
2 years ago
This release updates the code for the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS release v100.13. It includes: - The "Package.swift" file now has instructions on how to use a local installation ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS, if desired. - Fixed #156 - _PopupController Example: initial size of added attachment images in incorrect_.
v100.12.0 Release
2 years ago
This release updates the code for the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS release v100.12. It includes: - Updated obsolete documentation links in the AR and Job components. - Updated SwiftLint to remove cocoapods directories from SwiftLint build phase. - Fixed an Xcode 13 Beta build error: `'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for iOS: Use view controller based solutions where appropriate instead.` See #150.
v100.11.0 Release
3 years ago
This release updates the code for the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS release v100.11. It includes: - Addressed some linting issues that showed up after upgrading to SwiftLint 0.42.0 - Added support for Swift Package Manager. See the documentation on how to incorporate the Toolkit into your app with SPM. - Updated minimum iOS version to 13.0 to match the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS - Support for Carthage has been dropped in favor of Swift Package Manager
v100.10.0 Release
3 years ago
This release updates the code for the ArcGIS RuntimeSDK for iOS release v100.10. It includes: - Addressed a couple linting issues that showed up after upgrading to SwiftLint 0.41.0. - Updated paths for ArcGIS.xcframework as the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS, v100.10.0, now builds as a dynamic framework and is installed in a new location. - Modified Example app project file to embed Swift standard libraries only when necessary. - Fixed a crash in the TemplatePickerViewController when reloading rows. - Updated examples to use the new `AGSMap` constructors that take a basemap style. - Documented API key functionality (needed for new basemap styles) in Example app’s `AppDelegate.swift` file. - Made sure to forward the appropriate app delegate method regarding download tasks to ArcGIS. - Documented, in the PopupController’s README, required Info.plist entries for adding image attachments. - The “Yosemite - Tabletop” and “US - Mexico Border - Tabletop” options in the AR Example have been removed as the data backing them is no longer available.
v100.9.0 Release
3 years ago
This release updates the code for the ArcGIS RuntimeSDK for iOS release v100.9. It includes: - Fix for an issue when creating a `BookmarksViewController` using the `public init<S: Sequence>(bookmarks: S) where S.Element == AGSBookmark` constructor. The array was not properly updating the underlying table view and therefore no bookmarks would appear in the table.
v100.8.0 Release
3 years ago
This release updates the code for the ArcGIS RuntimeSDK for iOS release v100.8. It includes: - JobManager changes: Use UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask instead of the background fetch stuff. Background fetch can take hours to get called according to the Apple documentation. Instead, `beginBackgroundTask` keeps the app alive for up to 10 minutes, giving most jobs the ability to finish or at least get to get out of process download phase. - Auto Layout fixes for `JobManagerExample` and `MeasureToolbar`. - Updates minimum iOS version to 12.0 and Xcode version to 11.0 to keep inline with the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS. - Fixes deprecation of `UISearchController.dimsBackgroundDuringPresentation` resulting from iOS 12.0 update. - Change `locationDataSource` property of `ArcGISARView` to be of type `AGSLocationDataSource` instead of the subclass `AGSCLLocationDataSource`.
v100.7.1 Release
4 years ago
This Release fixes an issue with CocoaPods not copying all the required files. There is also new and enhanced documentation for the repo.
v100.7.0 Release
4 years ago
This release updates the code for the ArcGIS RuntimeSDK for iOS release v100.7. It includes: - Bookmarks component and example - The Bookmarks component will display a list of bookmarks in a table view and allows the user to select a bookmark and perform some action. - Swift 5 - The Toolkit and Example app projects and code have been udpated to Swift 5. As a result, Xcode 10.2 is now required to build the Toolkit. - Unit Test target - A Unit Test target has been added to the Toolkit project. There are initial unit tests for the new Bookmarks component and a test covering component creation. The goal is for all future components to have unit tests, with tests for existing components being added over time. - `ArcGISARView.clippingDistance` - A `clippingDistance` property has been added to the `ArcGISARView`. The `clippingDistance` limits the data display to a radius around the origin camera. The _Point Cloud - Tabletop_ and _US - Mexico Border - Tabletop_ example scenes have been updated to include a clipping distance. Here's a screenshot of the updated _Point Cloud - Tabletop_ scene: ![Point Cloud - Tabletop](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3998072/71202695-5798ea00-2262-11ea-969a-aa43b8c9b083.PNG)
Esri/arcgis-maps-sdk-swift 200.4.0
Swift Package Manager support for ArcGIS Maps SDK for Swift
⭐️ 18
🕓 1 week ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
200.4.0 Release
1 week ago
For more details, see the [release notes](https://developers.arcgis.com/swift/release-notes/release-notes-for-200-4/).
200.3.0 Release
20 weeks ago
For more details, see the [release notes](https://developers.arcgis.com/swift/release-notes/release-notes-for-200-3/).
200.2.0 Release
36 weeks ago
For more details, see the [release notes](https://developers.arcgis.com/swift/release-notes/release-notes-for-200-2/).
200.1.0 Release
1 year ago
For more details, see the [release notes](https://developers.arcgis.com/swift/release-notes/release-notes-for-200-1/).
200.0.0 Beta
1 year ago
For more details, see the [release notes](https://developers.arcgis.com/swift/release-notes/release-notes-for-200-0/).
iOS macCatalyst
Esri/arcgis-runtime-ios-async-await v100.13.2
Async/Await wrappers around the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS methods that Xcode does not automatically wrap.
⭐️ 5
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
v100.13.2 Release
2 years ago
Includes fix for async methods that return no result, just an optional error (e.g. `add()`, `update()`, `delete()` on `AGSFeatureTable`). Previously, a successful execution of the wrapped method would throw a `nilOrNoResult` error.
v100.13.1 Release
2 years ago
Includes fix for the `loadAll()` method.
v100.13.0 Release
2 years ago
Updated for ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS 100.13.0. Adds: * Wrappers for `AGSDimensionLayer`.
v100.12.0 Release
2 years ago
Initial release, covering: - ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS version 100.12 - Cancelable `async` wrappers that Xcode cannot automatically create. - Overriding `async` wrappers for `AGSJob.start()` to add cancelation to Xcode's automatically created wrappers. - Example app.
Esri/arcgis-runtime-ios 100.15.4
Swift Package Manager support for ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS
⭐️ 4
🕓 13 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
100.15.4 Release
13 weeks ago
For more details, see the [release notes](https://developers.arcgis.com/ios/release-notes/release-notes-for-100-15/).
100.15.3 Release
33 weeks ago
For more details, see the [release notes](https://developers.arcgis.com/ios/release-notes/release-notes-for-100-15/).
100.15.2 Release
49 weeks ago
For more details, see the [release notes](https://developers.arcgis.com/ios/release-notes/release-notes-for-100-15/).
100.15.1 Release
1 year ago
For more details, see the [release notes](https://developers.arcgis.com/ios/release-notes/release-notes-for-100-15/).
100.15.0 Release
1 year ago
For more details, see the [release notes](https://developers.arcgis.com/ios/release-notes/release-notes-for-100-15/).
100.14.1 Release
1 year ago
For more details, see the [release notes](https://developers.arcgis.com/ios/release-notes/prior-releases/release-notes-for-100-14/).
100.14.0 Release
1 year ago
For more details, see the [release notes](https://developers.arcgis.com/ios/reference/release-notes/100.14/).
100.13.2 Release
2 years ago
For more details, see the [release notes](https://developers.arcgis.com/ios/reference/release-notes/prior-releases/100.13/#for-100132).
100.13.1 Release
2 years ago
For more details, see the [release notes](https://developers.arcgis.com/ios/reference/release-notes/100.13/#for-100131).
100.13.0 Release
2 years ago
For more details, see the [release notes](https://developers.arcgis.com/ios/reference/release-notes/100.13/#for-100130).

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