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Packages published by DoccZz

DoccZz/docc2html 0.5.3
A static site generator for DocC documentation archives
⭐️ 121
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
Support the "Application" RoleHeading, as reported in issue #20. Looks like the HTML generator doesn't currently look at the value though.
2 years ago
Thanks to @fruitcoder this adds support for external Markdown links.
Tablistic Sloths
2 years ago
Markdown tables as emitted by: ``` /** * | Column 1 Title | Column 2 Title | * | -------------- | -------------------- | * | `case 1` | Case 1 description. | * | `case 2` | Case 2 description. | */ ``` can now be parsed by DocCArchive and rendered to HTML by docc2html. Only `row` header types are supported, presumably there are additional ones?
Sizeable Sloth
2 years ago
Uses a new DocZArchive version which fixes a change with `size` properties in Xcode 13.2.1. Also fixes https://github.com/DoccZz/docc2html/issues/15 (Links Are Broken When Links Include Uppercase Characters). Thanks!
Syntactically Strong
2 years ago
Fixed issues with parsing double-star strong quotes and made the "syntax" field on code sections optional. Many thanks go to @edudnyk!
Methodically Typed Attributes
2 years ago
This release supposedly fixes https://github.com/DoccZz/docc2html/issues/9 and https://github.com/DoccZz/docc2html/issues/10 - support for "Type Method" role heading and the `attribute` fragment kind.
2 years ago
Adds support for loading the [Mustache](http://mustache.github.io) templates and site.css from a directory in the filesystem (specify using `-t`/`--templates`). Allows customisation of the output at will.
2 years ago
This version now generates static sites w/ proper index.html files in the respective per module/type/tutorials subfolders.
2 years ago
This release now generates HTML for tutorials as well. But lacks a lot of stylesheeting.
Initial Statics
2 years ago
Some things work, many things don't.
iOS macOS
DoccZz/DocCArchive 0.3.4
Swift package to read and process "DocC" archives
⭐️ 16
🕓 26 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
26 weeks ago
Add the `function` `RoleHeading` case. Might fix https://github.com/DoccZz/docc2html/issues/21
1 year ago
Support the "Application" RoleHeading, as reported in https://github.com/DoccZz/docc2html/issues/20
2 years ago
Thanks to @fruitcoder this adds support for external Markdown links.
2 years ago
DocCArchive can now decode tables as emitted by: ``` /** * | Column 1 Title | Column 2 Title | * | -------------- | -------------------- | * | `case 1` | Case 1 description. | * | `case 2` | Case 2 description. | */ ``` Only `row` header types are supported, presumably there are additional ones?
Sizeable Sloth
2 years ago
Tutorials exported by Xcode 13.2.1 do not carry a size on an image variant anymore. Make the property optional. Fixed https://github.com/DoccZz/DocCArchive/issues/5, thanks for reporting!
Syntactically Strong
2 years ago
Fixed issues with parsing double-star strong quotes and made the "syntax" field on code sections optional. Fixes for #2 and #3, many thanks go to @edudnyk!
Attributed Type Methods
2 years ago
This release supposedly fixes https://github.com/DoccZz/docc2html/issues/9 and https://github.com/DoccZz/docc2html/issues/10 - support for "Type Method" role heading and the `attribute` fragment kind.
Optionally Documented
2 years ago
This release supposedly fixes https://github.com/DoccZz/docc2html/issues/7, the `documentVersion` key is not always there (and if it is, it is usually 0)
Sloth the C
2 years ago
The module can import all documents created in the [SlothCreator](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/slothcreator_building_docc_documentation_in_xcode) example. It should be pretty complete, but specifically lacks testing with Objective-C documentation. If you find an issue (usually signalled by an assertion or fatalError), please [*let us know*](https://github.com/DoccZz/DocCArchive/issues), we'll fix missing cases ASAP (PRs are welcome too). TODO: - [ ] Add DocC documentation! 🤦‍♀️ - [ ] Test with Objective-C documentation. - [ ] Add a testsuite (existing one not added for sizing concerns).
DoccZz/SwiftMarkdownBuilder 0.1.0
`resultBuilder` support for `swift-markdown`
⭐️ 12
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Basically Basics
2 years ago
A first shot on building the Markdown structures using resultBuilders.
iOS macOS

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