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Packages published by CombineCommunity

CombineCommunity/CombineExt 1.8.1
CombineExt provides a collection of operators, publishers and utilities for Combine, that are not provided by Apple themselves, but are common in other Reactive Frameworks and standards.
โญ๏ธ 1,670
๐Ÿ•“ 1 year ago
๐Ÿ”– Release Notes


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CombineExt 1.8.1
1 year ago
This patch release bumps combine-schedulers and removed an unneeded exported import of Foundation.
CombineExt 1.8.0
1 year ago
This version includes several bug fixes and new operators: - Fixes some stubborn memory leaks in CurrentValueRelay (#137) and WithLatestFrom (#129) - Thanks @jasdeepsaini & @TTOzzi ! - Adds missing files to the project which prevented Carthage from building (#133) - Thanks @jasdeepsaini ! - Fix a replay synchronization issue in ReplaySubject (#138) - Thanks @mruston-heb ! - New `flatMapFirst` operator (#119) - Thanks @troupmar - New `prefix(while:behavior:)` operator (#70) - Thanks @jasdev - New `mapToVoid` operator (#129) - Thanks @danshevluk
CombineExt 1.7.0
1 year ago
This version introduces two changes: 1. New divide-and-conquer based algorithms to optimize the usage of `CombineLatestMany` and `ZipMany` when working with massive (tens of thousands and up) of publishers. 2. Update the version of combine-schedulers in our test suite.
CombineExt 1.6.1
1 year ago
This release is identical to 1.6.0 with the critical fix introduced in #128. 1.6.0 used an overload of `map(to:)` which the Swift compiler confuses with the closure-based `map(_:)` operator. This version renames it to `mapToValue(_:)`.
CombineExt 1.6.0
1 year ago
- Add `retry(when:)` (Thanks @danielt1263) - Add `enumerated()` (Thanks @mihai8804858) - Add `map(to:)` (Thanks @danhalliday) - Fix a memory leak in `withLatestFrom` (Thanks @bharath2020) - Fix an issue with `share(replay:)` (Thanks @jabeattie @mRs-)
CombineExt 1.5.1
2 years ago
This PR reverts `withLatestFrom` to the previous implementation, since the composed (new) implementation was misbehaving in some scenarios.
CombineExt 1.5.0
2 years ago
A Swift 5.5 and Xcode 13 compatible release - Add mapToResult - Replace the implementation of withLatestFrom with a new composed variation - Fix a leak in share(replay:) - Fix carthage & archiving builds for Xcode 13
CombineExt 1.3.0
3 years ago
# CombineExt 1.3.0 It's been a long time since the last release, and this one packs a great deal of changes and updates :) Thanks to all of the wonderful contributors who worked on this release: @kitwtnb, @jasdev, @basvankuijck, @joewalsh, @dsk1306, @HugoSay ## Changes - Add `Collection.flatMapBatches(of:)` to subscribe an array of publishers in batches (for example, processing batches of 3 requests at a time) - Add `toggle()` operator to toggle Boolean publishers - Add `nwise()` and `pairwise()` operators to batch groups of elements - Add `Collection.merge()` to merge a collection of equally-typed publishers - Add `filterMany` operator to filter publishers that emits collections - Add `ignoreOutput(setOutputType:)` to drop all elements, and altering the Publisher's output type - Add `ignoreFailure(setFailureType::completeImmediately:)` to ignore a failure, and alter the Publisher's failure type - Fix locking of `ReplaySubject`
CombineExt 1.2.0
3 years ago
CombineExt 1.2.0 is packed with many awesome additions ! Thanks to @jasdev, @jdisho, @RonKliffer, @ohayon and @dsk1306 for their incredible contributions to this release. Let's break it down: - Improve `.create` ergonomics and support returning a `AnyCancellable` [#24] - Add `ownership` argument to `assign` so you can do `assign(to: \.text, on: label, ownership: .weak)` (Ownership supports `.weak`, `.unowned` and `.strong`) [#30] - Add `ReplaySubject` [#23] - Add `share(replay:)` [#23] - Add `withLatestFrom` for up to 4 publishers [#22] - Add `prefix(duration:tolerance:in:options:)` to limit the duration for accepting values [#27] - Add a `Collection.amb()` operators to race a Collection of publishers [#31] - Add `Optional.publisher` property as a shorthand to `Optional.Publisher.init` [#32] - Drop deployment target to iOS 10, tvOS 10, watchOS 3 and macOS 10.12 - to support older apps using Combine conditionally [#29]
CombineExt 1.1.0
4 years ago
## CombineExt 1.1.0 CombineExt 1.1.0 is here, and boy oh boy what a packed release this is ! ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ Many thanks to @jasdev and @jdisho for their immense contributions to this release โค๏ธ ### New Operators - [**`zip(with:)`, `Collection<Publisher>.zip()`**](https://github.com/CombineCommunity/CombineExt#ZipMany): Variadic Zip - [**`combineLatest(with:)`, `Collection<Publisher>.combineLatest()`**](https://github.com/CombineCommunity/CombineExt#CombineLatestMany): Variadic CombineLatest - [**`amb(_:)`, `amb(with:)`**](https://github.com/CombineCommunity/CombineExt#amb): Takes several publishers and uses the one which emits the first event - [**`mapMany`**](https://github.com/CombineCommunity/CombineExt#MapMany): Map a publisher of array as if you're mapping each individual element of that array - [**`partition`**](https://github.com/CombineCommunity/CombineExt#partition): Partition a publisher into two separate publishers based on a provided predicate - [**`removeAllDuplicates`**](https://github.com/CombineCommunity/CombineExt#removeallduplicates): De-duplicate values across the entire lifetime of the publisher, as opposed to `removeDuplicates` which only de-duplicates values pair-wise. - [**`setOutputType(to:)`**](https://github.com/CombineCommunity/CombineExt#setOutputType): Set the `Output` type of a publisher whose output is `Never`, similarly to `setFailureType(to:)`.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
CombineCommunity/CombineCocoa 0.4.1
Combine publisher bridges for UIKit
โญ๏ธ 1,606
๐Ÿ•“ 1 year ago
๐Ÿ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
CombineCocoa 0.4.1
1 year ago
- Fix an issue where App Store Connect falsely flagged CombineCocoa for using a private API (#80)
๐Ÿซ CombineCocoa 0.4.0
2 years ago
- Support Xcode 13 (Thanks @bpollman!) - Add new UIScrollView publishers (Thanks @ChoiDongKyu96!)
๐Ÿซ CombineCocoa 0.3.0
2 years ago
- DelegateProxy now supports multiple subscriptions to a single delegate #47 - Add `didBeginEditingPublisher` #45 - Remove generated module map to support Carthage #40 - Fix `UIPageControl.currentPagePublisher` emitting only once #36
๐Ÿซ CombineCocoa 0.2.2
3 years ago
* Fix a bug in delegate proxy when being used on more than a single selector. Thanks @henrimagi #32.
๐Ÿซ CombineCocoa 0.2.1
3 years ago
- Make `DelegateProxy` open so consumers can make their own proxies #29 - New `UISearchBar` publishers: `textDidChangePublisher`, `searchButtonClickedPublisher`, `cancelButtonClickedPublisher`. #30 (Thanks @kevinrenskers!)
๐Ÿซ CombineCocoa 0.2.0
3 years ago
It's been a long time since the latest release, but this one is a packed one, covering a lot of missing necessities this project aimed to achieve early on. Also - better late than never, right? ๐Ÿ˜„ Thanks to the various contributors that made this release so great! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ - ๐Ÿงช It is now possible to wrap delegates as publishers using a new `DelegateProxy` (#21). Huge kudos to @jdisho for the massive work he's done on this! - `UITableView` gets `willDisplayCellPublisher`, `willDisplayHeaderViewPublisher`, `willDisplayFooterViewPublisher`, `didEndDisplayingCellPublisher`, `didEndDisplayingHeaderViewPublisher`, `didEndDisplayingFooterView`, `itemAccessoryButtonTappedPublisher`, `didHighlightRowPublisher`, `didUnhighlightRowPublisher`, `didSelectRowPublisher`, `didDeselectRowPublisher`, `willBeginEditingRowPublisher`, `didEndEditingRowPublisher`. - `UICollectionView` gets `didSelectItemPublisher`, `didDeselectItemPublisher`, `didHighlightItemPublisher`, `didUnhighlightRowPublisher`, `willDisplayCellPublisher`, `willDisplaySupplementaryViewPublisher`, `didEndDisplayingCellPublisher`, `didEndDisplaySupplementaryViewPublisher`. - `UITextView` gets `textPublisher` and `valuePublisher` (alias). - Now that the mechanism exists we'll be adding more delegate-based publishers in following versions. - ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸŽค Added a new `assign(to:on:animation:)` animated subscriber (#17). Thanks @icanzilb! - ๐Ÿ‘‡ The deployment target of the project has been dropped to iOS 10 with conditional compilation to allow older apps that leverage Combine to use CombineCocoa (#18). Thanks @RonKliffer! - ๐Ÿ“ฆ Fix Carthage build from source, instead of only providing a prebuilt binary, as well as some minor issues in SPM. - ๐Ÿ“ New helper method on `UIControl` - `controlEventPublisher(for:)`, as a shorthand to init'ing `Publishers.ControlEvent` (#27). Thanks @wickwirew ! - ๐Ÿ› Various bug fixes and performance improvements.
4 years ago
A new release is upon us ! ๐ŸŽ‰ - CombineCocoa can now provides publishers for ControlTarget-based controls using the new [ControlTarget](https://github.com/freak4pc/CombineCocoa/blob/master/Sources/CombineControlTarget.swift#L12) publisher. - `UIBarButtonItem.tapPublisher` added - All `UIGestureRecognizer`s added: - `UITapGestureRecognizer.tapPublisher` - `UIPinchGestureRecognizer.pinchPublisher` - `UIRotationGestureRecognizer.rotationPublisher` - `UISwipeGestureRecognizer.swipePublisher` - `UIPanGestureRecognizer.panPublisher` - `UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer.screenEdgePanPublisher` - `UILongPressGestureRecognizer.longPressPublisher` - `UIScrollView.contentOffsetPublisher` and `UIScrollView.reachedBottomPublisher()` added (thanks @jdisho !)
4 years ago
For Ethan ๐Ÿ‘ถ
CombineCommunity/RxCombine 2.0.1
Bi-directional type bridging between RxSwift and Apple's Combine framework
โญ๏ธ 1,020
๐Ÿ•“ 3 years ago
๐Ÿ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
RxCombine 2.0.1
2 years ago
Fix a bug preventing building under Xcode 12.5 as well as older versions of iOS
RxCombine 2.0.0
3 years ago
- Support [RxSwift 6](https://dev.to/freak4pc/what-s-new-in-rxswift-6-2nog) - Add `Infallible` conversion from a publisher with `Failure == Never`
RxCombine 1.6.1
3 years ago
This version includes Carthage improvements for pre-built binaries (Thanks @fredyshox). There are no code changes aside for that.
RxCombine 1.6.0
3 years ago
This release includes two major changes: - The entire bridging of Subjects have changes. To go from a Rx Subject to a Combine Subject, use `.toCombine()`. To learn more about this change, see #16. - The deployment target of this project was lowered to that of RxSwift (iOS 8, macOS 10.9, watchOS 3, tvOS 9) with specific availability clauses. To allow proper migration on older codebases.
RxCombine 1.5.0
4 years ago
## ๐Ÿฅณ RxCombine 1.5.0 is out! This is a big refactor & stability update, which you should definitely upgrade to. RxCombine now entirely respects backpressure and downstream demand when converting an Observable's emissions to a Publisher. This substantially enhances stability and resolves some reported issues.
RxCombine 1.3.1
4 years ago
Fix a race condition where subscription was pushed to subscriber _after_ and immediate value. #7 Thanks @epatey !
RxCombine 1.3.0
4 years ago
Supports Xcode 11 GM
RxCombine 1.2.0
4 years ago
Updated for Xcode 11 beta 3. Apple removed the `AnyPublisher` initializer that takes a closure (similar to RxSwift's `Observable.create`). Meaning creating a Publisher can only be done with an intermediary type. See [RxPublisher](https://github.com/freak4pc/RxCombine/blob/master/Sources/Rx+Combine/Observable+Combine.swift#L30).
RxCombine 1.1.0
4 years ago
- Add `Observable.asPublisher()` as an alias to the `publisher` property (Thanks @jdisho!) - Support Carthage via Prebuilt Binary
RxCombine 1.0.0
4 years ago
Initial Release! ๐ŸŽ‰
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
CombineCommunity/CombineDataSources 0.2.5
Table and collection view data sources for Combine
โญ๏ธ 623
๐Ÿ•“ 1 year ago
๐Ÿ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
CombineDataSources 0.2.5
4 years ago
Adds CocoaPods support
4 years ago
CombineCommunity/CombineRealm 2.0.1
Combine extensions for Realm
โญ๏ธ 59
๐Ÿ•“ 2 years ago
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
CombineCommunity/CombinePrintout 0.2.0
A Combine micro debugging package
โญ๏ธ 54
๐Ÿ•“ 4 years ago
CombineCommunity/Feedbacks Bane
Feedbacks is a tool to build feedback loops within a Swift based application. Feedbacks relies on Combine and is compatible with SwiftUI and UIKit
โญ๏ธ 50
๐Ÿ•“ 2 years ago
๐Ÿ”– Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
This release focuses on the replacement of the CurrentValueSubject by a ReplaySubject in the system stream. It allows to handle the reentrancy issue without having to force the subscription on the system scheduler. It is also now possible to execute the Transitions on a dedicated Scheduler.
3 years ago
This release brings: - Feedback: introduce the "on:" keyword to explicitly declare the type of state that concerns the side effect - Feedback: replace the parameter "sideEffect" by "perform" to have a nice readable sentence: ...(on: Loading.self, ..., perform: sideEffect) - State Machine: introduce a new DSL based on From/On that allows to group transitions from the same state type - State Machine: provide assert functions to ease the unit tests of transitions
3 years ago
This release brings: - Improvements to the README - A unified way of instantiating UISystem wether you need viewState mapping or not
3 years ago
This release focuses on: - Declarative syntax for System, based on: InitialState, Feedbacks, Transitions - Side effects factories to ease the dependency injection for Feedbacks - Usage in a UI context thanks to UISystem - Communication between Systems with a Mediator - Provide example applications - Make a great README (thanks @RyeGordo) - Add some community assets (PR template, Code of conduct, ...)
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS

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