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Packages published by ChargePoint

ChargePoint/xcparse 2.3.1
Command line tool & Swift framework for parsing Xcode 11+ xcresult
⭐️ 372
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
**Install via Homebrew 🍺** For new installs use ``` brew install chargepoint/xcparse/xcparse ``` To upgrade use ``` brew upgrade xcparse ``` **Changes** * Reverted changes to Makefile for building a universal binary [#76]
1 year ago
**Install via Homebrew 🍺** For new installs use ``` brew install chargepoint/xcparse/xcparse ``` To upgrade use ``` brew upgrade xcparse ``` **Changes** * Upgraded swift-tools-support-core dependency to 0.3.0 to support Xcode 14 (Swift 5.7) (#74) * Added parsing support for xcresult format version 3.39 (#75) * Added `convert` command to export a JSON representation of App Thinning Size Reports (#73)
2 years ago
**Install via Homebrew 🍺** For new installs use ``` brew install chargepoint/xcparse/xcparse ``` To upgrade use ``` brew upgrade xcparse ``` **Changes** - Fixed issue with SwiftToolsSupport in the CLI (#67). Thanks @nachocual for the report & details!
2 years ago
**Install via Homebrew 🍺** For new installs use ``` brew install chargepoint/xcparse/xcparse ``` To upgrade use ``` brew upgrade xcparse ``` **Changes** - Added Xcode 13 (Swift 5.5) support (#63). Thanks @bboyle18 for the report! - Added parsing support for xcresult format version 3.26 (#53) - Added parsing support for xcresult format version 3.34 (#64)
3 years ago
**Install via Homebrew 🍺** For new installs use ``` brew install chargepoint/xcparse/xcparse ``` To upgrade use ``` brew upgrade xcparse ``` **Changes** - Addressed a bug where ActionTestPerformanceMetricSummary would incorrectly parse measurements. Additionally added an enum to help in filtering for metrics. Thanks @OdNairy for the report & feedback!
3 years ago
**Install via Homebrew 🍺** For new installs use ``` brew install chargepoint/xcparse/xcparse ``` To upgrade use ``` brew upgrade xcparse ``` **Changes** - xcparse now does a basic check to ensure the xcresult path given leads to something that looks like an xcresult (#40). If it doesn't, xcparse will now fail early & provide an explicit error for this case. Thanks @Blackjacx & @SandraNPR for the feedback!
4 years ago
**Install via Homebrew 🍺** For new installs use ``` brew install chargepoint/xcparse/xcparse ``` To upgrade use ``` brew upgrade xcparse ``` **Changes** - Screenshots & attachments subcommands now allow for division by language (--language) and region (--region). Use these new flags if you'd like to group screenshots for the same language and/or region across multiple test plan configurations. Example usage: "xcparse screenshots --language --region Test.xcresult ./screenshots". When both language & region are requested, the folder will take a naming of "language (region)" similar to what we do when both model & OS are requested. Thanks @Blackjacx for the feature suggestion! - The "--test-run" flag is now deprecated & renamed as "--test-plan-config". Usage of the deprecated naming will result in a warning shown during extraction, but will still function as it has before. Thanks @Blackjacx for the flag naming feedback!
4 years ago
**Install via Homebrew 🍺** For new installs use ``` brew install chargepoint/xcparse/xcparse ``` To upgrade use ``` brew upgrade xcparse ``` **Changes** - Logs subcommand now allows for the extraction of the Diagnostics folder and all the log files found within. In order to support this, a folder structure similar to what was seen in Xcode 10's xcresult format is used as each action result can have their own Diagnostics folder (as shown in our README.md's helpful screenshot). Due to this, the previous "1_build.txt" & "2_test.txt" files have been renamed to "build.txt" & "test.txt" and put into the folder belonging to the action record they are associated with (in contrast to xcparse 1.0.1 where they were not put in folders and were prefixed with the index of their action record). Thanks @tomasebrennan for suggesting this feature! - Logs & codecov subcommands will now create the destination folder if it does not exist, similar to the screenshots & attachments subcommands.
4 years ago
**Install via Homebrew 🍺** For new installs use ``` brew install chargepoint/xcparse/xcparse ``` To upgrade use ``` brew upgrade xcparse ``` **Changes** - Implemented a workaround for xcresulttool's crash in Xcode 11.1 and below when non-LATIN1 characters are used in the attachment/screenshot destination directory path #30. With xcparse, this would occur when the name of the test run configurations or test device model (like iPhone Xʀ) contained non-LATIN1 characters. It could also occur if you have any folder in your destination's absolute path that contained non-LATIN1 characters (like ```/Users/abotkin/Desktop/한국어/screenshots```). In the case of test run configurations & test device model, xcparse will now determine if you're on an affected version of xcresulttool. If so, it'll provide a warning & will do a lossy conversion of the strings to ASCII. This does mean some folders will be lost in cases where they resolve to ASCII characters that cause a collision. For example, test run configs "한국어" & "중국어" will both resolve to "???" & attachments for both will appear there. A special exception is made for "iPhone Xʀ" which becomes "iPhone XR" if you're using Xcode 11.0 to Xcode 11.1. In the case of the destination's absolute path, xcparse will see if you're on an affected version & if so, will hard-fail the attachment/screenshot extraction if your destination's absolute path will cause xcresulttool to crash. xcparse users are encouraged to upgrade Xcode 11.2.1 where the xcresulttool crash has been fixed by Apple. The workaround above is not applied on such fixed versions. Thanks @vince4 for the report!
4 years ago
**Install via Homebrew 🍺** For new installs use ``` brew install chargepoint/xcparse/xcparse ``` To upgrade use ``` brew upgrade xcparse ``` **Changes** - Screenshots & attachment sub-commands now allow for division by test! When the ```--test``` option is provided, you'll find screenshots & attachments sorted into folder structures that mirror your test classes & method names. - Screenshots & attachment sub-commands will now support whitelisting specific test statuses or activity types. For example, you can filter to get screenshots of passing tests only using ```--test-status Success``` or filter to get user-created screenshots only using ```--activity-type userCreated attachmentContainer```. See our [README](https://github.com/ChargePoint/xcparse/blob/master/README.md) for more details! - Removed interactive mode as the options for parsing were limited & our ```--help``` messages are much more useful than before.
ChargePoint/Mint 0.13.0
A package manager that installs and runs Swift CLI packages
⭐️ 0
🕓 4 years ago

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