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Packages published by CareEvolution

CareEvolution/MyDataHelpsKit-iOS 2.0.0
MyDataHelps iOS SDK
⭐️ 0
🕓 46 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
46 weeks ago
New APIs: - [Project settings](https://developer.mydatahelps.org/ios/project_settings.html) - [Survey presentation](https://developer.mydatahelps.org/ios/presenting_surveys.html) Breaking changes: - [Type-safe identifiers](https://developer.mydatahelps.org/ios/programming_guide.html#type-safe-identifiers) - [Swift async syntax](https://developer.mydatahelps.org/ios/programming_guide.html#async-and-errors) Other: - Minor changes to various other APIs. - Reworked documentation, guides, and example app.
1 year ago
## What's Changed * Project APIs https://github.com/CareEvolution/MyDataHelpsKit-iOS/pull/40 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/CareEvolution/MyDataHelpsKit-iOS/compare/1.2.0...1.3.0
1 year ago
* Documentation style fixes https://github.com/CareEvolution/MyDataHelpsKit-iOS/pull/24 * External accounts and provider connection flow https://github.com/CareEvolution/MyDataHelpsKit-iOS/pull/22 * Rate limit errors and various query/model additions https://github.com/CareEvolution/MyDataHelpsKit-iOS/pull/29 * Updates documentation, base URL, etc. to reflect current "MyDataHelps" branding. #32 and #39
2 years ago
- Embeddable surveys #14 - Add WeatherBit and AirNow API namespaces #16 - The `source` property of DeviceDataPoint is now an optional - Minor documentation refinements and fixes
2 years ago
- Adds `enrollmentDate` to `ParticipantInfo` #12 - Example app fixes #9, #12
2 years ago
Implements the following APIs: - getParticipantInfo - queryDeviceData - persistDeviceData - querySurveyTasks - querySurveyAnswers - deleteSurveyResult - queryNotifications Release Issue: #1
iOS macOS

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