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Packages published by BottleRocketStudios

BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace 5.1.0
An extremely lightweight wrapper around URLSession to make working with APIs a breeze.
⭐️ 46
🕓 18 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
18 weeks ago
#### Enhancements * Add a `PreparationStrategy` property to `BackendService` to allow for just-in-time modifications to outgoing `Request`s. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#171](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/171) ##### Bug Fixes * None
1 year ago
5.0.0 (2023-03-23) Enhancements * Remove SSL pinning machinery [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#164](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/164) * Add ability to print formatted JSON from `HTTP.Response'. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#167](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/167) * Deprecate URLQueryParameterEncoder [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#160](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/160) * Convert `Transporting`, `BackendServicing` and related subsystems to utilize structured concurrency. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#160](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/160) * Remove migration typeliases for all the types that were deprecated in 4.0, including `RequestRecoveryStrategy`, `NetworkServiceFailureInitializable`, and `NetworkService*`. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#158](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/158) Bug Fixes * None
1 year ago
## 4.1.0 (2022-04-19) #### Enhancements * Deprecate `TrustConfiguration`, `TrustValidator`, `CertificateHasher`, `AuthenticationChallenge` and `TrustValidatingTransportService` for iOS 14+ and macOS 11+ in favor of `NSPinnedDomains` Info.plist key [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#154](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/154) ##### Bug Fixes * Fix an issue with `FormURLEncoder` not properly encoding ampersands [Andrew Winn](https://github.com/andrew-winn-br) [#155](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/155)
2 years ago
## 4.0.0 (2022-01-14) #### Enhancements * Make `TransportService` thread-safe [Daniel Larsen](https://github.com/grandlarseny) [#145](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/145) * Added async / await functions for executing requests [Daniel Larsen](https://github.com/grandlarseny) [#142](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/142) * Migrate to use .xcframework's when resolving depencies using Carthage [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#139](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/139) * Add `acceptedRange` to `HTTP.Status` subtypes and allow for individual subtypes to be detected. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#139](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/139) * Strongly type `HTTP.Request.headers` and `HTTP.Response.headers` as `[HTTP.HeaderKey: HTTP.HeaderValue]`. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#139](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/139) * Add functionality to consider an arbitrary `TransportFailure` a success, using `Request.recoveryTransformer`. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#139](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/139) * Add an overload to `map` which passes along the `TransportSuccess` as well as the original `Response`. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#139](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/139) * Migrate the request recovery strategy to the BackendServiceProtocol definition. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#110](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/110) * Added `method` parameter to `HTTP.Request`. [Alex Reyes](https://github.com/br-alex-reyes) [#138](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/138) * Changed underlying error in AnyError's NetworkServiceFailureInitializable implementation from NetworkServiceError to NetworkServiceFailure so it can return its failure response rather than nil. [Richard Burgess](https://github.com/rickbdotcom) [#95](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/95) * Finished migrating all targets to Swift 5. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#100](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/100) * Added Carthage support. [Ryan Gant](https://github.com/ganttastic) [#101](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/101) * Added Swift Package Manager support. [Ryan Gant](https://github.com/ganttastic) [#102](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/102) * Migrate the request recovery strategy to the BackendServiceProtocol definition. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#110](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/110) * Rename `RequestRecoveryStrategy` to `RecoveryStrategy` and allow multiple to be attached to a single `BackendService`. They are executed in the order they are initialized. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#117](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/117) * Rename `DecodingFailureInitializable` to `DecodingFailureRepresentable` and make the failing `HTTP.Response` available during initialization. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#117](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/117) * Create an `HTTP.Body` type to abstract the `Data` of a `URLRequest`. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#117](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/117) * Several changes to simplify and refine `DecodableContainer`, as well as introduce `EncodableContainer` and `CodableContainer`. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#117](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/117) * Convert `Request` protocol into a `struct` and eliminate the `AnyRequest` type. A `URLRequestCreationStrategy` has been created to allow for differences in `URLRequest` generation. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#117](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/117) * Rename `Network*` to `Transport*` to provide a clearer distinction between the role of the `BackendService` and `TransportService`. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#117](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/117) * Utilize `URLError` as part of the `Transporting` protocol to allow for more granularity and detail in error reporting. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#117](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/117) * Make `TransportError` inits `public`. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#121](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/121) * Create a form URL encoded `HTTP.Body` convenience [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#125](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/125) * Add deprecated typealias to ease migration to 4.0 [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#124](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/124) * Create `EmptyDecodingStrategy` to add flexibility to decoding `EmptyResponse` [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#130](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/130) * Add `defaultDecoder` to `RequestDefaults` and use when initializing a `Request`. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#131](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/131) * Make `transportService` public in `BackendService`. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#134](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/134) * Make `DecodingFailure.Context` properties public. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#135](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/135) * Add `defaultMaxRecoveryAttempts` to `RequestDefaults` and use for `maxRecoveryAttempts` in `Request`. This changes the default retries from unlimited to 1. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#137](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/137) ##### Bug Fixes * Add an assertion to `BackendService` if a GET HTTP request with body data is detected. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#106](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/106)
4 years ago
#### Enhancements * None ##### Bug Fixes * Make default implementations on `Recoverable` `public`. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#97](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/97)
4 years ago
#### Enhancements * Add URL modification capabilitites. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#92](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/92) ##### Bug Fixes * None
4 years ago
#### Enhancements * Remove the type definitions deprecated in 3.0.0. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#77](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/77) * Rename `dataTransformer` family of functions to `successTransformer` to more accurately reflect their purpose. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#78](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/78) * Cleaned up some TODOs in the code. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#80](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/80) * Add support for SSL certificate pinning [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#84](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/84) * Add support for futures and chaining requests. [Pranjal Satija](https://github.com/pranjalsatija) [#81](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/81) * Fix 3.0.0 changelog. [Pranjal Satija](https://github.com/pranjalsatija) [#82](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/82) * Added support for Swift 5 [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#88](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/88) * Remove the `queryParameter` property deprecated in 2.0.0. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#90](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/90) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
5 years ago
Enhancements * Fixed CHANGELOG for version 2.0.0/2.1.0. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#73](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/73) * Remove the type definitions deprecated in 2.0.0 [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#72](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/72) * **[BREAKING]** Added failing type information to `DecodingFailureInitializable` allowing the API to make decisions based off of the type that failed to decode and deprecate dynamically keyed decoding. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#71](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/71) * **[BREAKING]** Renamed `Request` protocol's `transformData(_:serviceSuccess:)` method to `transformSuccess(_:)`. The redundant `data` parameter was removed since the `NetworkServiceSuccess` makes it available as a property. Also simplified method signatures by introducing `RequestTransformBlock` typealias. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#69](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/issues/69) [#70](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/70) * Fixed minor typo in CHANGELOG where the PR URL text didn't match the underlying PR number. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#68](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/68) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
5 years ago
##### Enhancements * Two new error-facing protocols were added. `NetworkServiceFailureInitializable` represents a `Swift.Error` that can be initialized from a `NetworkServiceFailure` object. `DecodingFailureInitializable` represents a `Swift.Error` that can be initialized from a `DecodingError` as a result of decoding `Data`. These conformances have been added as extensions to `AnyError` (meaning `AnyRequest` usage is unaffected). As a result of these new protocols, the `BackendServiceError` type has been removed. Types conforming to `Request` now have an associated `ErrorType` which must conform to `NetworkServiceFailureInitializable`. If a request generates any sort of failure response, the custom error type will be initialized from it instead of returning a generic `BackendServiceError`. In addition, if `Request.ErrorType` conforms to `DecodingFailureInitializable`, the custom error type will be instantiated and returned. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#38](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/38) * Added a new initalizer to `AnyRequest` which accepts a `String` value designating the key of JSON at which to begin decoding. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#41](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/41) * Separated the generation/encoding of the URL query from the `Request` object into an extension `URL`. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#40](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/40) * Add functionality to `NetworkReqest` to allow for replacing and adding to the HTTP headers. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#43](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/43) * Simplify usage of `DecodableContainer` types with `JSONDecoder` [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#44](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/44) * Add a subsystem which can perform transparent error handling using `RequestRecoveryStrategy`. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#45](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/45) * Simplify usage of `dataTransfomer` extensions with custom error types [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#47](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/47) * Add `HTTP.HeaderValue` for JSON API specification. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#46](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/46) * Converted `HTTP.Status`nested types (`HTTP.Status.Success`, `HTTP.Status.ClientError`, etc.) from enums to `RawRepresentable` structs. This keeps the library more open for extension by allowing clients to more easily specify and use custom HTTP status codes. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#49](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/49) [#50](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/50) * Implemented synthesized `Equatable` and `Hashable` conformance that was introduced in Swift 4.1. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#51](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/51) * Renamed `NetworkRequest` and `AnyNetworkRequest` to `Request` and `AnyRequest`. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#51](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/52) * Add `headers` property to `HTTP.Response`. The method signature of `Request`’s `transformData(_:)` method has changed. If you implement a custom `transformData(_:)` method, you will need to replace it with `transformData(_:serviceSuccess:)`. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#64](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/pull/64) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
5 years ago
#### Enhancements - If migrating from 1.x to 2.0, be sure to check out the [migration guide](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Hyperspace/blob/master/Documentation/Migrations/Hyperspace%201.x-2.0%20Migration%20Guide.md). - Two new error-facing protocols were added. `NetworkServiceFailureInitializable` represents a `Swift.Error` that can be initialized from a `NetworkServiceFailure` object. `DecodingFailureInitializable` represents a `Swift.Error` that can be initialized from a `DecodingError` as a result of decoding `Data`. These conformances have been added as extensions to `AnyError` (meaning `AnyRequest` usage is unaffected). As a result of these new protocols, the `BackendServiceError` type has been removed. Types conforming to `Request` now have an associated `ErrorType` which must conform to `NetworkServiceFailureInitializable`. If a request generates any sort of failure response, the custom error type will be initialized from it instead of returning a generic `BackendServiceError`. In addition, if `Request.ErrorType` conforms to `DecodingFailureInitializable`, the custom error type will be instantiated and returned. Will McGinty #38 - Added a new initalizer to `AnyRequest` which accepts a `String` value designating the key of JSON at which to begin decoding. Will McGinty #41 - Separated the generation/encoding of the URL query from the `Request` object into an extension on `URL`. Will McGinty #40 - Add functionality to `Request` to allow for replacing and adding to the HTTP headers. Will McGinty #43 - Simplify usage of `DecodableContainer` types with `JSONDecoder`. Will McGinty #44 - Add a subsystem which can perform transparent error handling using `RequestRecoveryStrategy`. Will McGinty #45 - Simplify usage of dataTransfomer extensions with custom error types. Will McGinty #47 - Add `HTTP.HeaderValue` for JSON API specification. Earl Gaspard #46 - Converted `HTTP.Status` nested types (`HTTP.Status.Success`, `HTTP.Status.ClientError`, etc.) from enums to `RawRepresentable` structs. This keeps the library more open for extension by allowing clients to more easily specify and use custom HTTP status codes. Tyler Milner #49 #50 - Implemented synthesized `Equatable` and `Hashable` conformance that was introduced in Swift 4.1. Tyler Milner #51 - Renamed `NetworkRequest` and `AnyNetworkRequest` to `Request` and `AnyRequest`. Will McGinty #51 #### Bug Fixes - None.
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS macCatalyst
BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit 1.8.0
All the things you're tired of writing.
⭐️ 23
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
##### Enhancements * Extend CLLocationCoordinate2D with isValid computed property [Andrew Winn](https://github.com/andrew-winn-br) [#102](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/102) * Improve support for registering supplementary and decoration views with UICollectionView. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/willmcginty) [#110](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/110) * Re-organize the way Swift Packages are managed. Instead of importing `UtiliKit` as a package, each target (or Cocoapods subspec) is imported separately. The full list of libraries is: `GeneralUtilities`, `Instantiation`, `TimelessDate`, `Versioning`, `ContainerViewController`, `ActiveLabel`, `Obfuscation`. `UtiliKit` remains as a possible library which will import all the above targets at once. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/willmcginty) [#104](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/104) ##### Bug Fixes * None
3 years ago
##### Enhancements * None ##### Bug Fixes * Make it possible to override functions in container, which aid in `ManagedChild` managemet. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/willmcginty) [#87](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/87) * Add `postTransitionBehavior` to `ContainerViewController`, automating some common child management scenarios [Dimitar Milinski](https://github.com/dmilinski) [#88](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/88) * Switch `removeAllNonVisibleChildren` to `public` [Dimitar Milinski](https://github.com/dmilinski) [#90](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/90) * Add `ScrollingPageControl` [Nathan Chiu](https://github.com/BR-Nathan-Chiu) [#95](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/95)
4 years ago
##### Enhancements * None ##### Bug Fixes * Fix an issue where the completion handler does not get called when transitioning. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/willmcginty) [#76](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/76) * Fix an issue where the transition was mistakenly marked as a failure. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/willmcginty) [#77](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/77) * Fix a transitionting issue where appearance callbacks were unbalanced in iOS 13. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/willmcginty) [#79](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/79) * Fix an issue where ContainerViewController was not removing source or destination views from the view hierarchy after transitioning [Dimitar Milinski](https://github.com/dmilinski) [#81](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/81)
4 years ago
##### Enhancements * Add interactive transitioning and transition coordination to `ContainerViewController`. This change has bumped the deployment target to iOS 10.0+ [Will McGinty](https://github.com/willmcginty) [#63](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/63) * Added the `Obfuscation` subspec, which includes the `ObfuscatedKey` structure for keys/passwords to ensure that they don't appear in plaintext within the source or binary of your app. [Russell Mirabelli](https://github.com/rmirabelli) [#67](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/67) * Updated initial/named view controller example so that the buttons are horizontally centered in the stack view. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#65](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/65) * Conform URL to ExpressibleByStringLiteral (e.g. `let url: URL = "www.apple.com"`) [Will McGinty](https://github.com/willmcginty) [#66](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/66) * Added Carthage support. [Ryan Gant](https://github.com/ganttastic) [#68](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/68) * Updated `README` to include the "ActiveLabel" subspec listed at the top and added code examples for the "General" subspec. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#71](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/71) ##### Bug Fixes * None
4 years ago
##### Enhancements * Add `ActiveLabel` class to help show activity on a label. [Brian Miller](https://github.com/JobsIsMyHomeboy) [#55](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/55) * Add support for `Configurable` types when dequeuing reusable views. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/willmcginty) [#53](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/58) ##### Bug Fixes * Fix a bug where completion wasn't always called when transitioning. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/willmcginty) [#57](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/57)
4 years ago
##### Enhancements * Migrate to Swift 5.0. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#53](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/53) ##### Bug Fixes * Fix an issue where right and bottom insets were being inverted in constraints. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/willmcginty) [#46](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/50)
5 years ago
- Tweak another behavior where calls to transitionToController were not being honored before load time.
5 years ago
Changes: - Add an `init?(kind:)` initializer to `UICollectionView.SupplementaryElementKind`. - Tweak a behavior where calls to `transitionToController` were not being honored before load time.
5 years ago
- Add `indexOfChild(preceding:)` functionality to `ContainerViewController`.
5 years ago
##### Enhancements * Updated project for Xcode 10. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#35](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/35) * Updated Travis-CI image to Xcode 9.4. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#33](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-UtiliKit/pull/33) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport 2.2.0
Makes dealing with common keyboard tasks simpler and easier.
⭐️ 15
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
##### Enhancements * Adds support to not offset a KeyboardScrollable view if the viewController is presented in a popover. ##### Bug Fixes * Only update contentInset if the new insets are different from the existing insets. This avoids triggering unnecessary table/collectionview reloads. [Dimitar Milinski](https://github.com/dmilinski08) [#62](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/62)
3 years ago
## 2.1.2 (2020-12-09) Enhancements * Added Swift Package Manager support. [Wil Turner](https://github.com/WSTurner) [#44](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/issues/44) Bug Fixes * Allowed setting the originalContentInsets before and after setting up the kyboard observers in KeyboardScrollable. This allows us to do things like setting content insets in viewDidLayoutSubviews() and such [Fernando Arocho](https://github.com/Specialist17) [#57](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/57) * Fix issue with calculating content inset when scrollview is not constrained to bottom of safe area [Dimitar Milinski](https://github.com/dmilinski08) [#58](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/58)
4 years ago
##### Enhancements * Added Carthage support. [Ryan Gant](https://github.com/ganttastic) [#46](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/46) ##### Bug Fixes * Addressed issue where scrolling to the focused text field would not work properly. [Daniel Larsen](https://github.com/grandlarseny) [#48](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/48)
4 years ago
##### Enhancements * Move protocols and extensions in KeyboardRespondable to separate files. * Migrate to Swift 5.0. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#41](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/41) * `KeyboardRespondable` and `KeyboardDismissable` setup methods now return the generated gesture recognizer so consumers can work with it. * Modified `KeyboardToolbar` to track the next, back, and done buttons so they can be hidden / enabled / disabled as needed. * Modified `KeyboardScrollable` to support an additional padding around a text input when moving it into view. * Added a `KeyboardAutoNavigator` that is initialized with a toolbar. It will apply this toolbar to all text inputs, unless those inputs provide their own via implementing the `KeyboardToolbarProviding` protocol. The autonavigator will walk the view hiearchy and seek out text inputs before and after the current field to provide navigation via the toolbar. [John Davis](https://github.com/br-johndavis) [#36](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/36) ##### Bug Fixes * None
5 years ago
##### Enhancements * None ##### Bug Fixes * Fix protocol extension function signature mismatch in `KeyboardScrollable`. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#34](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/34)
5 years ago
##### Enhancements * None ##### Bug Fixes * Declare `KeyboardAccessoryDelegate` extension as public. Declare `KeyboardInfo`'s properties as public. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#32](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/32)
5 years ago
##### Enhancements * Added `KeyboardToolbar` for fast creation of input accessorty views. Renamed `KeyboardManager` to `KeyboardNavigator`. `KeyboardNavigator` supports navigating between `UITextView`s. Renamed `KeyboardInputAccessory` to `KeyboardAccessory`. Renaming of methods in `KeyboardDismissable` and methods in `KeyboardScrollable`. Animations added when keyboard appears when using `KeyboardScrollable`. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#29](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/29) * Adjusted project structure to better support Travis-CI. CI is fully up-and-running on all supported platforms. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#10](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/10) * Added SwiftLint. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#10](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/10) ##### Bug Fixes * None
5 years ago
##### Enhancements * Updated Travis-CI to Xcode 9.4 image. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#21](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/21) * On UITextView's, KeyboardRespondable now scrolls to cursor/selection. [Cuong Leo Ngo ](https://github.com/cuongcngo) [#23](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/23) * Updated project for Xcode 10. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#25](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/25) ##### Bug Fixes * None
5 years ago
##### Enhancements * Adjusted project structure to better support Travis-CI. CI is fully up-and-running on all supported platforms. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#10](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/10) * Added SwiftLint. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#10](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/10) * Add option to disregard original content inset when keyboard is visible. [Cuong Leo Ngo ](https://github.com/cuongcngo) [#17](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/17) * Added conditional compilation for Swift 4.2 compatibility. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#19](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/19) ##### Bug Fixes * Fix issue where bottom contentInset is added more than once when user taps on first responder view again. [Cuong Leo Ngo ](https://github.com/cuongcngo) [#12](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/12) * Now subtracting the Safe Area bottom inset when calculating additional bottom inset since the keyboard frame encompasses the safe area and scroll views' insets are typically automatically adjusted to account for safe area. [Cuong Leo Ngo ](https://github.com/cuongcngo) [#13](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/13) * Add KeyboardSafeAreaAdjustable protocol, and KeyboardScrollable restores original content inset [Cuong Leo Ngo ](https://github.com/cuongcngo) [#16](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-KeyboardSupport/pull/16)
BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Scotty 2.2.0
Scotty is a framework designed to make app routing simpler and safer.
⭐️ 13
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
##### Enhancements * Expose `isPreparedForRouting` and `isPendingRouteExecution` outside the module. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#36](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Scotty/issues/36) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
4 years ago
##### Enhancements * Added Carthage support. [Ryan Gant](https://github.com/ganttastic) [#29](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Scotty/pull/29) * Remove restriction that Route.Root must be a UIViewController. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#30](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Scotty/pull/30) * Added Swift Package Manager support. [Brian Miller](https://github.com/jobsismyhomeboy) [#28](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Scotty/issues/28) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
4 years ago
##### Enhancements * Migrate to Swift 5.0. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#25](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Scotty/pull/25) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
5 years ago
##### Enhancements * Updated Travis-CI image to Xcode 9.4. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#18](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Scotty/pull/18) * Updated project for Xcode 10. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#20](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Scotty/pull/20) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
5 years ago
- Simplified API to allow for a single type to translate into multiple routes.
5 years ago
* Adjusted project structure to better support Travis-CI. CI is fully up-and-running on all currently supported platforms. Carthage is now required to work on the library and run the example projects (Cocoapods is no longer used). Clone the repo, run carthage update, and then open Scotty.xcworkspace to get started. * Some aspects of the routing interface have been simplified. The previous combination of Routable (a protocol) and AnyRoute (a type erased struct conforming to Routable) have been replaced by a single Route struct. This struct is still generic over it's RootViewController, but this change makes it easier to create new routes, while maintaining type safety. In addition, the RouteConvertible protocol was removed. This allows the same type to be converted to different Route objects, with different RootViewController, allowing more flexibility. * The RouteActionable protocol has been renamed to RouteRespondable. It's requirements remain unchanged.
iOS tvOS
BottleRocketStudios/iOS-SessionTools 1.3.0
A small library to make dealing with sessions (e.g. login sessions) easier.
⭐️ 7
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
##### Enhancements * Added Swift Package Manager support. [Wil Turner](https://github.com/WSTurner) [#23](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-SessionTools/issues/23) * Updated to Cocoapods 1.7.3, Xcode 10.2.1 recommended project settings updates, removed SwiftLint build phase run script (it gets run by Travis-CI), and updated KeychainAccess dependency from 3.1.2 to 3.2.0. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#24](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-SessionTools/pull/24) * Added Carthage support. [Ryan Gant](https://github.com/ganttastic) [#25](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-SessionTools/pull/25) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
4 years ago
##### Enhancements * Migrate to Swift 5.0. [Earl Gaspard](https://github.com/earlgaspard) [#20](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-SessionTools/pull/20) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
5 years ago
##### Enhancements * Restructured project to match standard and added SwiftLint. [Ryan Gant](https://github.com/ganttastic) [#14](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-SessionTools/pull/14) * Added tvOS/watchOS/macOS support and examples. [Ryan Gant](https://github.com/ganttastic) [#15](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-SessionTools/pull/15) * Added `KeychainLifecycle` to `KeychainStorageContainer` to be more explicit about how keychain information is persisted across app installs. [Ryan Gant](https://github.com/ganttastic) [#16](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-SessionTools/pull/16) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
5 years ago
##### Enhancements * Updated Travis-CI to Xcode 9.4 image. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#9](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-SessionTools/pull/9) * Updated project for Xcode 10. [Tyler Milner](https://github.com/tylermilner) [#12](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-SessionTools/pull/12) ##### Bug Fixes * None.
5 years ago
Minor release containing documentation (`README`) improvements.
5 years ago
Initial release
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Container 1.0.2
A general purpose Container ViewController
⭐️ 3
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 years ago
#### Enhancements * Add a more convenient method to manage a pre-defined set of sorted children [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#9](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Container/pull/9) #### Bug Fixes * None
2 years ago
##### Enhancements * None ##### Bug Fixes * Fix a compiler warning when using `class` instead of `AnyObject` with protocol inheritance. [Will McGinty](https://github.com/wmcginty) [#6](https://github.com/BottleRocketStudios/iOS-Container/pull/6)
3 years ago
Initial release
iOS tvOS

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