Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by Boilertalk

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Packages published by Boilertalk

Boilertalk/Web3.swift 0.8.7
A pure swift Ethereum Web3 library
⭐️ 615
🕓 7 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
7 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Add function to init signed Tx from raw tx hash and tests by @Florian-S-A-W in https://github.com/Boilertalk/Web3.swift/pull/172 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Boilertalk/Web3.swift/compare/0.8.6...0.8.7
9 weeks ago
## What's Changed * fix: ethereum public key constructor from message and signature by @koraykoska in https://github.com/Boilertalk/Web3.swift/pull/171 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Boilertalk/Web3.swift/compare/0.8.5...0.8.6
9 weeks ago
## What's Changed * Fix/signed tx rlp init by @Florian-S-A-W in https://github.com/Boilertalk/Web3.swift/pull/170 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Boilertalk/Web3.swift/compare/0.8.4...0.8.5
38 weeks ago
* Commit history tag
1 year ago
* Fix a retain cycle with Websocket and Websocket provider
1 year ago
* Fixes a bug where a strong retain cycle between `DynamicContract` and `SolidityFunction` prevented the ARC from cleaning up instances.
1 year ago
* Fixes a bug where a crash occurred if many WebSocket handlers were initialized during the runtime of the app. This is done by explicitly cleaning up (freeing) the swift-nio multi threaded event loop group.
1 year ago
* Fix `eth_sendRawTransaction` for EIP1559 transactions * Add EIP1559 transactions to smart contract calls * Fix README
1 year ago
* Add `getLogs` RPC method on `eth` namespace
1 year ago
* Fixed an issue where the WebSocket provider went into a pseudo deadlock state and took 4-5 seconds to process one request when used in highly concurrent applications (~100-200 req or more at the same time).
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS driverKit macCatalyst
Boilertalk/secp256k1.swift 0.1.7
secp256k1 bindings for swift. Cocoapods, Carthage and SPM support. Linux support.
⭐️ 63
🕓 1 year ago
Boilertalk/Keystore.swift 0.3.4
Ethereum and ETH2 (BLS) keystore creation / private key extraction for Swift
⭐️ 16
🕓 2 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
2 weeks ago
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Boilertalk/Keystore.swift/compare/0.3.3...0.3.4
8 weeks ago
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Boilertalk/Keystore.swift/compare/0.3.2...0.3.3
8 weeks ago
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Boilertalk/Keystore.swift/compare/0.3.1...0.3.2
8 weeks ago
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Boilertalk/Keystore.swift/compare/0.3.0...0.3.1
8 weeks ago
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Boilertalk/Keystore.swift/compare/0.2.3...0.3.0
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS driverKit macCatalyst
Boilertalk/TelegramBot.swift 0.5.0
A helper tool for creating telegram bots with vapor
⭐️ 7
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
Vapor 4 support. Warnings removed for Swift 5.3
5 years ago
First send api methods, PromiseKit extensions.
5 years ago
Rename the vapor register route to reflect library standards.
5 years ago
This version removes the dependency to Vapor. You can now use it with any Swift web library and even without any dependency.
Initial release
6 years ago
This release implements the most basic functions to parse incoming Telegram bot updates. TODO: Inline mode and payments
macOS linux macOS iOS

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