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BlinkID/blinkid-ios v6.7.0
Everything you need to add AI-driven ID scanning into your native iOS app.
⭐️ 377
🕓 14 hours ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
19 hours ago
## 6.7.0 ### New Features - **Real ID detection on US driver's license** - BlinkID now includes the capability to identify Real ID symbols from US driver's licenses, providing users with immediate feedback on the presence or the absence of a Real ID symbol. This enhances user convenience and compliance with Real ID requirements, ensuring customers can quickly determine if a Real ID is available on a scanned US driver's license. - **UX Improvements** - Extended duration for UI messages - UI messages now remain visible for a longer duration after scanning, improving user experience. Users can now review post-scanning messages at a comfortable pace, leading to a smoother process. - Success indicator for front side capture - BlinkID now displays a clear success indicator after scanning the front side of a document. This visual cue enhances user confidence by providing immediate feedback during the capturing process. - **Partial anonymization of the "Document Number"** - To ensure user privacy and security, BlinkID now offers the option of partially anonymizing the document number from the scanned document. - **Mandatory Barcode Presence on US documents** - To minimize the cases of capturing the front side of the document as the back frame in the results, BlinkID now requires the presence of a barcode before saving the back frame on US documents. Processing status `BarcodeDetectionFailed` is returned when mandatory barcode is not present on the back of US documents. ### Minor API changes - We've added another `ProcessingStatus` called `BarcodeDetectionFailed` - This status is triggered once barcode was not found on the image. This processing status can only occur if document has mandatory barcode. - Added new boolean member `realIDDetectionStatus` to the `ImageAnalysisResult`. If `true`, Real ID symbol is present, `false` otherwise. - Added new member `documentNumberAnonymizationSettings` to the `ClassAnonymizationSettings` for seamless integration with the document number anonymization feature. #### Bugfixes - Updated internal mapping for Myanmar Passports to display nationality as `Myanmarese` instead of `Burmese` on Myanmar passports. - `Date of Issue` marked optional on Peru ID offering users more flexibility in capturing ID information. - `Date of Expiry` handling logic for MRZ improved in cases where documents with a date of expiry 1969 were not correctly sanitized. - Fixed the issue when `reconfigureRecognizers` function not working properly.
4 weeks ago
## 6.6.0 ### Document Updates #### New Documents Support: - Australia - Polycarbonate Passport - Indonesia - Polycarbonate Passport - Mexico - Consular Voter ID - Moldova - Polycarbonate Passport - Pakistan - Proof Of Registration - Panama - Polycarbonate Passport - USA - West Virginia - ID Card #### New Beta Documents Support: - Brazil - Ceara - ID Card - Brazil - Goias - ID Card - Brazil - Sergipe - ID Card - China - Exit Entry Permit - China - Mainland Travel Permit Taiwan - Colombia - Temporary Protection Permit - India - DL - India - Andhra Pradesh - DL - India - Haryana - DL - European Union - Health Insurance Card #### New Document Versions for Supported Documents: - Australia - Queensland - DL - Australia - Victoria - DL - Australia - Western Australia - DL - Bolivia - Minor's ID - Brazil - Alien ID - Estonia - DL - Finland - Alien ID - Guatemala - Paper Passport - India - Paper Passport - New side type - Malta - DL - Mexico - Guanajuato - DL - Mexico - San Luis Potosi - DL - New Zealand - Polycarbonate Passport - Paraguay - ID Card - Slovenia - Residence Permit - USA - Green Card - USA - Work Permit - USA - Arizona - ID Card - USA - Colorado - DL - USA - Colorado - ID Card - USA - District of Columbia - DL - USA - District of Columbia - ID Card - USA - Idaho - DL - USA - Idaho - ID Card - USA - Missouri - ID Card - USA - Nebraska - ID Card - USA - Nevada - ID Card - USA - New York - ID Card - USA - North Dakota - DL - USA - Oklahoma - ID Card - USA - Pennsylvania - ID Card - USA - Utah - ID Card - USA - Virginia - DL - USA - Virginia - ID Card - USA - West Virginia - DL - USA - Wisconsin - DL - USA - Wisconsin - ID Card #### New Document Versions for Beta Supported Documents: - Australia - Queensland - Proof of Age Card - Brazil - ID Card - Ireland - Residence Permit - Mexico - Consular ID - Mexico - Residence Permit - Mexico - Nayarit - DL - USA - North Dakota - ID Card #### Out of Beta: - Croatia - Residence Permit - Moldova - Paper Passport ### Platform Updates - Added `PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy` to the framework - Expanded geographic support with new `Region` enum values: - `ANDHRA_PRADESH` - `CEARA` - `GOIAS` - `GUERRERO_ACAPULCO_DE_JUAREZ` - `HARYANA` - `SERGIPE` - Document recognition enhanced with new `Type` enum values: - `EXIT_ENTRY_PERMIT` - `MAINLAND_TRAVEL_PERMIT_TAIWAN` - `NBI_CLEARANCE` - `PROOF_OF_REGISTRATION` - `TEMPORARY_PROTECTION_PERMIT` - Data extraction improvements: - Added `Sponsor` and `BloodType` result fields to `BlinkIdMultiSideRecognizerResult`, `BlinkIdSingleSideRecognizerResult` and `VizResult` - Upgraded to `YUV` Color Format: - We’ve upgraded our imaging to support the `YUV` color format (`kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange`), making it the default encoding scheme. #### Accessibility Changes: - Optimized Color Contrast by fine-tuning color contrasts across the app, enhancing readability for all users. - Blurred content and translucent areas have been made mostly opaque, simplifying the UI and making it easier to navigate. - A new icon for harsh light conditions has been added to the onboarding screen, aiding in better navigation and usability. #### Deprecated Functionality: - `IdBarcodeRecognizer` is now marked as deprecated. We recommend transitioning to `BlinkIdMultiSideRecognizer`, which not only covers the functionality of `IdBarcodeRecognizer` but also offers additional features.
8 weeks ago
## 6.5.1 - Improved scanning of Bolivia IDs by addressing cases where the expiration date is covered by a signature, allowing the completion of the scanning process.
13 weeks ago
## 6.5.0 - Improved the document side detection for US driver licenses which reduces the possibility of capturing the wrong side of the document. Barcode is now mandatory for the document back side of the US driving licenses
18 weeks ago
## 6.4.0 ### New features - Added new result member `cardRotation` to `ImageAnalysisResult` - New `CardOrientation` status - `NotAvailable` - New `Region` enum values: - `DISTRITO_FEDERAL` - `MARANHAO` - `MATO_GROSSO` - `MINAS_GERAIS` - `PARA` - `PARANA` - `PERNAMBUCO` - `SANTA_CATARINA` - New `Type` enum values: - `CONSULAR_VOTER_ID` - `TWIC_CARD` ### Bug Fixes - Fixed the issue where the wrong missing field message was shown when the mandatory field was missing - Minor bugfixes and improvements ### Added support for 8 new documents - Bolivia - Paper Passport - Brazil - Alien ID - Brazil - Distrito Federal - Identity Card - Brazil - Minas Gerais - Identity Card - Cameroon - Polycarbonate Passport - Costa Rica - Paper Passport - UK - Proof of Age Card - USA - Twic Card ### Added support for 14 new versions of already supported documents - Brazil - Driver’s License - Luxembourg - Identity Card - North Macedonia - Identity Card - Portugal - Driver’s License - Slovakia - Identity Card - Switzerland - Identity Card - Switzerland - Driver’s License - Turkey - Polycarbonate Passport - Ukraine - Driver’s License - USA - Arizona - Driver’s License - USA - Arizona - Identity Card - USA - Nebraska - Driver’s License - USA - Pennsylvania - Identity Card - USA - Virginia - Driver’s License ### Added support for 17 new documents in BETA - Australia - Australian Capital Territory - Identity Card - Australia - Queensland - Proof of Age Card - Australia - Tasmania - Identity Card - Australia - Western Australia - Identity Card - Bahrain - Driver’s License - Bahrain - Paper Passport - Brazil - Maranhao - Identity Card - Brazil - Mato Grosso - Identity Card - Brazil - Para - Identity Card - Brazil - Parana - Identity Card - Brazil - Pernambuco - Identity Card - Brazil - Santa Catarina - Identity Card - Cameroon - Paper Passport - Mexico - Quintana Roo, Benito Juarez - Driver’s License - Mexico - Quintana Roo -Driver’s License - Switzerland - Polycarbonate Passport - UAE - Polycarbonate Passport ### Added support for 2 new versions of already supported documents in BETA - Iceland - Paper Passport - Mexico - Consular ID
24 weeks ago
## 6.3.0 ### New features - Changes to`StringResult`: - new properties: - `location` - location coordinates of the first detected result, priority `latin`, `arabic`, `cyrillic` - `side` - document side of the first detected result, priority `latin`, `arabic`, `cyrillic` - new methods: - `location(AlphabetType)` - location coordinates of every non-empty result are available - `side (AlphabetType)` - document side of every non-empty result is available - Changes to `BlinkIdSingleSideRecognizerResult` and `BlinkIdMultiSideRecognizerResult`: - new properties: - `faceImageLocation` - `faceImageSide` - added new items to enums: - Country: - SCHENGEN_AREA - Type: - IMMIGRANT_VISA ### Bugfixes - Remove autofill on `Russian` passport `DateOfExpiry` when present on a document - Improved scanning success rate and stability when using `BlinkIdMultiSideRecognizer` - Fix crash with certain `RecognitionModeFilter` combinations - Improve scanning experience with the new iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max devices
34 weeks ago
## 6.2.1 - Fixed the issue with reading the back side of the USA/Washington and USA/Vermont driving license documents.
39 weeks ago
### New features - new and improved machine learning models for data extraction - expanded support for arabic documents - added isFilledByDomainKnowledge flag to Date and DateResult - indicates that date is not extracted from image but filled based on our internal document knowledge - added new setting additionalAnonymization - enables custom anonymization for any field per country, region and type of document - added new items to enums: - Region: - NORTHWEST_TERRITORIES (added item to enum, no document support for NORTHWEST_TERRITORIES yet) - NUNAVUT (added item to enum, no document support for NUNAVUT yet) - PRINCE_EDWARD_ISLAND - Type: - ASYLUM_REQUEST - DRIVER_QUALIFICATION_CARD - PROVISIONAL_DL - REFUGEE_PASSPORT - SPECIAL_ID - UNIFORMED_SERVICES_ID - FieldType: - BloodType - Sponsor ### Added support for 9 new documents - Belarus - ID Card - Guyana - ID Card - Jamaica - Paper Passport - Myanmar - Paper Passport - Palestine - Paper Passport - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Driving License - Syria - ID Card - Trinidad and Tobago - Paper Passport - USA - Uniformed Services ID Card ### Added support for 23 new documents in BETA - Barbados - Driving License - Belarus - Polycarbonate Passport - Belarus - Residence Permit - Belgium - Provisional Driving License - Belgium - Special ID Card - Bulgaria - Alien ID Card - Bulgaria - Residence Permit - Canada - New Brunswick - ID Card - Canada - Prince Edward Island - Driving License - Estonia - Polycarbonate Passport - Germany - Driver Qualification Card - Guyana - Driving License - Kuwait - Paper Passport - Lebanon - Paper Passport - Liechtenstein - Driving License - Malta - Paper Passport - Malta - Polycarbonate Passport - Moldova - Driving License - Netherlands - Alien ID Card - Oman - Paper Passport - Peru - Alien ID Card - Romania - Residence Permit - UK - Asylum Request ### Added support for 28 new versions of already supported documents - Canada - British Columbia - Public Services Card - Canada - British Columbia - Driving License - Cyprus - Residence Permit - Denmark - Polycarbonate Passport - Germany - ID Card - Italy - ID Card - Ireland - Passport Card - Malta - ID Card - Montenegro - ID Card - Montenegro - Polycarbonate Passport - North Macedonia - ID Card - North Macedonia - Polycarbonate Passport - Norway - Driving License - Norway - Residence Permit - Norway - Polycarbonate Passport - Philippines - Driving License - Sweden - Polycarbonate Refugee Passport - Sweden - Social Security Card - UAE - Resident ID Card - UK - Proof of Age Card - USA - Arkansas - ID Card - USA - Colorado - ID Card - USA - Idaho - ID Card - USA - Illinois - ID Card - USA - New York - Driving License - USA - New York - ID card - USA - Pennsylvania - Driving License - USA - Washington - Driving License ### Added support for 3 new versions of already supported documents in BETA - Denmark - Residence Permit - Estonia - Residence Permit - Latvia - Residence Permit
1 year ago
## 6.1.2 - Internal improvements
1 year ago
## 6.1.1 - Fix isExpired value in recognizer result
BlinkID/blinkid-swift-package v5.20.1
Swift Package for BlinkID SDK iOS
⭐️ 3
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
1 year ago
- Update Swift Package for [BlinkID SDK v5.20.1](https://github.com/BlinkID/blinkid-ios/releases/tag/v5.20.1)
1 year ago
- Update Swift Package for [BlinkID SDK v5.20.0](https://github.com/BlinkID/blinkid-ios/releases/tag/v5.20.0)
1 year ago
- Update Swift Package for [BlinkID SDK v5.19.0](https://github.com/BlinkID/blinkid-ios/releases/tag/v5.19.0)
1 year ago
- Update Swift Package for [BlinkID SDK v5.18.0](https://github.com/BlinkID/blinkid-ios/releases/tag/v5.18.0)
1 year ago
- Update Swift Package for [BlinkID SDK v5.17.0](https://github.com/BlinkID/blinkid-ios/releases/tag/v5.17.0)
2 years ago
- Update Swift Package for [BlinkID SDK v5.16.1](https://github.com/BlinkID/blinkid-ios/releases/tag/v5.16.1)
2 years ago
- Update Swift Package for [BlinkID SDK v5.16.0](https://github.com/BlinkID/blinkid-ios/releases/tag/v5.16.0)
2 years ago
- Update Swift Package for [BlinkID SDK v5.15.1](https://github.com/BlinkID/blinkid-ios/releases/tag/v5.15.1)
2 years ago
- Update Swift Package for [BlinkID SDK v5.15.0](https://github.com/BlinkID/blinkid-ios/releases/tag/v5.15.0)
2 years ago
- Update Swift Package for [BlinkID SDK v5.14.0](https://github.com/BlinkID/blinkid-ios/releases/tag/v5.14.0)

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