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Packages published by BadhanGanesh

BadhanGanesh/BJOTPViewController v2.6.1
Entering OTP made simpler.
⭐️ 45
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
v2.6.1 | Example Project Bug Fix
1 year ago
**What's New:** - Fixed an issue where the package is not recognised as a dependency in the example project.
v2.6.0 | Example Project, DocC Documentation Page, Brand Image
1 year ago
**What's New:** - FIXED issue #13. - Added example project, so it is easy to quickly try and see how things work. - Added new properties - `brandImage` & `closeButtonColor`. - Added docs folder that contains files for documentation. - README changes and inline documentation updates.
v2.5.0 | Footer Button, New Delegate methods & Properties
3 years ago
**What's New:** - Added new properties - `shouldFooterBehaveAsButton`, `footerButtonColor`. - Added new delegate methods - `didClose`, `didTap`. - Documentation changes. - ReadMe changes. - Now changing UI-related public attributes will reflect immediately in view controller. - **Footer Label can now act as a button** - This can be used to resend otp from server.
v2.4.2 | Haptics Bug Fix
3 years ago
**What's New:** - Fixed a bug where the `hapticsEnabled` property won't work on some instances.
v2.4.1 | Non code-level changes
3 years ago
**What's New:** - Updated README file.
v2.4.0 | Haptics & Other Additions
3 years ago
**What's New:** - Added an alert whenever there is an attempt to dismiss a modal VC, asking for the user's consent whether they want to close it without authenticating or not. - Added haptics to the following interactions: - Authenticate button interactions. - Error pop-ups. - Auto-paste pop-up. - Modal dismissal pop-up.
v2.3.3 | Copy-Paste Issue Fix
4 years ago
**What's New:** - Disabled paste menu option **(iOS and macOS)** for strings that have count not equal to allowed number of OTP characters. This avoids several issues during copy-paste operations for secure text entry fields.
v2.3.2 | Bug Fix
4 years ago
**What's New:** - Fixed #1 **primaryHeaderTitle and secondaryHeaderTitle Not working**
v2.3.1 | Bug Fixes
4 years ago
**Whats' New:** - `viewDidAppear` bug that replaces textfields with "" - FIXED. - A bug where erasing existing content from textfield won't move the responder status to previous textfield - FIXED.
v2.3.0 | Auto-fill from clipboard
4 years ago
**What's New:** - Added the ability to ask user whether to paste recently copied text from clipboard or not (so added 2 more public properties): - `shouldPromptUserToPasteCopiedStringFromClipboard` - `shouldAutomaticallyPasteCopiedStringFromClipboard` - Much better keyboard and orientation-change handlings. - New and updated screenshots that reflects view controller's current state. - Some small UI improvements.
iOS macCatalyst

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