Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by Backendless

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Packages published by Backendless

Backendless/Swift-SDK 7.0.4
Backendless SDK for iOS, watchOS, macOS and tvOS
⭐️ 15
🕓 27 weeks ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
27 weeks ago
* Fixed an issue when excluding some properties of native types
27 weeks ago
* Added an ability to exlude custom class fields from interacting with database: ``` Backendless.shared.data.excludeProperties(forClass: AnyClass, fieldNames: [String]) ```
29 weeks ago
* fixed issue when publishing without PublishOptions * fixed issue with pushing broadcast * added @dynamicMemberLookup for the BackendlessUser
30 weeks ago
* fixed RT issue when user was able to subscribe only for one messaging channel * some deprecated code was updated under the hood * minimal iOS and tvOS versions changed to 12.0
39 weeks ago
* added implementation for BackendlessExpression
39 weeks ago
* fixed issue with mirroring class children * added the `callbackUrlDomain` argument to the `getAuthorizationUrlLink` methods
49 weeks ago
* fixed RT `bulkUpsert` methods access level for class approach * fixed issue with `DataPermission`'s `setPermission()` function
1 year ago
* fixed issue when `getUserToken` method returned nil after login with `stayLoggedIn = true` and re-runing app
1 year ago
* added a necessary `import Foundation` line of code to the UserProperty class * the `loginWithOauth1` method signature changed a little to: ``` func loginWithOauth1(providerCode: String, authToken: String, tokenSecret: String, fieldsMapping: [String : String], stayLoggedIn: Bool, responseHandler: ((BackendlessUser) -> Void)!, errorHandler: ((Fault) -> Void)!) func loginWithOauth1(providerCode: String, authToken: String, tokenSecret: String, guestUser: BackendlessUser, fieldsMapping: [String : String], stayLoggedIn: Bool, responseHandler: ((BackendlessUser) -> Void)!, errorHandler: ((Fault) -> Void)!) ```
1 year ago
* the response of the `createEmailConfirmation` method changed to String: ``` func createEmailConfirmation(identity: String, responseHandler: ((String) -> Void)!, errorHandler: ((Fault) -> Void)!) ```

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