Swiftpack.co - Swift Packages by ABridoux

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Packages published by ABridoux

ABridoux/scout 4.1.0
Reading and writing in JSON, Plist, YAML and XML data made simple when the data format is not known at build time. Swift library and command-line tool.
⭐️ 127
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Github pages docC
2 years ago
### Added - Online docC documentation with Github pages ### Changed - Bumped to minimum Swift version 5.6 [#265] ### Fixed - docC warnings - Dead links in the Readme [#268]
2 years ago
### Changed - Bumped Swift version to 5.4 - Added list version requirements in the Readme [#251] ### Fixed - tvOS version requirement [#263] ### Linux Binary The Linux binary will be released soon after. Meanwhile, no change was made on the command-line tool so the previous version is the same.
2 years ago
### Fixed - Jaro-Winkler crash when comparing two strings of single characters. [#253] - `computeIndex(from:arrayCount:)` fixed empty arrays and 0 index [#254]
2 years ago
### Changed - Removed useless `indirect` attribute on `ExplorerValue` enum. - Deprecated `PathExplorer.real` for `PathExplorer.double`.
Date coding
2 years ago
### Fixed - Date decoding and `PathExplorer.date` [#239] - `ExplorerXML` add and set features works with `ExplroerXML` values [#241]
Global refactoring
2 years ago
### Added - Conversion from CSV input to one of the available formats [#181] - `Data` and `Date` values support [#197] - Set and add features support `Codable` values [#199] - Possibility to read XML attributes - Better integration with Zsh arrays and associative arrays [#235] ### Changed - `PathExplorer` is now implemented by `ExplorerValue` for Plist, JSON and YAML [#199] - Moved from serialisation to `Codable` using `ExplorerValue` for Plist, JSON and YAML. [#206] - ”Add” features will no more create values on the fly. Only when a key/index is final will it be created/inserted. The method is now to first add an empty array or dictionary. [#210] - `Path` parsing is now done with a parser rather than with regular expressions [#227] - Command-line: `--format|-f` now required to specify the input format - Command-line: `--csv` removed and `--csv-sep` renamed `--csv-exp` - `PathExplorerXML` renamed to `ExplorerXML` and implements Copy on Write. Checkout [What's new in Scout 4.0.0](https://www.woodys-findings.com/scout/news-4.0.0) to learn in detail about the new features.
[Hotfix] Standard input fixed (again)
3 years ago
### Fixed - Reading from standard input temporary fix for deprecation issue [#191]
Standard input reading fixed
3 years ago
### Fixed - Reading from standard input [#191]
Small fixes, PathExplorer.array and dictionary
3 years ago
### Added - New functions `PathExplorer.array(:)` and `PathExplorer.dictionary(:)` to get a `PathExplorer` value with a non-nested array and dictionary [#187] ### Fixed - `PathExplorer.description` with a single value will now only return the value without the data format ceremony [#185] - `SerializationFormat.Json.serialize(value:)` will throw an error if the value is a single one (rather than crashing at runtime) [#185] ### Deprecated - `PathExplorerXML.init(value:)` deprecated for `init(element:path)`
3 years ago
### Added - YAML support [#132] [#142] - Conversion from one format to another [#133] - Disabled colorisation when the output is piped [#140] - List paths in the data [#151] [#154] - Array subscript with a negative index [#152] - Made `Path` implement several `Collection` protocols [#171] ### Changed - The Swift version has been updated to 5.3. - `set` functions adding a value to an array with the index `-1` removed. [#152] - Array slicing index targets a different range (shifted to the right) [#158] - `PathExplorer` requirements and default implementations changed [#163] - Optimized Jaro-Winkler match and removed the public access - The `PathExplorer` implementations have been moved in the `PathExplorers` namespace. - The serialisation formats have been moved in the `SerializationFormats` namespace. More informations: [What's new in Scout 3.0.0](https://www.woodys-findings.com/scout/news-3.0.0). Checkout the [new wiki](https://www.woodys-findings.com/scout/wiki/home)
iOS macOS watchOS tvOS
ABridoux/lux 0.5.0
A Swift library with a dedicated command-line tool to highlight plain code (e.g. for terminal output), HTML files code blocks or attributed strings (e.g. for macOS or iOS apps)
⭐️ 28
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
3 years ago
### Added - YAML support [#92] ### Changed - FileInjectionService: Use SwiftSoup to parse the HTML file ### Fixed - Zsh +option was not parsed properly [#91] - Zsh '&' keyword was not parsed ### Note The `FileInjectionService` now uses SwiftSoup and there is an issue with newlines being added when the code is Plist or XML. While this is being resolved, it's still possible to use the command-line tool to highlight a block of code with those formats.
Linux compatibility
3 years ago
### Fixed - Linux color (NSColor/UIKitColor) compiler flag to ignore - Zsh programs starting wit a point or a slash "/" fixed
[Hotfix] Swift injection unwanted spaces
3 years ago
- Swift injetion prefix ‘swift-” and removed unwanted spaces - Fixed LuxCLT case - Lux logo fixed: replaced white area by masks on layers
Zsh parsing fixes
3 years ago
### Added - Lux logo ### Fixed - Variables in a condition were not properly parsed [#76] - Zsh programs given as a path to an executale were not properly parsed - `<` ans `>` were not properly parsed with a HTML injector [#75]
Minor internal improvements
3 years ago
### Changed - `BaseInjector` `inject(in:)` function now `final`. The function to override is now `inject(inEscapedHTMLEntities:)` [#71] ### Fixed - `PlistInjector` can now handle the HTML entities escaping [#71]
Xcode dark theme
3 years ago
### Added - Xcode dark theme [#66] ### Changed - Zsh colors (better light mode blending) [#65] ### Fixed - JSON empty strings [#65]
[Hotfix] JSON escaped quotes
3 years ago
### Fixed - JSON escaped quotes (for real this time) with \",\n allowed and "," not required to end a string value
Xcode light theme
3 years ago
### Added - Xcode Default light theme ### Changed - Color initialisation for categories and themes with rgb rather than hex code [#58] ### Fixed - JSON escaped quotes in a key value
[Hotfix] Swift theming fixed
3 years ago
### Fixed - Swift theming was not working
[Bugfix] Zsh backquote with option
3 years ago
### Fixed - Zsh backquote after option was taken with it [#51] ### Changed - Swift default theme to Xcode Default Light [#51] - Theme background color specification inside the Injector through its delegate [#51]
iOS macOS
ABridoux/bugle 0.2.1
A command-line tool to post and listen to distributed notifications to execute scripts.
⭐️ 23
🕓 2 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Fixed domains management
2 years ago
### Fixed - Domains management for the command-line tool is fixed and uses Swift declarations rather than JSON [#13]
Domain management
3 years ago
### Added - Offer a way to add domain specific notifications [#6] - Get the registered domains list and a domain notifications [#9] - Create an observation file when adding an observation if not existing [#4] - Completion command `install-completion-script` ### Edit 12/12/2021 Added a "bugle-fix" version to fix error "Fatal error: unable to find bundle named Bugle_Bugle" related to #13. Not definitive but worth to test.
Initial release
3 years ago
ABridoux/SafeFetching 0.7.6
DSL to build predicates and requests for CoreData fetching
⭐️ 20
🕓 1 year ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
Fixed backslash escaping
1 year ago
Fixed double quote in string expressions
1 year ago
`Date` implements `DatabaseTestValue`
1 year ago
### Added - `Date` implements `DatabaseTestValue`
Fixed string comparison with options
1 year ago
### Fixed - Updated doc for last patch
Fixed string comparison with options
1 year ago
### Fixed - String comparison with options ### Removed - `FetchUpdate` and `Fetchable.updatePublisher(for:in:)`
Fixed enum string quotes
1 year ago
### Fixed When using a `RawRepresentable` with a `String` raw value type, the quotes were missing in the predicate.
String comparison options
2 years ago
### Added - String comparison options (diacritic/case insensitive and normalized) - `NSPredicate.safe(_:)` to build a `NSPredicate` from a SafeFetching predicate - script to generate documentation (*generate-doc.zsh*) ### Fixed - Fixed option set comparison - CoreData imports - Wrong documentation symbols
Online docC
2 years ago
### Fixed - Required Swift 5.6 to build
Online docC
2 years ago
### Added - Online documentation at https://abridoux.github.io/SafeFetching/documentation/safefetching/ ### Changed - Updated Readme to point tenth new documentation ### Fixed - Dead link in the documentation
tvOS platform
2 years ago
### Added/Fixed - tvOS 13.0+ support in the platforms
iOS macOS tvOS
ABridoux/BooleanExpressionEvaluation 2.0.1
Evaluate a string boolean expression with variables
⭐️ 1
🕓 3 years ago
🔖 Release Notes


The markdown parsing is broken/disabled for release notes. Sorry about that, I'm chasing the source of a crash that's been bringing this website down for the last couple of days.
iOS 10+ compatibility
3 years ago
### Fixed - Add compatibility with iOS 10+ [#54]
3 years ago
### Added - 'not' `!` operator [#46] - Single quote to specify a string are supported [#42] - New operator `matches` to match a variable against a regular expression [#41] - New operator `contains` between strings. - Support for list with escaped commas with the `isIn` operator [#40] ### Changed - Custom operators have been replaced for their names [#43] - An operator function should now throws rather than returning an optional - Default operator `<:` is now `isIn` and has a reverse operand order. ### Fixed - Using an undefined variable as a right operand will now throw an error - Default operators were always treating operand as Strings
Double string quotes
4 years ago
### Fixed - The string regex pattern allowed to take anything between double quotes, even a double quote.
4 years ago
4 years ago
Expression.description public
4 years ago
### Hotfix - Mark `Expression.description` as `public`
Public evaluate(with:)
4 years ago
### Hotfix - Mark `Expression.evaluate(with:)` as `public`
Public inits
4 years ago
### Hotfix - Mark `Expression` inits as `public`
Minor improvements
4 years ago
### Added - Evaluation of `String` with spaces - `Expression` codable as a `String` describing it as a literal boolean expression - `Expression` variables property to get all the variables involved in the expression - More specific error when initialazing an expression ### Removed - `ExpressionEvaluator` is no more `public`. To evaluate an `Expression`, now call its `evaluate(with:)` function - `VaraiblesProvider`. Variables are now provided by a `[String: String]` dictionary
Codable conformance
4 years ago
### Added - Conformance to codable for `ExpressionElement` and thus for `Expression` too - `Expression` description and evaluation
iOS macOS

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