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ericchapman/vapor-redis-api 0.4.1
Redis helper protocol built for Vapor
⭐️ 0
🕓 4 years ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/ericchapman/vapor-redis-api.git", from: "0.4.1")



Library that provides Redis helper methods as a protocol for Vapor 3.0 projects so that they can be easily integrated into other libraries. My motivation for creating this was to

  • Make my projects independent of what Redis solution was being used
  • Provide the helper methods when using "MULTI"
  • Allow Redis to be stubbed if desired in testing scenarios


The protocol provides most (always adding more) of the Redis standard commands. Using the protocol is shown below

let redis: RedisApi = ... // Depends on integration

_ = redis.set(key: "foo", value: "bar").do { status in
    _ = redis.get(key: "foo").do { value in
        print(value) // Prints 'bar'

The protocol includes support for MULTI/EXEC where the result can be retrieved either when the call is made to the "multi" object OR when the responses are received. An example is shown below

redis.multi { conn in
    conn.set(key: "foo", value: "bar")
    conn.get(key: "foo").do { value in
        print(value) // Prints 'bar'
}.flatten(on: container).do { (responses: [RedisApiData]) in
    let value = responses[1].redisToString
    print(value) // Prints 'bar'


Several methods need to be implemented in order to integrate the protocol. Examples for different libraries are shown as follows


Library is here


// swift-tools-version:4.2
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "MyApp",
    products: [
        .library(name: "MyApp", targets: ["MyApp"]),
    dependencies: [
        // 💧 A server-side Swift web framework.
        .package(url: "https://github.com/vapor/vapor.git", from: "3.0.0"),
        // ⚡️ Non-blocking, event-driven Redis client
        .package(url: "https://github.com/vapor/redis.git", from: "3.4.0"),

        // Redis Api
        .package(url: "https://github.com/ericchapman/vapor-redis-api.git", from: "0.2.0")
    targets: [
        .target(name: "MyApp", dependencies: ["RedisApi", "Redis", "Vapor"]),
        .testTarget(name: "MyAppTests", dependencies: ["MyApp"]),


import Vapor
import Redis
import RedisApi

public class RedisWrapper: RedisApi {
    /// The redis connection for this client
    let redis: RedisClient
    /// The worker for this client
    let worker: Container

    /// Constructor
    init(on worker: Container, redis: RedisClient) {
        self.worker = worker
        self.redis = redis

///------------------------------------- Wrap Redis Client --------------------------------

/// Implement 'RedisApiData' protocol
extension RedisData: RedisApiData {
    public var redisToArray: [RedisApiData]? { return self.array }
    public var redisToString: String? { return self.string }
    public var redisToInt: Int? { return self.int }
    public var redisToDouble: Double? {
        if let string = self.string {
            return Double(string)
        return nil

/// Implement 'RedisApi' protocol
extension RedisWrapper: RedisApi {
    public var eventLoop: EventLoop {
        return self.worker.eventLoop
    public func send(command: String, args: [String]) -> Future<RedisApiData> {
        let data = ([command] + args).map { RedisData(bulk: $0) }
        return self.redis.send(RedisData.array(data)).map(to: RedisApiData.self, {
            (data: RedisData) -> RedisApiData in
            return data as RedisApiData
    public func send(pipeline commands: [[String]]) -> Future<[RedisApiData]> {
        let promise = self.eventLoop.newPromise([RedisApiData].self)
        // Dispatch the requests
        var futures = [Future<RedisData>](https://raw.github.com/ericchapman/vapor-redis-api/master/)
        for command in commands {
            let data = command.map { RedisData(bulk: $0) }
        // Flatten them and return the array of responses
        _ = futures.flatten(on: self.worker).do { (response: [RedisData]) in
            promise.succeed(result: response)
        return promise.futureResult


Stars: 0
Last commit: 4 years ago
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Release Notes

4 years ago

Changes are as follows

  • bug: order of return data in WITHSCORES calls in sorted sets was reversed

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