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LucianoPolit/Leash 3.2.0
Network Abstraction Layer in Swift - Powered by Alamofire
⭐️ 12
🕓 23 weeks ago
.package(url: "https://github.com/LucianoPolit/Leash.git", from: "3.2.0")

Coverage Swift Package Manager compatible CocoaPods compatible Carthage compatible Gitter chat



Imagine a world where network requests heel to your command, where every call is a well-trained pet on a sturdy Leash. Welcome to a place where the repetitive trek through APIManager or Alamofire+ProjectName becomes a leisurely stroll in the park. With Leash, you're not just building a network layer; you're orchestrating a symphony of Interceptors that deftly guide your requests with precision and grace.

Eager for more details? The Interceptors section is your gateway to mastery. Beyond command and control, Leash brings the finesse of encoding, decoding, and seamless authentication to your fingertips, all while harmonizing with the familiar tunes of Alamofire. Embrace the art of network sophistication with Leash — where your code's potential knows no bounds.


  • Xcode 10.0+
  • Swift 5.0+


Swift Package Manager

To integrate Leash into your project using Swift Package Manager, specify it in your Package.swift:

// swift-tools-version:5.0

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "YourPackageName",
    dependencies: [
            url: "https://github.com/LucianoPolit/Leash.git",
            .upToNextMajor(from: "3.2.0")
    targets: [
            name: "YourTargetName",
            dependencies: [


To integrate Leash into your project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'Leash', '~> 3.2'
pod 'Leash/Interceptors', '~> 3.2'
pod 'Leash/RxSwift', '~> 3.2'


To integrate Leash into your project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "LucianoPolit/Leash" ~> 3.2



Step 1: Configure the Manager

Start by setting up a Manager. You can configure it in detail or use a shortcut method. See all configurable options. Example configurations:

Detailed setup:

let manager = Manager.Builder()
    .scheme("http") // Define the scheme.
    .host("localhost") // Specify the host.
    .port(8080) // Set the port.
    .path("api") // Define the base path.
    .build() // Build the manager.

Alternatively, for a quick setup:

let manager = Manager.Builder()
    .url("http://localhost:8080/api") // Set the entire URL in one go.
    .build() // Build the manager.

Step 2: Create a Client

Next, initialize a Client to handle your requests:

let client = Client(
    manager: manager

Step 3: Execute Requests

With an Endpoint set up, you can execute requests. For instance:

) { (response: Response<[User]>) in
    // Handle the response here.

Simplifying Calls

Prefer a more concise approach? You can simplify calls like this:

usersClient.readAll { response in
    // Handle the response here.

This streamlined method enhances readability and efficiency. For best practices and clean architecture, refer to the example project.


Understanding Parameter Configuration

Leash offers versatile ways to configure parameters for different types of requests. You can use various encodings depending on whether your endpoint requires query parameters or body parameters:

  • Query Parameter Types:

    • QueryEncodable
    • [String: CustomStringConvertible]
  • Body Parameter Types:

    • Encodable
    • [String: Any]

Example Implementations

Here's how you can implement each type:

enum APIEndpoint {
    case first(QueryEncodable)
    case second([String: CustomStringConvertible])
    case third(Encodable)
    case fourth([String: Any])

extension APIEndpoint: Endpoint {

    var path: String {

    var method: HTTPMethod {
        switch self {
        case .first: return .get
        case .second: return .get
        case .third: return .post
        case .fourth: return .post

    var parameters: Any? {
        switch self {
        case let .first(request): return request // This is `QueryEncodable`.
        case let .second(request): return request // This is `[String: CustomStringConvertible]`.
        case let .third(request): return request // This is `Encodable`.
        case let .fourth(request): return request // This is `[String: Any]`.

Encoding Classes Used

Leash utilizes different encoding classes:

Custom Encoding

To customize parameter encoding, override the Client.urlRequest(for:) method.

In case you want to encode the parameters in a different way, you have to override the method Client.urlRequest(for:).


Specifying the Response Type

In the process of executing a request with Leash, it's essential to define the expected response type, which must adhere to the Decodable protocol. This specification ensures that, upon receiving a successful response, Leash will efficiently decode the data into the type you've designated. Here's a straightforward example to illustrate this process:

) { (response: Response<[User]>) in
    // On success, `response.value` will be of type `[User]`.

Serialization with JSONDecoder

Leash uses JSONDecoder for response serialization. To customize this process or use a different serializer, implement your own response serializer, leveraging the DataResponseSerializerProtocol from Alamofire.

Example: JSON Response Serializer

extension DataRequest {

    func responseJSON(
        client: Client,
        endpoint: Endpoint,
        completion: @escaping (Response<Any>) -> Void
    ) -> Self {
            client: client,
            endpoint: endpoint,
            serializer: JSONResponseSerializer(),
            completion: completion


Extending Client for Simplified Request Execution

extension Client {

    func execute(
        _ endpoint: Endpoint, 
        completion: @escaping (Response<Any>) -> Void
    ) -> DataRequest? {
        do {
            return request(for: endpoint)
                    client: self, 
                    endpoint: endpoint, 
                    completion: completion
        } catch {
            return nil


An example using these extensions might look like this:

) { (response: Response<Any>) in
    // On success, `response.value` will be of type `Any`.

Now, you are empowered to create your own DataResponseSerializer and leverage all the capabilities of Leash!


Do you need to authenticate your requests? It's straightforward with Leash. Here's how:

class APIAuthenticator {

    var accessToken: String?


extension APIAuthenticator: Authenticator {

    static var header = "Authorization"

    var authentication: String? {
        guard let accessToken = accessToken
        else { return nil }
        return "Bearer \(accessToken)"


Simply register your authenticator like this:

let authenticator = APIAuthenticator()
let manager = Manager.Builder()
    { ... } // Include other necessary configurations here.
    .authenticator(authenticator) // Register the authenticator.
    .build() // Build the manager.

And voilà! Your requests are now authenticated. Concerned about token expiration? Check out the solution here!


Unlocking the Framework's Core Power

Interceptors are Leash's powerhouse, offering the ability to act at various stages of a request's lifecycle. They are categorized into five types for precise intervention:

  • Execution: Called before the execution of a request.
  • Failure: Called when an issue arises during request execution.
  • Success: Called following a successful request.
  • Completion: Called just before the completion handler is called.
  • Serialization: Called post-serialization of the response.

Lifecycle Integration

Every request passes through at least three interceptor types: Execution, Failure or Success, and Completion. The Serialization type is utilized based on whether you're serializing a response or not.

Modularity and Asynchronous Execution

The Manager can hold an array of Interceptors, executed asynchronously and in the order they were added. This queuing ensures a sequential and organized processing flow. If an interceptor requests to conclude an operation, subsequent interceptors of the same type won't be called, providing efficient error handling and flow control.

Independent yet Cohesive

Each interceptor operates independently, ensuring no interdependencies that could complicate your project's structure. This modular design allows for easy removal or addition of interceptors without impacting other components. Furthermore, their reusability across different projects adds to their versatility.

Integrating Interceptors

To add an interceptor to your Manager, follow this pattern:

let manager = Manager.Builder()
    { ... } // Include other necessary configurations here.
        interceptor: CustomInterceptor() // Insert your custom interceptor.


Enhancing Request Readiness

The Execution Interceptor allows for pre-request adjustments and monitoring. Two key implementations demonstrate its versatility:

  1. LoggerInterceptor: Logs details of every request for effective tracking and debugging.
class LoggerInterceptor: ExecutionInterceptor {

    func intercept(
        chain: InterceptorChain<Data>
    ) {
        defer { chain.proceed() }

        guard let request = try? chain.request.convertible.asURLRequest(),
              let method = request.httpMethod,
              let url = request.url?.absoluteString
        else { return }

        Logger.shared.logDebug("👉👉👉 \(method) \(url)")
  1. CacheInterceptor: Determines whether to use cached responses or proceed with a network request.
class CacheInterceptor: ExecutionInterceptor {

    let controller = CacheController()

    func intercept(
        chain: InterceptorChain<Data>
    ) {
        // In this scenario, the cache controller decides whether to complete
        // the operation based on predefined policies.
        // This allows us to instruct the chain to either finish or continue the operation.
        defer { chain.proceed() }

        guard let cachedResponse = try? controller.cachedResponse(
            for: chain.endpoint
        else { return }

            with: cachedResponse.data, 
            finish: cachedResponse.finish



Handling Request Errors Gracefully

The Failure Interceptor steps in when Alamofire encounters an error. Consider this example:

ErrorValidator: A simple but essential interceptor that checks for specific error conditions and modifies or handles them accordingly.

class ErrorValidator: FailureInterceptor {

    func intercept(
        chain: InterceptorChain<Data>,
        error: Swift.Error
    ) {
        defer { chain.proceed() }

        guard case Error.some = error
        else { return }

            with: Error.another



Optimizing Response Management

The Success Interceptor is pivotal when Alamofire successfully retrieves a response, offering a chance to perform additional validations or processing. Here are two illustrative examples:

  1. BodyValidator: This interceptor decodes the response data to check for API-specific errors. If found, it handles them appropriately.
class BodyValidator: SuccessInterceptor {

    func intercept(
        chain: InterceptorChain<Data>, 
        response: HTTPURLResponse, 
        data: Data
    ) {
        defer { chain.proceed() }

        guard let error = try? chain.client.manager.jsonDecoder.decode(
            from: data
        else { return }

            with: Error.server(error)

  1. ResponseValidator: This interceptor focuses on validating the HTTP status code of the response. It categorizes the response based on the status code, assigning appropriate errors for specific ranges or conditions.
class ResponseValidator: SuccessInterceptor {

    func intercept(
        chain: InterceptorChain<Data>, 
        response: HTTPURLResponse, 
        data: Data
    ) {
        defer { chain.proceed() }

        let error: Error

        switch response.statusCode {
            case 200 ... 299: return
            case 401, 403: error = .unauthorized
            default: error = .unknown

            with: error



Refining the Final Stages of a Request

The Completion Interceptor acts just before the completion handler provided. Here are two examples:

  1. LoggerInterceptor: Logs the outcome of every response, distinguishing between success and failure.
class LoggerInterceptor: CompletionInterceptor {

    func intercept(
        chain: InterceptorChain<Data>, 
        response: Response<Data>
    ) {
        defer { chain.proceed() }

        guard let request = try? chain.request.convertible.asURLRequest(),
              let method = request.httpMethod,
              let url = request.url?.absoluteString
        else { return }

        switch response {
        case .success:
            Logger.shared.logDebug("✔✔✔ \(method) \(url)")
        case .failure(let error):
            Logger.shared.logDebug("✖✖✖ \(method) \(url)")

  1. AuthenticationValidator: This more complex interceptor steps in when authentication issues arise. It refreshes tokens as needed, ensuring continuous authenticated access.
class AuthenticationValidator: CompletionInterceptor {

    func intercept(
        chain: InterceptorChain<Data>, 
        response: Response<Data>
    ) {
        guard let error = response.error,
              case Error.unauthorized = error,
              let authenticator = chain.client.manager.authenticator as? APIAuthenticator
        else {

        RefreshTokenManager.shared.refreshTokenIfNeeded { authenticated, accessToken in
            guard authenticated
            else {
                    with: Error.unableToAuthenticate
            authenticator.accessToken = accessToken

            do {
                try chain.retry()
            } catch {
                // Typically, retrying does not throw an error.
                // However, for maximum safety and to handle unexpected scenarios,
                // we wrap it in a do-catch block.
                    with: Error.unableToRetry


Note: You can also use the Adapter and Retrier provided by Alamofire.


The Serialization Interceptor is the final and optional phase in the request lifecycle, dependent on whether you are serializing your response or just handling the Data.

For example, in continuation with the CacheController, here's how you can update the cache with a successfully serialized response:

class CacheInterceptor: SerializationInterceptor {

    let controller = CacheController()

    func intercept<T: DataResponseSerializerProtocol>(
        chain: InterceptorChain<T.SerializedObject>,
        response: Response<Data>,
        result: Result<T.SerializedObject, Swift.Error>,
        serializer: T
    ) {
        defer { chain.proceed() }

        guard let value = response.value, 
              (try? result.get()) != nil
        else { return }

            for: chain.endpoint, 
            value: value



For those who are fans of RxSwift, Leash has got you covered with a dedicated extension. Here's how you can streamline your network calls using RxSwift:

    type: [User].self
).subscribe { event in
    // Handle the response event here.

Seeking an even more concise approach? You can simplify it further:

usersClient.rx.readAll().subscribe { event in
    // Handle the response event here.

This approach aligns perfectly with the ethos of keeping your project simple and clean. For an in-depth understanding and best practices, explore the structure outlined in the example project.


  • If you need help, open an issue.
  • If you found a bug, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.


Luciano Polit, [email protected]


Leash is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Stars: 12
Last commit: 23 weeks ago
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